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Register by Projects
Classification by alphabetical order.

For the letter B
⊿ Bacterial ecology of surface waters
⊿ BANTURIVERS - At a Crossroads of Bantu Expansions: Present and Past Riverside Communities in the Congo Basin, from an Integrated Linguistic, Anthropological and Archaeological Perspective
⊿ Basic research and development aimed at creating new pharmaceutical forms, improving manufacturing processes, and increasing the bioavailability of active molecules...
⊿ Basic researches in echinoderm biology (marine invertebrates).
⊿ Behavioral and brain dynamics of consciousness
⊿ Behavioral biology
⊿ Being a father, a mother, a child today : emergence of the psychism and transformation of the bond
⊿ Belgian 'Language in Autism' Study
⊿ Belgium at the end of the century : paintings and art deco
⊿ BELISSIMA (Belgian Ice Sheet-Ice Shelves Measurements in Antarctica)
⊿ Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: implementing language policy in urban heteroglossic schools
⊿ Beyond ideology: religion and free thought in Belgian medical press (1840-1914)
⊿ Beyond strength of ingroup identification: What dimensions of ingroup identity suppress outgroup forgiveness attitudes?
⊿ BIBI: the impact of bilingualism and bi-dialectalism on cognitive and linguistic development.
⊿ Bibracte, oppidum of the Aeduans
⊿ BIGSOUTH (BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth System)
⊿ Bilevel programming
⊿ Bilevel programming
⊿ Bindings to see and hear a word
⊿ Bio-inspired Organic Nanostructures: design and recognition
⊿ BioClInc
⊿ Biodiversity (zoogeography, systematics and bioecology) of echinoderms (echinoids and asteroids).
⊿ Biodiversity, evolution, ecology and reproductive strategies of termites
⊿ Bioecology of echinoderm populations in littoral marine ecosystems.
⊿ Bioethics: problematic subjets in biology
⊿ Biogeochemical cycles in forests
⊿ Biographical Dictionnary of the Komintern for the french speaking countries
⊿ Biological adaptive radiotherapy on the MR-Linac
⊿ Biological and Integrated Control
⊿ Biological patterns recognition by Deep Learning models
⊿ Biology of echinoderm-based symbioses.
⊿ Biology of stem cells
⊿ Biomechanical study of cervical manipulation (thrust) by three-dimensional kinematics.
⊿ Biomechanics, modeling and functional assessment
⊿ Biomechanics, modeling and functional assessment
⊿ Biomineralization:structural, functional and environmental aspects of skeletogenesis.
⊿ Biomolecular Engineering
⊿ Biosynthesis and functions of the modified nucleosides of transfer RNA.
⊿ Birth of a child - birth of a family : giving and receiving
⊿ Black holes
⊿ Blueprint
⊿ Boundary-crossing problems
⊿ Brain EEG dynamics during spatial navigation
⊿ Brain function on astronauts on board the International Space Station.
⊿ BruFence
⊿ BruFence
⊿ Brussels sustainable economy
⊿ Business history
⊿ Business intelligence as an information mediation process within organisations