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LaDisco : Center of research in linguistics

This Center groups linguists representing the main trends in contemporary linguistics. Research conducted within the Center is organised around four main axes: Language & Cognition, Morphology & Syntaxe, Semantics & Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics & Discours analysis.The first axis, Language & Cognition, highlights the cognitive correlate of linguistic phenomena, using empirical methods from cognitive sciences and experimental and clinical psychology. The Semantics and Pragmatics axis focuses on the interface between conventional meaning and its use in contexte, in close interaction with philosophy of language and mind, but also informed by experimental studies. The Morphology and Syntax axis encourages an in-depth study of linguistic structures, with approaches ranging from French linguistics to Chomskian generatistivism, and including cognitive linguistics. The last axis, Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis, studies language in its context of social use and is based on the analysis of corpora as well as on methods derived from sociology or ethnography.

Center for research and prospective in social law

Center for International Cooperation and Development Studies - CECID

Laboratory of Stem Cells & Cancer

Funded in 2006 by Prof. Cédric Blanpain, the laboratory of stem cells & cancer uses lineage-tracing approaches to study the role of SCs during development, homeostasis and cancer. They uncovered the existence of stem cells and progenitors acting during homeostasis and repair of the epidermis and uncovered a novel paradigm of lineage segregation in the mammary gland and prostate. The lab was pioneered in using mouse genetics to identify the cancer cell of origin of epithelial cancers. They identified the cancer cell of origin and the mechanisms regulating the early steps of tumor initiation in skin basal cell carcinoma, skin squamous cell carcinoma and mammary tumors. They developed novel approaches to unravel the mode of tumour growth within their natural environment and to understand the mechanisms regulating cancer stem cell functions. 

Criminal Law Research Center

Le Centre de Recherches en Droit Pénal (CRDP) est né en octobre 2018. Composé d’académiques et de praticiens, le CRDP s’est déjà largement développé par l’activité de ses membres et d’événements créés en partenariat avec d’autres universités, centres, ONG, etc. 

Pour en savoir plus:

Laboratoire de Musicologie

Department of Applied Economics of the ULB

Le centre de recherche DULBEA, Département d'économie appliquée de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, attaché à la Solvay Brussels School Economics et Management, est actif depuis 1956 dans des recherches de pointe sur les thématiques de l'économie publique et régionale, de l’économie de la santé et de l'économie du travail et de genre. Les thématiques analysées touchent tant l’évaluation de politiques publiques que la recherche systématique et sont destinées dans un premier temps aux économistes et aux décideurs politiques. Les conclusions de ces recherches sont également publiées au niveau international et servent de base au développement de recommandations et d’outils d’aide à la décision politique, économique et sociale. Aujourd'hui, une équipe d'une vingtaine de personnes réunit sur les campus de ULB de Bruxelles et de Charleroi, sous la direction du Professeur Ilan Tojerow, des professeurs, des chercheurs et des doctorants dont les recherches et les analyses associent expertise scientifique et utilité sociale. 

IB² Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels

IB² is a collaborative bioinformatics research environment in Brussels. The goal of the IB² is to bring together research groups in and around Brussels requiring bioinformatics and computational biology expertise. IB² is an interuniversity, cross-faculty (Medicine, Sciences, and Applied Sciences) collaborative space located on the La Plaine campus of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

CiASp: Centre for research in film and the performing arts

Le centre de recherche CiASp, centre de recherche en Cinéma et Arts du spectacle de la faculté de Lettres, Traduction & Communication (LTC), réunit les chercheurs qui explorent les aspects théoriques et pratiques (notamment à travers le doctorat en arts et sciences de l’art) du cinéma et du spectacle vivant. Le centre facilite à la fois des projets de recherche à orientation historique que des études de pratique contemporaines, et cela toujours en insérant sont objet d’étude dans son contexte social et politique plus large.

Cinéma et spectacle vivant sont étudiées sous un angle pluridisciplinaire, relevant tout autant de sa théorisation que de l’analyse de certaines pratiques spécifiques. Les recherches fondamentales portent sur la mise au point de modèles permettant de rendre compte des processus et instances spécifiques du cinéma et spectacle vivant. Les recherches appliquées portent sur la genèse, l’expérience, la communication et la réception du cinéma et spectacle vivant. Elles s’intéressent tant à la relecture des données historiographiques et pratiques constitutives dites “time-based”, qu’aux formes contemporaines. Les analyses concernent principalement les processus de création, d’énonciation, de signification, de transmission, de notation et de réception du cinéma et du spectacle vivant.

Le centre de recherche CiASp est associé au Laboratoire de Musicologie (LaM) de la Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales, au groupe de recherche transfacultaire MuCiA, qui favorise les rencontres entre les spécialistes de toutes ces disciplines selon des approches et des méthodologies diverses.

TRADITAL : Research centre for Translation, interpretation, language didactics, and natural language processing

Le centre TRADITAL  regroupe des chercheurs issus des trois départements de la Faculté de lettres, traduction et communication.
Tradital se définit comme un centre de recherche en traduction, interprétation, didactique et traitement automatique des langues. Les activités de recherche se développent autour de trois axes principaux, envisagés dans leur dimension transversale : 
    • traductologie et interprétologie ; 
    • didactique des langues, cultures et littératures ; 
    • ingénierie des langues et aides à la traduction. 
En traductologie, les intentions de recherche visent l’étude et la modélisation de la compétence, des stratégies et des procédés de traduction, le contrôle de la qualité et la traduction littéraire. Le champ de l’interprétologie vise, de manière générale, l’étude et la modélisation des diverses formes d’interprétation, ainsi que l’étude des processus cognitifs en jeu. Les nouveaux défis, sociaux et technologiques, de l’interprétation ouvrent, en outre, d’intéressantes perspectives de recherches appliquées.
L’axe de la didactique des langues, cultures et littératures vise des questions épistémologiques et méthodologiques en didactique des langues française et étrangères, en didactique des cultures et de l’interculturel en langues étrangères et en didactique des littératures en langues étrangères.
Finalement, l’axe de l’ingénierie linguistique, envisagée dans une perspective multilingue, comme au service de la traduction, couvre des recherches sur le traitement automatique des langues, sur la linguistique de corpus et sur la constitution de bases de données lexicales et sémantiques.
Le centre Tradital organise régulièrement des Midis de la recherche qui peuvent prendre la forme d’un séminaire, d’une disputatio ou encore d’une formation aux outils de la recherche. Les doctorants sont invités à présenter un aspect de leur recherche en présence d’un discutant extérieur.
Le Centre de recherche Termisti, issu de l'Institut supérieur de traducteurs et interprètes (ISTI), a servi de noyau fondateur au centre Tradital, qu'il intègre comme groupe de recherche.

Laboratory of Experimental Neprhology

Laboratory of Experimental Gastroenterology

Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in Healthcare

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in Healthcare (I3H) is a newly institute created to develop  scientific  knowledge, education  programs  and awareness raising activities to promote new models of innovation in healthcare. The  primary  objective  of  the  research  program  will  be  to  develop  tools  to define  and  measure  the  impact  of  multi-stakeholder collaborative  projects  in relation  to  the expectations of each  stakeholder,  with a  focus on  the  common theme of patient-centricity. 

Laboratory of Pathophysiological and Nutritional Biochemistry

The laboratory principally investigates the expression and role of aquaporins in salivary glands, as well as in other organs, under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. In addition, the laboratory also investigates the expression and role of ghrelin and ghrelin receptors in organs under various pathophysiological conditions. For these purposes, the laboratory combines the use of cell and animal models, as well as various high-performance biochemical, pharmacological, molecular biology and cell biology methodologies. 

Laboratory of Bone and Metabolic Biochemistry

Laboratory of Bone and Metabolic Biochemistry The laboratory of Bone and Metabolic Biochemistry was established in April 2010 by Joanne Rasschaert in collaboration with Prof. Valérie Gangji, Head of the Service of Rheumatology and Physical Medicine at the Erasmus Hospital (Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels). The creation of this new research unit which integrates fundamental and clinical research activities, allowed Profs Gangji and Rasschaert to combine their expertise in the fields of bone diseases, studies of physiological and pathological metabolic processes, signaling pathways and apoptosis. The research group is interested in understanding the mechanisms involved in bone diseases associated with dysfunction and death of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells  and mature osteoblasts.By combining in vitro and in vivo approaches, the research activities developed in the Laboratory intend to:- investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the relations and synergies recently described between bone and energy metabolism;- clarify the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the development of bone diseases such as osteonecrosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and non-unions (pseudarthrosis); - evaluate the role of bone marrow fat accumulation and altered lipid metabolism in the pathophysiology of osteoporosis and osteonecrosis;- identify new agents promoting differentiation, proliferation and survival of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells and osteoblasts in order to consolidate projects and clinical trials in bone cell therapy.

