Register by Projects
Classification by alphabetical order.
For the letter N
⊿ NAD metabolism and regulation of immune responses
⊿ Nanomaterials for sensing applications
⊿ Nanometric networks ''Ru(II) complexes - oligonucleotides''
⊿ National and confessional identities in 16th and 17th century Europe.
⊿ Navigation and trajectory control of a robotic hummingbird
⊿ NEEM (North Eemian greenland Ice Core)
⊿ Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis and adreno-genital syndrome.
⊿ Neural bases of learning and long term consolidation of sequential regularities. Combined effects of discrete vs. continuous learning mode and post-training sleep
⊿ Neural correlates of the dynamics of learning
⊿ Neurobiomechanics - beta oscillations
⊿ Neurobiomechanics - beta oscillations
⊿ Neurobiomechanics - postural control
⊿ Neurobiomechanics - postural control
⊿ Neuromaturational Delays in Iron Deficient Anemic Infants
⊿ Neuromuscular mechanisms of fatigue
⊿ Neuromuscular plasticity
⊿ Neurophysiological adaptations to rehabilitation methods
⊿ Neurophysiologie of motor control
⊿ Neurophysiology of epileptic activities and their impact on cognition and language, and sleep-dependant processes
⊿ Neuropsychological studies of auditory agnosia
⊿ Neuroscience in Sport
⊿ Neurovascular Signaling
⊿ Non-classical nucleation theory
⊿ Non-repudiation and related subjects (fair exchange, certified e-mail, contract signing, ...)
⊿ Non-repudiation and related subjects (fair exchange, certified e-mail, contract signing, ...)
⊿ Nonequilibrium physics in nanosciences, chemical physics, biophysics, surface science and heterogeneous catalysis
⊿ Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and transport theory
⊿ Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, fluctuation theory and stochastic processes
⊿ Nonlinear and stochastic phenomena in nanosciences
⊿ Nonlinear dynamics of interfacial instabilities
⊿ Nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory and complex systems
⊿ North African Rock Art Under new light : A palaeosociology of the last Hunter-Gatherers and first Pastoralists
⊿ Notarial Unit
⊿ Nuclear data for astrophysics : nucleosynthesis processes
⊿ Nucleation and crystallization
⊿ Nutrient pathways at the continent-ocean interface and coastal eutrophication. The N-E Atlantic Ocean.
⊿ Nutrition and circadian rhythms in plants
⊿ Nutrition of plants in major mineral elements