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Register by Projects
Classification by alphabetical order.

For the letter A
⊿ A Belgian Specificity? Sexual revolution and (un)pillarisation, from 1960 to 2000 (Sex and Pil)
⊿ A comparative analysis of academic and scientific careers in Europe
⊿ A comparative approach of various forms of literary journalism, in English and French (literary journalism, gonzo journalism).
⊿ A comparative study of the practice of the Courts of cassation in Belgium and France in the 19 th C. : the role of ''applications in the interest of the law'' (broadly equivalent to Attorney-General's References).
⊿ A crisis in Europe or Europe in crisis? The effect of citizens’ evaluation of recent European crises on national and European identity, and support for populist parties.
⊿ A critical inventory of the main bioethical resources in the developped world. A data base.
⊿ A distingo between the scene investigations and the judicial expertises
⊿ A history of mariage and family
⊿ A neurophysiological, cognitive and biological investigation of the effects of bedtime extension as an intervention to counteract the adverse effects of chronic sleep loss
⊿ A sociological comparison of school policies in Western Europe.
⊿ A strategic analysis of organisations: micro-economic and management perspectives with an application to the case of universities
⊿ A structural model for the organisation of universities involving the market context
⊿ A study of cancer patients' needs and of the optimale organization of psychological support in cancer care.
⊿ A study of creative processes
⊿ A study of genetic variations of sleep wake rhythms and resistance to sleep deprivation in man (in collaboration with P. Maquet, Cyclotron Unit, Ulg)
⊿ A study of physiopathology of sleep by means of numerical analysis of EEG signal in sleep disorders and depressive illnesses
⊿ A study of psychological consequences of cure among hemato-oncologic patients.
⊿ A study of the correlation between the variation of cardiac rhythm and the delta power of sleep EEG signal in depression and primary insomnia
⊿ A study of the resources of young Burundians who have gone through traumatic experiences linked to genocidal violence and exile
⊿ AAV vectors carrying tetracyclin-inducible promoter to modulate gene expression (ex vivo and in vivo) in the brain.
⊿ Ab initio calculation of molecular structures
⊿ Abstract in Belgium
⊿ Acquisition of the reading and the spelling and its troubles.
⊿ ACTE - Autism in Context: theory and experiment
⊿ Adaptation strategies of the prisoners and of the prison's staff. The case of the penitentiary and reeducation center of Kasapa ( Lubumbashi )
⊿ Adaptation to climate change in developing countries (West Africa)
⊿ Addiction 1
⊿ Addiction 2
⊿ Addiction 3
⊿ Addiction 4
⊿ Addiction 5
⊿ Addiction 6
⊿ Addiction 7
⊿ Addiction 8
⊿ Adipocytokins and inflammation in the metabolic syndrome
⊿ Adolescence : psychopathology and normal development through the study of family ties and affiliation bonds
⊿ Adolescents' consumption of cannabis. Evaluation of an intervention model.
⊿ Adoption and construction of the identity
⊿ Advanced MaPping of residential ExposuRE to RF-EMF sources (AMPERE)
⊿ AfReSlide. Landslides in Equatorial Africa : Identifying culturally, technically and economically feasible resilience strategies.
⊿ Ageing and renal function during exercise.
⊿ Ageing effects on the neuromuscular function
⊿ Air Coolant Oil Coolers (for aero-engines)
⊿ Air-Oil Breathers for aero-engines
⊿ Algebraic methods in quantum mechanics
⊿ Algebric Structure of Gauge theories, BRST symetry
⊿ Altered and enhanced cortical proprioceptive processing in human models
⊿ Alzheimer's disease
⊿ AMANDA and ICECUBE experiments
⊿ An "indigenous" migration control ? The participation of return migrants (or "returnees") in migration control in their countries of origin: the cases of Senegal and Mali
⊿ An archaeology of landscapes
⊿ An archaeology of practices
⊿ An architecture of silent performance. Tracing the political reengagement of the discipline in practice.
⊿ An ecological momentary assessment of goal interference, goal facilitation and compensatory health beliefs in the promotion of a healthy diet and physical activity in a general adult population
⊿ An empirical study of the primary and secondary processes according to Freudian theory
⊿ An experimental study of the dynamic organization of unconscious processes according to Freud
⊿ Analysis of ancient hydraulic systems
⊿ Analysis of global wrist kinematics using spatial electrogoniometry. Normal kinematics, analysis of circumduction envelope and clinical applications
⊿ Analysis of land and estate markets.
⊿ Analysis of the location and influence of public facilities and services (hospitals, schools,...) and of the flows they generate.
⊿ Analysis of the regional socio-economic structures and their relationships to the investment dynamics.
⊿ Analysis of urban regeneration policies.
⊿ Anarchism in Belgium XX century
⊿ Anatomical origins of temporal dispersion products in the auditory system of the dog
⊿ Ancient Philosophy
⊿ Announcement of severe paediatrics diagnoses
⊿ Antiprotonic atoms
⊿ Apolipoproteins
⊿ ARA (Askar'yan Radio Array) Experiment
⊿ ARA - Architecture and agrarian reform. The case of the modern agricultural colonies in Mediterranean area (Italy - Spain - Israël), from historical topic to territory of spatial design
⊿ ARC "Advanced" 2020-2025 - Partial Differential Equations in interaction
⊿ Archaeological study of Central Africa and more specifically ot the transition period between the Stone and Iron Age
⊿ Architectural History, Theory and Criticism/see Hortence
⊿ Architecture and anthropology
⊿ Architecture and citizen participation
⊿ Architecture and Hard Science
⊿ Architecture and Laboratory of Forms and Materials
⊿ Architecture and psychoanalysis
⊿ Architecture and wine
⊿ Architectures normativities
⊿ Argumentation and Humanities
⊿ Arithmetic and grouptheoretical reduction of rank 3 amalgams of thick linear spaces that are flag-homogeneous
⊿ Art critic and artists' writing
⊿ ARTURO: Augmented RealiTy Unilateral RehabilitatiOn
⊿ Assessing Deviance, Crime and Prevention in Europe. European coordinated action project of the Sixth Framework Program (FP6-2004-Citizens-5 / Priority 7 / Citizens-2004-6.2.3)
⊿ Assessing Intellectual Property Relevant Similarities In Images Through Algorithmic Decision Systems
⊿ Assyria and Egypt in relation to religions and philosophies of the Antiquity
⊿ At the Crossroads of Traditional and Postmodern Religiosity: Beat Mysticism Re-assessed
⊿ Atlas of primitive incidence geometries for small almost simple groups
⊿ Atlas of residually weakly primitive incidence geometries of small groups
⊿ Atlas of symmetric graphs of degree up to 30
⊿ Atlas of the ceramic traditions of Niger
⊿ Atmospheric composition measurements by infrared spectroscopy from satellites
⊿ Atomic and molecular dynamics and reactivity
⊿ Audiogram determination in puppy dogs using the ASSEP method
⊿ Audiovisual interaction in the analysis of the spatial scene and in speech.
⊿ Auditory and visual attention.
⊿ Auditory evoqued potentials and anatomical changes during the maturational period of the auditory system
⊿ Autodétermination sans État ? Hiérarchies inter-subalternes et coninuités coloniales globales
⊿ Automation and Quantitative Morphometry
⊿ Autonomy dysfunction in adolescence