Thermal experimental physics and Soft Matter

This experimental research unit focuses on the investigation of the dynamics of polymers and other soft materials, in bulk, in solution and upon confinement at the nanoscale level. In particular, we are strongly interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms governing glassy dynamics, crystallization and adsorption, and in developing new methods to characterize materials properties (conductivity, durability, stability, phase transition temperature, ') by means of dielectric spectroscopy.

Environmental management - Society and Territories

L'unité de recherche Gestion de l'Environnement, Société et Territoires de la Faculté des sciences

HABITER Study center in Development, Territory and Landscapes

HABITER is the Study Center in Development, Territory and Landscape which, within the ULB's Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta, is engaged with the study of landscape, urban and territorial transformation dynamics in the North as well as in the South of the world.   Its activities are focused on cooperation and development issues at large, with an ecological and cultural approach to sustainability and context.   HABITER was created in June 2013, as a step in the development of research activities within the Faculty of architecture; a process started with the creation of the Center of Associated Labs for Research in Architecture CLARA in January 2011, and the unification of the two former superior institutes for architecture ISACF-La Cambre (founded 1927) and ISAI-Victor Horta (founded 1711 as Royal Academy of Fine Arts) and their integration in the university in 2010.   HABITER develops its research activities in close link to the two other pillars of the university's mission: teaching and service to society.   The members of HABITER explore the rationales of spatial and societal transformations of urban and non urban spaces, trough the peculiar tools of architecture, urban and landscape design, supported by the input of connected disciplines such as the Humanities, the Social, Natural and Engineering Sciences.   The works developed within HABITER target fields such as cultural heritage, urban services, landscape, energy transition, local governance, sustainable neighbourhoods, etc. seen as the indicators and drivers of the ongoing developments and changes within cities and territories nowadays. The approach developed within HABITER is context- and scale-specific ' from the architectural object to the urban, landscape and territorial systems ' and turns its attention to the existing or required socio-political, technical, and spatial devices able to guarantee innovative forms of development, in relation to the rising frames of reference in regional planning, governance, landscape and ecological urbanism.



Research Unit in Rehabilitation Sciences

Our research unit aims to study the physiological and physiopathological aspects of the lympho-venous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. At the heart of our interests are the evaluation of function, imaging, and the effects of physiotherapy prevention and rehabilitation.
Research in these 3 areas is the responsibility of:
JP Belgrado: Project Lymphology / Main subject: lypoedema
J Van Cant: Project Musculoskeletal physiotherapy / Main subject: The runner
G Deboeck: Project Cardiovascular and respiratory rehabilitation / Main subject: Vascular adaptation during aerobic training

Geochemistry & Geophysics : Tephra, Isotopes, Minerals, Earthquakes

L'unité de recherche Géochimie, Traçage isotopique, Minéral et Elémentaire de la Faculté des sciences

Biogeochemistry and Earth System Modeling)

The BGeoSys group includes academics, post-doctoral, Ph.D. and technical staff with expertise in a range of research fields from the biogeochemistry of continental and marine systems, the kinetics of water-rock-microorganisms processes to the modelling of the Earth system. Our approach encompass experimental, modelling and field work covering an large spectrum of temporal (seconds to billion years) and spatial -(nanometer to the global) scales. We are focusing our efforts on the carbon and nutrients cycles and on their role in shaping the present and past climates of the Earth.

Health systems and policies - International Health

traduction en cours...

Environmental health and occupational health

La santé environnementale et la santé au travail contribuent à la Santé Publique par la prise en compte et l’objectivation de situations d’exposition des individus que ce soit sur le lieu de travail, à domicile ou dans d’autres lieux de vie.

Elle objective également l’exposition non volontaire à l’environnement extérieur, en ville, à la campagne, aux alentours d’un site industriel ; aussi bien individuellement qu’en tant que groupe. L’environnement est étudié dans son ensemble et dans sa globalité (paramètres physiques, chimiques et biologiques mais concernant aussi des aspects psychosociaux, légaux, paysagers, …).
Le Centre de recherche [CR-SET] aborde aussi bien l’environnement intérieur qu’extérieur. L’approche vise à un travail multidisciplinaire en vue d’une protection de la santé humaine.

Social approaches to health

translation in progress

Epidemiology, biostatistics and clinical research

Quantitative Methods in Public Health include the statistical and epidemiological aspects. The research we do is essentially applied: methodological and thematic approaches are closely related. The application areas are very large. The research concern both low, middle income countries and hight income countriesThe team is specialized in the development of observational studies and intervention protocols at the community level as well as clinic level. It also specializes in the research analysis of the most appropriate data and the use of statistical modeling methods.

Health Economics, Health Facility Administration and Nursing Science

Research in the laboratory focuses on the understanding and characterization of (bio) molecular complexes. NMR, UV/VIS Spectroscopy and micro-calorimetry are extensively usedin order to obtain insight into the complex problem of molecular recognition. 

Machine Learning Group

The Machine Learning Group (MLG), founded in 2004 by G. Bontempi,  is a research unit of the Computer Science Department of the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium), Faculty of Sciences, currently co-headed by Prof. Gianluca Bontempi and Prof. Tom Lenaerts.
MLG targets machine learning and artificial intelligence research focusing on time series analysis, big data mining, causal inference, network inference, decision-making models, multi-agent learning and behavioral analysis with applications in data science, medicine, molecular biology, cybersecurity and social dynamics related to cooperation, emotions and others.

LoUIsE - Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies

LoUIsE - Laboratory on Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies - is focusing on the dynamics of transformations of metropolitan territories. LoUIsE is based in the Brussels-Capital Region. The research goes beyond the discipline of urbanism to take on environmental, infrastructural, and social issues concerning cities and urban territories in the larger sense. Affiliated members are indeed convinced it is flows, networks, and infrastructures that make up the global framework from which urbanism's contemporary territories are organized. Research in LoUIsE laboratory takes shape first and foremost through research made in the context of doctoral and postdoctoral theses, financed by the National Scientific Research Fund, the regional initiative Innoviris and the European Regional Development Fund.


In construction


hortence is the Research Centre for architectural history, theory and criticism of the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Established in 2008, hortence counts at present more than twenty members. The personality of hortence is characterized by its members – academics, researchers, PhD students and practising architects – who all engage critically with the history and theory of modern and contemporary architecture.

As such, hortence gathers distinct areas of research strength, in particular regarding
‣ heritage studies of 20th-century architecture in Belgium;
‣ the study of mediation in architecture;
‣ the history of architectural theory and criticism;
‣ the study of architectural pedagogies;
‣ research through and by architectural design;
‣ architecture and genre.

hortence also seeks as much as possible to enhance, diffuse and to question its research through the organization of workshops, conferences, colloquia, exhibitions as well as through publications. These activities of research and service to the community reflect the engagement of its members with teaching courses on the history, theory and criticism of architecture; a.o. the research seminar on research methodologies concerning architectural theory, the design studio HTC, and the study groups (“options”) HTC, Restoration and heritage DOCOMOMO and Archives.


Créé en 1994, le laboratoire AlICe s'intéresse à l'analyse formelle et à la représentation graphique de l'architecture. En envisageant le modèle 3D comme source de connaissance et comme socle d'étude de l'objet architectural, le laboratoire cherche à établir une forme de continuité historique entre méthodes projectives traditionnelles et outils numériques contemporains. Ces réflexions, qui se situent dans un contexte exclusivement épistémologique, concernent autant la compréhension des codes des modes de représentation canoniques que la génération de formes par modèle procédural, ou encore le relevé photogrammétrique ou l'impression 3D. Un des terrains d'investigation favori pour une telle approche analytique est l'architecture structuraliste et théorique produite pendant les années 1970 et 1980 aux États-Unis ou en Europe.
Le laboratoire développe par ailleurs un savoir spécifique dans le domaine de l'acquisition de données d'objets du patrimoine architectural par empreinte numérique tridimensionnelle, ainsi que dans l'étude des représentations d'architecture qu'il est possible d'extraire de ces mêmes empreintes. Le champ d'application directe de ces derniers travaux est la création de documents de support à l'analyse architecturale, à des hypothèses de restitution d'états antérieurs du bâtiment, ou à la restauration.

Le laboratoire ait partie de la plateforme de recherche PANORAMA, qui regroupe AlICe, le CReA et le LISA sur des questions d'étude, de relevé et de représentation numérique 3D du patrimoine archéologique et architectural.

Aterlier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s)

ACTE - Autism in Context: theory and experiment

The interfaculty research group ACTE (Autism in Context: Theory and Experiment) started in 2015 at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Our main objective is to contribute to a better understanding of language development and communication skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our research focuses in particular on the origins of language delays, social communication skills in children and adults and the implications of social communication differences in everyday interactions. We bring together investigation techniques from cognitive psychology, social psychology and linguistics within an ecological research program, whose experimental dimension is geared towards specific sensibilities of children and adults with autism.  

Across all components of the ACTE project, we consider the great heterogeneity that characterises the autism spectrum. Whenever possible, we will also attempt to gain insight to children’s individual progression and evolution, by designing longitudinal studies. 

Research Center Leonardo Da Vinci

The architectural research center LEONARDO DA VINCI (CRA-LDV or LDV research center) has been in existence since January 2009 within the framework of the Higher Institute of Architecture Victor Horta. It aims to develop a research dynamic specific to the ULB's Faculty of Architecture.Its structure and activities are set up to provide for its funding, to liberate and enhance individual initiatives, to publish and make visible research, and to participate in national and international networks.In addition to their teaching duties, many of its members participate actively in the professional life of an architect. One of the major strengths of the LDV research center is the combination of members with an increased knowledge of research at ULB and abroad, with professors who are actively involved.The Leonardo da Vinci Center is particularly positioned in an interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary dynamic between philosophy, psychology, art, architecture, landscape, sociology and town planning, thus enlarging the scope of research. This interdisciplinarity highlights a common and complex reflection that goes beyond the disciplinary frameworks in order to reinforce and acquire competences common to the associated disciplines.The Leonardo da Vinci Center undertakes transversal approaches along three main lines:- SPACE-TIME, the notion of the time and memory of the cities of the 21st century;- FORM, urban and architectural form in the face of the complexity of contemporary globalized cities;- NEW LANDSCAPES, the question of the city-nature in relation to the changes of urban landscapes in the face of globalization.These three axes of direction allow the LDV research center to broaden and rethink the fields of architecture, intermingling both theoretical and practical developments.The center also pursues close relations between the teaching of the project in architecture (MASTER 1 & MASTER 2) and research, through exchanges between students, PhD students, researchers, teachers and professionals in order to develop by-design research, a field not yet deepened within the university.

Biology of the Nucleus

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large protein assemblies that perforate the double membrane of the nuclear envelope (NE). They mediate all trafficking between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of interphase cells and are composed of a set of different proteins, known as nucleoporins. Nucleoporins frequently have additional functions in, for example, chromatin organisation, transcription and cell cycle progression, which are mainly independent of nuclear transport. Therefore, nucleoporins are key players in overall nuclear organisation and intact nuclear organisation is critical for normal cell function. Our aim is to understand the role of certain nucleoporins in human disease, acute leukaemia and a neuromuscular disorder known as fetal akinesia in particular .

Department of Pathology

The main research themes of the laboratory focus on the identification and validation of new biomarkers in human cancers with diagnostic, prognostic and theragnostic purposes. The research activities combine fundamental and clinical aspects. For more than 15 years, our investigations have been focused on protein biomarkers in human tissue samples, animals and in vitro models. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) plays an essential role in the validation of these biomarkers because, as opposed to other biochemical approaches, this technology enables morphological control and thus protein localization at histological and cellular levels. A close collaboration with the Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis (LISA, Ecole polytechnique, U.L.B., allows us to develop standardized tools for characterizing protein expression by using the multiple abilities provided by digital image analysis. From this collaboration was created the interfaculty unit, DIAPath (Digital Image Analysis in Pathology,, which is included in the Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging (CMMI, Biopark of Gosselies, know-how in biomarkers is often requested by other university and biotech research teams. These collaborations lead us to analyse human tumours from many origins as well as pathologic tissues from other diseases, such as inflammatory diseases, graft-versus-host or diabetes.

Wireless communications group

The Wireless Communications Group was founded in 2007. Its strategic vision focus on the development of a team of researchers working in synergy to address new challenges of emerging wireless communications systems, from propagation physics to network architectures through modems. 

The Group owns expertise in three complementary fields : (i) propagation channel modeling (Prof. Ph. De Doncker); (ii) digital signal processing (Prof. Fr. Horlin); (iii) cybersecurity and network architecture and protocols (Prof. J-M Dricot).

The mission of the channel team is the theoretical and experimental characterization and modeling  of propagation for emerging communications systems. Expertise range from propagation in indoor environments, urban, and in the near-body region, from HF to mm-wave frequencies.

The mission of the DSP team is to develop solutions for emerging digital communications systems taking into account hardware implementation and integration constraints. The team studies modulation, access techniques, channel equalization and synchronization.  

The network team has a special focus on software-defined architectures and security protocols for wireless communications. More specifically, our research domain covers wireless networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems. The network team is a founding member of the ULB cybersecurity research center.

Laboratory of GeoMechanics

The research developed in the Laboratory of GeoMechanics takes place in the general context of environmental geomechanics. The main objectives are to focus on the deep understanding of soil and rock behaviour when submitted to complex and coupled environmental (mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, chemical ...) loadings. The fundamental comprehension of the geomechanical processes is based on laboratory experiments on soils and rocks. A three-part approach (experimental, constitutive and numerical) is the basement of our work. Those fundamental developments are applied-oriented in geotechnics and geomechanics. 

Our achievements or undergoing researches are mainly dedicated to:

- Unsaturated soil and rock mechanics
- Soil improvement through lime treatment
- Shallow geothermal energy systems
- Gas transfers in argillaceous materials
- Soil-atmosphere interactions

Modélisation structures et matériaux

Philixte. Literary, Philological and Textual Studies

The research group ''Literary, Philological and Textual Studies'' regards texts as complex, multidimensional objects and examines literary phenomena in the broadest sense from both a comparative and an interdisciplinary perspective.  This group seeks to bring to light the meanings of texts and the context of their production.  As a result, it encompasses already established fields of study concerned with language and the materiality of texts but also embraces the new disciplines and approaches of the humanities.  In this way, it contributes to the fields of cultural theory and the history of representations. (Trad. S. Vranckx)

Laboratory of Clinical Cell Therapy

Our laboratory is dedicated to the fundamental and translational research in the domain of Immunology and hematology. Several research themes are approached and the laboratory works in symbiosis with the Clinical Hematology Departement of Jules Bordet Insitute.The laboratory competences, staff and equipment allows the realization of clinical and fundamental research projects according to various approaches: cellular biology, immunology, molecular biology and cell therapy.From several years, our laboratory is interested in the bone marrow microenvironment, its regulation and the abnormalities observed at this level in diverse pathologies (particularly in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma).More recently, we study particularly mesenchymal stromal cells at the level of source, phenotype, expansion, plasticity, pro-hematopoietic activity and immunomodulation. Other research areas are also clinical and concern hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and their in vitro amplification, mesenchymal stromal cell infusion to accelerate hematopoietic cell recovery and to prevent GVHD, and cell therapy.


Métrologie nucléaire

Research in nuclear engineering at ULB was started about 50 years ago. At the beginning of the sixties, Prof. Jacques Devooght (supported in particular by Profs. P. Baudoux, A. Jaumotte and P. Kipfer) initiated research activities in nuclear engineering, including theoretical as well as experimental activities. The theoretical activities were mostly dedicated to the analytical and numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation for neutron transport. Experimental activities in nuclear physics as well as in neutron physics were also initiated at the same time. From 1960 to the present time, the research activities in nuclear engineering have, of course, strongly evolved. They can presently subdivided in 4 research themes : 
1) numerical calculus and development of numerical algorithms, 
2) Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety of industrial systems, 
3) physical aspects of nuclear engineering including interactions of ionizing radiation with matter (fundamental and applied aspects), simulation of nuclear materials, 
4) nuclear engineering including neutron transport, radioactive waste disposal, etc.


Logistics and Transport Systems

LISA - Image Analysis

LISA (Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis) brings together expertise in image processing and analysis, pattern recognition, image synthesis and virtual reality. Its LISA-IA unit focuses on the fields of image analysis and pattern recognition and develops new methods for 2D and 3D object segmentation, recognition or tracking, multi-modal image registration, as well as machine and deep learning methods for signal and image processing. In the latter context, research is being carried out on the ability to deal with imperfect (weak or noisy) annotations and on methods of evaluating algorithms in such situations where the ground truth is not available. 
Developed algorithms are related to biomedical and industrial applications. Following a problem-centered approach, the unit tackles all hardware and software aspects of the chain in multidisciplinary teams (MDs, biologists, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, as well as art historians and archaeologists) over multi-institutional collaborations to deliver functional applications. The research is funded both by institutional/public funds and industry collaborations. LISA's achievements include one patent, several highly cited biomedical papers, implementation of acquisition and thermoregulation devices for live cell imaging, multi-media event organization and international cultural heritage projects.

Experimental Intensive Care Laboratory

Centre for Quantum Information and Communication


Mathématiques de la gestion

The unit CoDE-SMG develops its research activities in the broad field of decision sciences, particularly the following disciplines: 1) Multicriteria decision aiding (axiomatics, methodology and software aiming at dealing with problems made of conflicting points of view); 2) Preference modelling (study of mathematical structures allowing to take into account decision features such as uncertainty, undeterminacy, information gaps or redundancy); 3) Multi-objective optimization (exact and heuristic approaches)

Intelligence artificielle

Web and information technologies

Department of control engineering and system analysis

The research activities of the SAAS group are essentially oriented in two directions:
- Supervision and fault diagnosis of technical systems based on mathematical models
- Advanced control of nonlinear dynamic system subject to constraints, with emphasis on reference governor methods
The developed methods are applied to a wide range of areas including:
- Electric energy production, distribution and storage
- Mechatronics (UAVs and robotics)
- Industrial processes

Embedded electronics

Embedded systems are objects containing electronics/microelectronics (and the associated software) in order to fulfill their core function. They come in a variety of forms and shapes, going from low-power sensor devices to high-performance multi-processor systems-on-chip. Embedded systems offer the difficult challenge of adressing severe and multiple constraints using limited resources.

The Embedded Electronics research unit is specialized in the design of embedded systems on ASIC or FPGA platforms, as well as the integration of embedded electronics in complex systems. 

The following research fields are currently being investigated by our research unit: 
- multi-processor System-on-Chips with real-time operating systems (MPSoC/RTOS) (DM)
- better algorithm/architecture adequation using system-level design flows (DM)
- 3D-chips design and optimization (DM)
- wireless communication and localization systems (FQ)
- FPGA and software design for software-defined radios (FQ)
- UAV-based wireless communication systems (FQ)
- didactics of electricity/electronics: domain-of-validity based teaching and learning strategies (FR)
- rad-hard FPGA-based physics instrumentation for high energy particle colliders (LHC) (FR)


The OPERA-photonics laboratory carries out fundamental and applied research activities based on four main axes in the field of optics.

The first, in non-linear optics, is at the border between fundamental research and technological applications. In particular, the laboratory is working to improve the understanding of second and third order non-linear interactions in two-dimensional materials such as graphene, or in semiconductor nano-photonic optical guides. This research activity is also oriented towards the study of complex dynamics appearing in non-linear passive optical cavities and towards the ultra-efficient conversion of frequencies, in resonators or in integrated waveguides. His expertise covers more generally second and third order non-linear interactions in free or guided propagation, as well as in optical resonators.
The development of original solutions for ultra-fast information processing in the context of artificial intelligence is the second area of research. It deals with all-optical or optoelectronic implementations of special neural network architectures called reservoir computer. The laboratory, a pioneer in this field, has developed solutions based on optical cavities together with time, spectral and, more recently, spatial multiplexing. The objective is to create all-optical analog computers capable of performing tasks that are inaccessible to standard digital computers. 
The third axis focuses on light-matter interactions at the quantum level and the realization of non-conventional light sources (single photon emitters or pairs of photons). These topics are addressed for their fundamental aspects but also for their applications to the processing and quantum communication of information, including quantum cryptography. 
The fourth axis, in bio-photonics, is currently mainly oriented towards the development of optoelectronic neurological sensors for the development of new generations of implantable active neuro-stimulators.  

The OPERA-photonics laboratory is well equipped to carry out experiments in its various research fields.

ReSIC: Research Center in Information and Communication

ReSIC explores the vast and multidimensional field of Information and Communication sciences.  The research conducted at ReSIC investigates, on the one hand, the content, organization and evolutions of mass media, past and present and, on the other hand, organisational communication, public relations and marketing, and in particular the way new tools and technologies are impacting on network dynamics.  A third concern is the use of digital information, its organization and management in mechanisms of knowledge sharing, as well as data preservation, collection and transmission.  Furthermore, resarch is conducted in the field of semiotics of performing arts, with particular attention to drama reception and audiences.  Combining research and field work on cultural, media and technological issues, the ReSIC research team is working in close connection with civil society organizations, professional journalists, private and non-profit corporations and cultural bodies


The Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bioethics, (CRIB) was established in 1987. Its task is to address the ethical issues arising from the development of Biomedical & Health sciences and technologies: medical ethics, history and philosophy of medicine, environmental ethics, ethics of biotechnologies, gen-ethics, applied ethics, neuroethics... Inter-disciplinary in the broadest sense of the word (Medicine, Biology, Philosophy, Law...), the CRIB supports a pluralistic and free-thinking approach.  The CRIB is linked to a Master of Ethics Program. Since its foundation, it has worked closely with the Belgian Advisory Committee on Bioethics. The documentation center of the CRIB includes a library and a database that offers bioethical information.  

PHI. Philosophy

The PHI - Research Centre in Philosophy supports a conception of philosophy as a living practice deeply engaged in the present.   It is from this perspective that not only the different fields of philosophy (logic, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, theory of science, ethics, aesthetics'), but also its history and its various trends, are approached.  The members of the PHI consider this diversity as a crucial condition for both teaching and an active and relevant involvement in the contemporary issues and debates as well as in the problems developed from other fields (art, law, politics, sciences, as well as the production of knowledge in general).

CReA-Patrimoine. Research Centre in Archaeology and Heritage

The CReA-Patrimoine is a leading research centre of the Université libre de Bruxelles, promoting national and international programs on archaeology and cultural heritage. It constitutes the priviledged partner between the university and the public authorities in charge of cultural heritage. The CReA-Patrimoine is also responsible for practical training and field schools for undergraduate and graduate students in archaeology.

Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religions and Secularism

The CIERL is a reference laboratory bringing together researchers from the Université libre de Bruxelles who analyse religious facts in their diachronic and transverse depth.For more information:

SOCIAMM : History, Arts and Cultures of Ancient, Medieval and Modern Societies

Research at the Center aims to provide a better understanding of European and Mediterranean societies in the period spanning from Antiquity to the 19th century. Resolutely comparative and transdisciplinary in its approach, the Center is founded on the collaboration between historians, art historians, and literary historians.

Modern and Contemporary Worlds

The RU Modern and Contemporary Worlds constitutes a research center dedicated to the study of modern and contemporary societies from the 19th Century onwards. It brings together researchers in History and History of Art willing to engage their investigation in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. The spatial focus of the RU goes well beyond the realms of Europe and aims at touching ground with colonial and postcolonial societies. Among its manifold research axes we should point out transnational social history, gender history, the history of art and artistic movements, business history, the circulation of knowledge and scientific practices, urban and environment studies, the mechanisms of mass communication and consumption, and the interactions between States, Law, and conflicts. A special emphasis is laid on interartistic comparatism allowing to cross-analyse the various forms of artistic expressions without preconceived theoretical borders. 

Parallel Architectures for Real-Time Systems

Real-time systems are defined as those systems in which the correctness of the system depends not only on the logical result of computations, but also on the time at which the results are produced.	Real-time computing systems are widely used in many industrial applications. Examples of application domains that require real-time computing include: Control of engines, Chemical and nuclear plant control, Traffic, Time-critical packet communications, Flight control systems, Military systems, Space missions, Virtual reality, Railway switching systems, and Robotics.A major misconception about real-time systems is to think that they are equivalent to fast systems. Of course, minimizing the computation duration is helpful in satisfying the timing constraints, but it is not enough to meet all hard timing constraints. Instead of ensuring fast computation, in real-time systems we are concerned with a most important principle, called the predictability, i.e., the ability to predict, a priori, whether the system can meet all hard (also termed critical) timing requirements.

High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

The High-Resolution NMR lab, headed by Prof. Michel Luhmer, is part of the “Service de Chimie et PhysicoChimie Organiques". The research focusses on the development and applications of multinuclear solution-state NMR spectroscopy in the framework of structural, thermodynamic, kinetic and/or dynamic studies and deals with a large variety of systems.
Major current research topics are (i) the characterization of supramolecular assemblies, (ii) the study of photochemical processes and, more recently, (iii) the characterization of electrochemical processes. A major achievement is the development of Photo-Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (photo-CIDNP) measurements for the characterization of photo-induced electron transfer processes with metal complexes.

Biology of Membrane Transport Laboratory

The team is actively engaged in investigations regarding the translocation of ions and other solutes across cell membranes. Unicellular and multicellular models are used to evaluate the links between transport, metabolism and physiology, with a particular interest in the mechanisms and interactions regulating transmembrane ammonium movements. Ammonium is ubiquitous in nature and has a general importance. It is a principal nitrogen source for micro-organisms and plants, and a cytotoxic metabolite of most animal cells. Sophisticated detoxification and elimination pathways have been developed during evolution to prevent its excessive accumulation. The majority of the projects in the Biology of Membrane Transport Laboratory address the role of Mep-Amt-Rhesus transport proteins in the acquisition and the disposal of ammonium in the baker yeast and the mouse. Defects in Rhesus factors are so far related to known human pathologies affecting red blood cells, kidney function and male fertility. Ongoing studies in the laboratory are seeking to identify new connections linking Rhesus factors dysfunction and human diseases, with a specific concern for a potential role of these proteins in ammonium homeostasis and pH regulation of physiological fluids. By investigating the biogenesis, structure, trafficking, kinetics and regulation of these transport proteins, we hope to advance our understanding of these disorders with the prospect of potential therapeutic interventions.


The LCFC aims to group within the same structure the use for research purposes of brain mapping equipments, including magnetoencephalography (MEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). The laboratory is directed by Serge Goldman et Patrick Van Bogaert, respectively director and co-director of a board composed by one delegate of the seven departments of Hôpital Erasme implicated in the management and use of these equipments:  Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Psychiatry, Paediatric Neurology, Neuroradiology and Neuropsychology. LCFC has collaboration with laboratories of the Faculty of Psychology of the ULB for some research topics. More specifically, research on specific language impairment and on impact of epileptic activities on cognition and language is performed in collaboration with UR2NF (Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Unit,) whereas research on the neural bases of learning with and without consciousness is performed in collaboration with SRSC (Consciousness, Cognition and Computation Group). The study of the respective impacts of MEG and EEG-fMRI on the presurgical evaluation of epileptic patients candidates to surgery is performed in collaboration with the centres of reference for refractory epilepsy of Hôpital Erasme and Universitaire Ziekenhuis Gent.

REPI Recherche et Études en Politique Internationale

REPI is a research unit, mainly dedicated to research and studies in international politics at the Université libre de Bruxelles. It is linked to the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. REPI fosters fundamental research in the field of international relations and aims at providing a high quality framework for the research in this field (PhD dissertations, publications, conferences...). Depending on available resources, members of REPI can also provide specific expertise for national and international institutions. Furthermore, the research centre encourages the dissemination of knowledge in international relations to a larger audience and represents a convenient space for discussing the teaching of international relations within the university.  REPI also organises seminars and summer schools for professionals and young scholars.

Director : Christian Olsson

Groupe de Recherche sur l'Action Publique

Les recherches menées au sein du GRAP entendent renouveler le regard sur l'Etat et la société civile : les recompositions des dispositifs d'action publique, la participation des publics, la portée des voix critiques et la place du sensible et de l'expérience dans les politiques publiques sont les objets privilégiés par ce groupe de recherche. Les travaux du GRAP s'inscrivent dans une approche pragmatique, soucieuse de décrire l'émergence des problèmes publics et d'analyser la pluralité des pratiques et des discours qui nourrissent l'action publique. Ils sont fondés sur des enquêtes de terrain et mobilisent diverses méthodologies (entretiens, analyses en groupe, observations directes, analyses documentaires, etc.) au sein desquelles l'ethnographie occupe une place privilégiée. Le GRAP défend une ouverture tant théorique que disciplinaire. Ouverture qui se marque dans le dialogue entretenu avec différentes notions (empowerment, reconnaissance, care, engagement) et domaines de recherche (sociologie urbaine, sociologie de la santé, sociologie de la culture et de l'art, sociologie du droit) habituellement maintenus cloisonnés selon les domaines d'action publique examinés. Nos axes de recherches sont: Interroger les recompositions des dispositifs d'action publique ; Questionner la participation des publics ; Investiguer les voix critiques et leurs environnements ; Étudier la place de l'expérience et du sensible dans les politiques publiques.


The Algorithm research group centers its activities on graph algorithms, computational geometry, data structures, optimization algorithms, data compression, and information theory.

Herbarium and Library of African Botany

The unit is part of the Organismic Biology Department. Its own staff is limited as it works in close collaboration with different research units in the Department.The unit keeps a unique scientific patrimony. This includes the herbarium of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (dry herbarium: 300.000 sheets, spirit collection of orchids, silicagel collection) and a library. This represents the heritage of more than 60 y expertise in African botany at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.The unit supports research in biodiversity of tropical regions of several research unit at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.More than 120 articles citing collections kept at BRLU have been published  in international journals in the last 10 years. The collection is one of the most significant worldwide for DR Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Orchids of WC Africa.The acronym of the herbarium in the Index Herbariorum is BRLU. (


see on webpage

Laboratory of Systems Ecology and Resource Management

The Laboratory of Systems Ecology and Resource Management (c/o Prof. Farid Dahdouh-Guebas), seeks to understand and to predict how and why spatio-temporal dynamics in vegetation and landscape occur. It adopts a retrospective approach using relevant methods from different disciplines (tropical botany, very high resolution sequential remote sensing and ground truth, vegetation science, socio-ecologic survey research, historic archive research,...), an integrative analysis (using geographical information systems, multivariate and multicriteria analyses,...) in order to generate outputs relevant for fundamental understanding of ecosystem functioning (health status, resilience), for forecasting changes and for ecosystem management (conservation, restoration ecology).  Within this framework we also emphasize on changes in biodiversity, on plant-animal and on man-ecosystem interactions. The mangrove is an important model, but close links exist with adjacent ecosystems such as the tropical rainforest or the coral reef. The research focuses on (sub)tropical vegetation and is done in collaboration with the Laboratory of Plant Biology and Nature Management of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Prof. Nico Koedam).  This laboratory was previously named the Laboratory of Complexity and Dynamics of Tropical Systems and the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Phytosociology (Prof. Jean Lejoly - ULB).

Migration Asylum Multiculturalism

Créé en novembre 2004, le Centre de recherche transdisciplinaire ''Migrations, asile, multiculturalisme'' (MAM) de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles réunit des enseignants, des chercheurs et des doctorants de diverses disciplines des sciences humaines. Ainsi, font partie de ce centre de recherche transdisciplinaire des personnes provenant de quatre Facultés (Faculté de sciences sociales, politiques et économiques, Faculté de Droit, Faculté des Sciences psychologiques et de l'Education, Faculté de Philosophie et lettres) et de quatre Instituts (Institut de Sociologie, Institut d'Etudes Européennes, Institut du travail, l'Institut de Gestion de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire. Le MAM a pour objectif de promouvoir des recherches, des séminaires et des colloques dans une perspective interdisciplinaire.

Organizational Psychological Unit

Organizational psychology

Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi)

The CERMi is de Microfinance department of the Centre Emile Bernheim and the Facultés Warocqué. This center gathers researchers from different backgrounds and it aims at studying all major aspects of microfinance development.Its objectives are to stimulate microfinance research, particularly among doctoral students, and to support Belgian and European authorities to better understand the multidisciplinary factors influencing both the development of microfinance and the effective management of microfinance institutions.The CERMi particularly focuses on the governance and management of microfinance institutions. From a larger perspective, it also studies developing countries regulations and public policies, the role of central banks and the one of donors. The links between microfinance and traditional financial sector will also be studied. Last but not least, ethical aspects of microfinance in developing countries will also be a topic of research.

Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Unit

Researches conducted at the Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Unit [UR2NF - Unité de Recherches en Neuropsychologie et Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle] are mainly but not exclusively focused on investigating the relationships between sleep and memory consolidation processes, and in a wider perspective centered on the interrelationships between cognitive processes and vigilance states, including sleep and biological rhythms. A specific focus is made on the processes by which novel representations are created in memory and the processes by which novel information is consolidated in long-term memory. We are also interested in the understanding and investigation of major neuropsychological syndromes. Furthermore, UR2NF members are deeply involved in numerous collaborations with other research units and departments of the ULB faculties (psychology, medicine, Erasme hospital ...) and other Belgian and foreign universities in the framework of our expertise in functional neuroimaging techniques. UR2NF is affiliated at CRCN - Centre de Recherches en Cognition et Neurosciences at the Faculté des Sciences Psychologiques et de l'Education de l'ULB, and at UNI - ULB Neurosciences Institute ( 

Molecular Cell Physiology

Our research mainly focuses on the yeast S. cerevisiae which is a paradigm model system for dissecting the molecular mechanisms of basic cellular functions in eukaryotes. A wide panel of methods are readily applicable to yeast, ranging from classical genetics and biochemistry to genomics and proteomics. Furthermore, basic cellular mechanisms are highly conserved from yeast to human. This is why some aspects of our work have now been extended to mammals as well.

Spatial Epidemiology Lab

Spatial epidemiology studies the effect of spatial factors on the emergence, spread and persistence of diseases and invasive species. The understanding of key spatial factors, such as environmental or anthropogenic variables, and their integration into spatial models can then be used to predict the geographical distribution of risk, which can contribute to better targetted prevention, surveillance and control measures. More specifically, our spatial epidemiology lab is concerned with baseline works on the denominator, i.e. the number of hosts, which are key spatial variables used in most epidemiological models, and we actively work on the improvement of large-scale data sets on the distribution of human and livestock populations. A second focus of active research is the spatial epidemiology of avian influenza, a major disease of poultry with a strong zoonotic potential. 

Quantum Information Laboratory

Our research group at the Université libre de Bruxelles, working on quantum information and bio-inspired information processing, both at the theoretical and experimental level.

On the theory side, we are interested in many aspects of quantum information, including quantum correlations, quantum cryptography, and quantum foundations.
Our experimental activity deals with photonics. We work on the development and manipulation of novel sources of entangled photons, both in fibers and in waveguides, as well as methods to manipulate these photons. In addition we develop bio-inspired photonic processing systems, such as reservoir computing.

Laboratory of Vaccinology and Mucosal Immunity

Research focus on a better comprehension of different immunodeficiencies in humans. Three different immunodeficiency states are investigated, the immunodeficiency of childhood, the immunodeficiency of patients suffering from tuberculosis, and those associated with congenital immunodeficiencies. This work is at least partially based on the characterization of humoral and cellular immune responses to different infectious agents / or the correponding vaccine antigens. Therefore, we approach different questions of vaccinology with the hope to develop new strategies for better vaccine protection. In addition as the pathogens most often infect humans by the mucosal route, we characterize the immune reponses both within the blood and locally at the site of the infection. As we mostly aimed at the development of clinical immunology, our laboratory comprises medical doctors, scientists, and technicians. 

Department of International trade and Development (CEB)

Department of International trade and Development (Centre Emile Bernheim)

Research Group in Sociology of Art and Culture

The GRESAC conducts surveys and PhD. thesis in the field of the sociology of art et culture. Founded and led by Daniel Vander Gucht, the GRESAC works together with an international network of universities such as the Université de Genève (prof. André Ducret and Frédéric Varone), the Université du Québec à Montréal (prof. Louis Jacob and Jean-Philippe Uzel), Opus, which covers over thirty services in the sociology of the arts in France, the R.C. 18 ''Sociologie de l'art'' of the International French speaking Sociologists Association (AISLF) and the R.C. 37 ''Sociology of the Arts'' of the ISA.

Laboratory of Anthropology of Contemporary Worlds

The LAMC gathers together researchers who share methodological and theoretical angles however applied to diverse research themes and areas.Three main orientations underline our common scientific endeavour:1) A interpretive anthropology that looks at human experiences and competences ' hence rooted into an approach to culture that takes into account the reflexivity of the subject as well as anthropologist's reflexivity in the production of her knowledge.2) An anthropology of multiculturalism, which considers any anthropological object through the lens of history and of its global and local dimensions, whether it is ''far'' in space or ''at home''. Today, social worlds are shaped by multiple flows (made of individuals, goods, techniques, ideas) involving complex and endless processes of reconstruction by agents and collectives themselves;3) A comparative anthropology which, through the fine-grained description of specific cultural processes in different regions of the world, aims at a better understanding of what means to be ''human''.

Unit of Social Ecology

The Unit is interested in the organisation of animal societies and study their underlying  physiological and  ethological mechanisms as well as the adaptative value of collective patterns put in an ecological perspective.  Both experimental and theoretical studies are mainly conducted  on social insects (ants, honeybees,...) but also on presocial/gregarious animal species as well as on societies of artificial agents (microrobots).  We identify the generic rules that shape spatial structures ( trail network, nest construction,...), temporal  patterns (activity rythms,...) and social organization (division of labour, task specialization,...).  The practical issues of this research involve the development of new modalities to control animal populations as well as the assessment of their impact on the environment (e.g. impact of ant fauna on vegetation,...). 

RNA Metabolism

RNA is central stage in gene expression. The 'RNA Metabolism' Lab is trying to understand why all cellular RNAs are working in very close association with proteins within so-called RiboNucleoProtein particles or RNPs. My Lab is interested both in the modes of synthesis and function(s) of the RNPs under normal and disease situations. Defects in the synthesis and/or function(s) of the RNPs irremediably lead to severe human auto-immune and genetic diseases. Our fundamental research therefore has clear biomedical implications. One of our our major experimental paradigm is Eukaryotic Ribosome. These large RNPs are mostly synthesized within a specialized subcellular compartment: the nucleolus. Nucleolar morphogenesis is therefore also of great interest to the Lab. Nucleolar function provide an excellent readout for the overall cellular activity and cancer cells specifically over express nucleolar proteins which are thus potent markers for diagnosis and prognosis. Our research also focuses on these nucleolar proteins. 

Agroecology Lab - the ecology of food and wood

The Unit of Landscape Ecology and Plant Production Systems was born in 2007 with Professor Jan Bogaert at its cradle. It is one of five laboratories of the Interfaculty School of Bioengineering (EIB). Jan Bogaert being a landscape ecologist, the landscape was considered a complex of interacting ecosystems where farming and forestry are important factors in shaping and changing the landscape over space and time. Charles De Cannière (forestry) and Marjolein Visser (agronomy) joined this new lab right from the start. The aim was to contribute to the improvement of natural resource management by pooling expertise from ecology, agronomy, and forestry. Jan Bogaert's expertise to study landscape transformations was mainly derived from the quantitative analysis of aerial photographs and satellite imagery. The expertise in agronomy and forestry mainly concentrated on farming system analysis, the agroecology of native seed production for the restoration of degraded lands and smaller-scale studies such as the ecophysiology of tree growth. Yet, the challenges faced by our current food, feed, fibre and energy systems becoming ever more prominent and global, we felt linking these landscape questions back to the human dimension of natural resource management was crucial. When Jan Bogaert left the ULB in March 2011, Charles De Cannière and Marjolein Visser took charge of his PhD-students. A new lectureship in tropical agroecology was formulated (vacancy yet to be filled) to take on board even more the social and economic dimensions of the management of natural resources. In the future, our lab will analyse transdisciplinary research questions linking technical and quantitative aspects on the management of natural resources to human wellbeing, social interactions and development economics. In particular, we plan to study this kind of questions and links focussing on agroforestry, in the tropics as well as in Europe. As a consequence, a name change of our lab is due soon! International development cooperation has always been and still is an essential ingredient of our research and education activities. For the moment (2012) we have 15 PhD-students in our lab, and most of them focus on Central, West and North Africa. The lab carries a strong commitment in the management and the teaching of the EIB. 

Psychosomatic and Psycho-Oncology Research Unit

The Psychosomatic and Psycho-Oncology Research Unit (URPP) was created in 2000 by Darius Razavi. Isabelle Merckaert has been the head of the unit since 1 October 2019.
The research activities of the Unit focus on the study of psychological factors associated with the prevention, screening, treatment and palliation of medical conditions in general and cancer conditions in particular. Psycho-oncology is a recognized speciality of oncology. It addresses two areas in the fight against cancer. It focuses on (1) the emotional and behavioral responses of patients and their relatives throughout the disease and its treatment as well as those of caregivers (psychosocial axis) and (2) the psychological, social and behavioral factors that may influence cancer-related morbidity and mortality (psychobiological axis). Modern psycho-oncology covers a wide range of topics such as: support for the diagnosis; management of psychological morbidity and distress throughout the cancer care pathway from diagnosis to survivorship and, for some patients, to the terminal phase; recognition that behavior and lifestyle contribute to cancer risk and prognosis; and the need to include families and cargivers alongside patients in a comprehensive model of supportive cancer care. 
Since its creation, the URPP has maintained close links with the Psycho-Oncology Clinic of the Jules Bordet Institute and the Psycho-Oncology Centre (Research and Training Centre). These strong collaborations are the basis of an internationally recognized expertise in translational research in psycho-oncology. Such research ensures a continuum between exploratory and clinical research. Discoveries in exploratory research stimulate therapeutic and/or methodological innovations and clinical observations enrich exploratory research.

Laboratory of Experimental Hematology

Dedicated to applied and fundamental research, the Laboratory of Experimental Hematology is articulated around three main subjects: 1. study of the inhibition mechanisms of cancer cells rejection by the immune system to better understand how the tumoral microenvironement support and allow the growth of leukemic cells;2. discovery of new tumoral environment biomarkers predictive of patient prognosis and treatments response;3. study of the role of non-coding RNA in oncogenesis in a viro-induced leukemia model.Today, in most of the case, the autologus system is unable to eradicate residual leukemic cells that escape radio-chemotherapy. The high relapse rate in cancers gives evidence of this inefficacy of the immune system to control residual cancer cells. Therefore, the current issue is to understand the immune environment of cancer and the interactions between cancer cells and the immune system. A particular aspect is the understanding of the mechanisms leading to the generation, in the context of leukemia, of T regulatory lymphocytes. regulatory T cells are actively engaged in the maintenance of immunological tolerance by suppressing reactive T cells. The use of a viro-induced leukemic model allows us to unveiled molecular mechanisms potentially involved in tumor progression. All these knowledge are critical to discover optimal immune-modulation modalities to obtain a powerful and sustained anticancer effect.            

Group for research on Ethnic Relations, Migrations and Equality

GERME is a research group of social scientists studying processes of inclusion and exclusion in the context of diverse societies that are marked by social inequalities. Although initially mainly focussing its research activities on racism, migration, exclusion and ethnicity, researchers based at GERME are now working on a wide range of topics. These include ' without being exhaustive - citizenship practices, multiculturalism, migrant integration policy, urban policy, gender relations, xenophobia, labour market inclusion, education, culture, religion, political participation, social networks and social stratification. In our research work there is a firm emphasis on processes of ethnicisation and racialisation, on the reproduction of social inequalities and on relations between ethno-cultural minority and majority groups.GERME aims to investigate both state responses to ethnic diversity and social inequalities, lived experiences of citizens in diverse and class-divided societies and social and political mobilisation (of both marginalised as empowered groups).Researchers at GERME do not believe there is a universally best set of technical tools and use both qualitative as quantitative methods and mixed methods approaches. We invest in methodological expertise for handling both ethnographic and case study challenges as advanced multivariate statistical analysis. A key research interest of GERME is the interaction between management of ethno-cultural diversity linked to the phenomenon of immigration on the one hand and the power struggle between the dominant linguistic groups in Belgium on the other hand.

Graphs and Mathematical Optimization

The research unit ''Graphs and Mathematical Optimization'' at the University of Brussels develops its fundamental and applied research activities in the broad field of optimization, and in particular combinatorial in optimization, transportation, traffic, location, network, telecommunication, production planning, logistics.

Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry

The Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry has a permanent staff of 3 persons (Prof Yves Geerts, Ms Adrienne Remacle  Ms Françoise Van Eycken and Ms Anne Laurent) and is composed of 8 postdocs and 3 Ph.D students. Research topics involve organics semiconductors and discotic liquid crystals.

Laboratory of Physiology and Molecular Genetics of Plants

Our objective is to identify and to characterize the molecular basis of plant responses to abiotic stresses. A better understanding of those mechanisms will allow to enhance plant tolerance to stress. In particular, we focus our research on tolerance and hyperaccumulation of heavy metals, as well as on mineral deficiency.

Centre for Political Theory

The Center for Political Theory is a research unit attached to the Institute of Sociology within the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

The CTP is also affiliated with the Maison des Sciences Humaines (MSH) of the ULB. The CTP brings together researchers from the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Political Science.

This double orientation corresponds to the nature of political theory, a field of study located at the crossroads of these two disciplines.

Laboratory of Histology

The Laboratory of Histology, Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology has a research activity mainly devoted to the understanding of etiopathogeny of neurodegenerative diseases, essentially Alzheimer's disease and other ''tauopathies''. These studies are performed in parallel in pathological tissues and in cellular and transgenic models with the aim to validate concepts and hypothesis resulting from observations carried out on different models. The experimental approach is privileging the use of various neurobiological techniques and the analysis from the molecular and cellular levels to the behavioural level. Other research activities are devoted to comparative neurobiology of brain aging, and calcium signaling.

Center for the Study of Politics

The Cevipol (Centre d'Etude de la Vie Politique) is a research center of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Department of the Université libre de Bruxelles. It specializes in political sociology and comparative politics.  Research within the Cevipol focuses on political life, institutions, actors, and the norms and resources of democratic systems. The processes of action, mobilisation, and legitimation are examined with both qualitative and quantitative methods, from a contemporary perspective that takes into account the long view.  While consistently opening fresh empirical debates, the Cevipol updates traditional themes of political science: the distribution of power and resources among social groups, the different forms of authority, elite recruitment, conflicts between interests, identity or memory, and the weight of norms and values. 

Four thematic axes structure the intellectual identity of the Cevipol 
- Parties, Elections, and Representation
- European integration: redefining communities, sovereignties, and values in conflict
- Identities, societies, powers in comparison. A qualitative approach of political systems 
- Sport and Politics

Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics

The Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics headed by François FUKS is interested in investigating the epigenetic mechanisms involved in health and disease, with a focus on DNA and histone modifications (e.g.: Viré et al. Nature 2006 ; Brenner et al. Dev Cell 2007 ; Villa et al. Cancer Cell 2007 ; Fuks F. Nature. 2010 ; Ndlovu et al. Trends Biochem Sci. 2011 ; Deplus et al. Cell Rep. 2014 ; Delatte et al. EMBO J. 2014 ).It is now clear that the roles play by epigenetic alterations in a growing number of medical conditions unfold the attractive opportunity to develop epigenetic therapies that promises to reshape the diagnostic and therapeutic arena (personalised medicine). In the last few years, the field of epigenetic has expanded into an essential component of biological and medical research, with modifications of DNA and histones being considered hallmarks of most human diseases, including cancer. Further, the epigenetic field has recently evolved from a gene-by-gene approach to a more global approach, with far-reaching clinical implications in the field of diagnosis and treatment. Essential to these efforts are the development of technologies to explore genome-wide epigenetic modifications. In line with these recent developments, François Fuks' team has also a deep interest in the generation of novel epigenomic technologies in health and diseases (e.g.; Dedeurwaerder et al. EMBO Mol Med 2011; Volkmar et al. EMBO J 2012; Deplus et al. EMBO J 2013; Boumahdi et al. Nature 2014). Technologies such as ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, Infinium Methylation are routinely used by the lab, which is heading the Epigenomics Core facility, EPICS.

Molecular Bacteriology Laboratory

The research line from our lab is multidisciplinary in essence and lies at the crossroad between microbiology, genetics, bioinformatics, immunology, infectious diseases, paediatrics and public health. Most of our current projects use Group A streptococcus (GAS) as our reference model. GAS infections, particularly rheumatic heart disease and invasive infection, are responsible for more than half a million deaths worldwide per year. With no effective control strategies available, a GAS vaccine is urgently needed. Based upon current understanding, the most promising vaccines are strain-specific (emm-type specific). However, the development of a global GAS vaccine is hindered by the large number of circulating emm-types especially in low income settings where serious GAS disease is most common. Recent discoveries offer an exciting new approach to developing vaccines that protect against the broad range of strains across all regions of the world. Animal and in vitro studies suggest that cross'protection can be induced against different emm-types. Our lab has developed a new typing tool, the emm-cluster system, which serves as a framework to investigate this cross-protection phenomenon and has identified coverage gaps in the formulation of the current vaccine candidates. We are currently investigating this phenomenon to develop a new vaccine formulation against GAS.Our lab is also involved with the molecular characterisation of GAS virulence determinants. Starting from clinical isolates responsible for severe streptococcal infection, we are using a multidisciplinary approach to better understand their virulence both at the proteic and genetic level. Finally, our lab is developing new rapid diagnostic test for infectious diseases. Modern molecular techniques offer the potential to provide much more extensive information about the infecting bacteria to inform better decision for the clinician. This information can also be given on a much quicker time scale than classical microbiology testing. Our lab is developing new rapid tests for bacterial pneumonia and acute otitis media.

Developmental Genetics

Our unit is studying vertebrate nervous system development, focusing on the molecular mechanisms that control the transition from neural stem cell to neurons in the developing vertebrate nervous system.  We focus on some transcription factors to probe the molecular mechanisms controling neural progenitor maintenance, differentiation, and the generation of neuronal diversity in the developing telencephalon and sensory ganglia. We use for our work the Xenopus embryo, which offers many advantages for in vivo gene function analysis during early embryonic development. Functional assays in Xenopus are complemented by  gain- and loss-of-function by electroporation in chick embryos and genetic knockouts in the mouse, to gain fuller understanding of gene action and their normal requirements in the developing embryo. Gaining insight into the mechanisms driving the differentiation of neural stem cells into specific types of neurons  will help to understand neurological disorders and to devise novel therapeutic strategies.

Research Unit in Cognitive Neurosciences

UNESCOG investigates the organisation and functioning of the language and cognitive system while taking its biological substrate into account.Experimental psychologists, neuropsychologists and electrophysiologists work on both normal and brain-damaged individuals in the following domains: audio-visual interactions, auditory and visual attention, speech perception and recognition, reading disturbances, cognitive consequences of schooling, literacy and ageing, organisation of the semantic system, retrieval of information from memory (in particular episodic and prospective), re-education of working memory, impairments of executive functions and of social representations due to brain lesion. Besides experimental approaches from cognitive psychology and neuropsyclology, UNESCOG's researchers employ methods of neuropsychological patient examination and of cerebral imagery (recording of evoked potentials and of hemodynamic changes).

Geospatial Analysis

ANAGEO (Research Group in Geospatial Analysis) is led by Prof. Eléonore Wolff and part of the Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning (IGEAT), Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

ANAGEO carries out research in the field of man-environment interaction, with a special focus on the study of land use/land cover, its evolution and its determinants, using remote sensing and geospatial analysis. The group has a strong background in deriving geoinformation from satellite and airborne remote sensing imagery - notably through extensive expertise in GIS-based modelling and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for large-scaled applications entailing big data management. More recently, the group started working and developing deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for different remote sensing applications. It has been involved in several pluri-disciplinary international projects as coordinator or WP leader.

The research topics that are addressed by ANAGEO revolve mainly around the following themes: monitoring of urban areas in space and time, land planning, natural resources management, population estimation, spatial epidemiology, and humanitarian action (including Mine Action).

ANAGEO has a long experience in VHRRS and HRRS remote sensing and spatial analysis of urban areas in Europe and in developing countries, more particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Research Laboratory on Human Reproduction

Research work in close relation with reproductive science including Assisted Reproductive Technologies: fertility preservation program, genetic of infertility ; and cryobiology of gametes. The laboratory also develops different aspects of Bioethics and Epidemiology in the reproduction field.

Brussels Centre for Tourism Studies

LIToTeS is integrated in the 'Institut de Gestion de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire (IGEAT) of the Faculty of Science'. Through an multidisciplinary and systematic approach the research department analyses interactions that occur between tourist activities and territories. The research works of LIToTeS concentrate on three main lines: 1. The production of tourism territories 2. The development of tourism resources and heritage  3. Stakeholders and tourism planning as well as management processes

Research Unit in Osteopathy

A la tête de l’Unité de Recherche en Sciences de l’Ostéopathie depuis 2016, le Prof Bengoetxea et son équipe ont une longue tradition d’expertise en Sciences de l’Ostéopathie et plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la biomécanique. 

Ensemble, ils essayent d’apporter 3 autres domaines de recherche à leur unité. 
Ces nouveaux domaines sont la neurophysiologie du système sensori-moteur, la recherche clinique et la recherche en santé publique. 

L'URSO a donc dessiné trois axes de recherche pour lesquels ils ont déjà initié des projets, actuellement en phase de réalisation, et pour lesquels ils participent à des appels à projets tant nationaux qu'internationaux.

1.	Recherche en Physiologie Sensori-Motrice et Biomécanique Musculosquelettique
2.	Recherche Clinique
3.	Recherche en santé publique

Centre of Studies for Sustainable Development

Within the IGEAT, the Centre of studies of Sustainable Development focuses on the study of sustainable development through the analysis of its concepts, principles, and applications. In particular, the Cedd is working to develop knowledge of the social, political, and technical context of sustainable development and improve the understanding of the implementation of its principles.

Research group on international actors and their discourses

This project is focused first on the analysis of the socio-political representation of actors within the EU political system. These actors not only include the European Authorities (European Council, Council of Ministers, European Commission or European Parliament) but also the main social actors such as trade unions and employers' organizations. Our objective is to investigate the nature of this political system and its evolution by considering not only the EU level but also its articulation with the national and international level. Our motivation is to study how Democracy is a collective production through overall the declaration of social rights. A specific interest is aimed at the wage rights and the collective actors who support them. Secondly, we are also interested by the lexical circulation at the international scale in the field of the fundamental social rights.In order to do so, lexicometric methods, as well as other research tools linked at the critical discourse analysis, will be used to study discourses and institutional/official texts.

Verification and formal methods

The research and teaching activities of the ''formal methods and verification group'' deal with rigourous methods that allow to design reliable computer systems. These methods are usually applied in the context of critical systems, such as embedded systems in transportation (trains, planes, cars), plants control systems, and so forth. 

Quality and security of information systems

The QualSec research group performs research in real-time scheduling theory and in cryptography and computer security.

Applied geography and geomarketing

The research led by the team focuses on spatial planning and its relations with the economy and regional social structures.  The team also indirectly studies environmental issues through the analysis of landscapes and of regional structures, in urban as well as rural environments.  These analyses are also used for educational and tourism purposes through the collaboration with the Royal Belgian Society of Geography in the production of thematic guides.  The unit also extensively studies industrial and tertiary structures at different scales.  In the field of urban studies, the unit focuses on housing, renovation and rehabilitation policies and their social impacts.  The team also pays particular attention to the issue of development and land use plans at local and regional scales. In addition, the unit produces transport network analysis.  The geomarketing team within the unit works in the field of retail and services geography.  The cell contributes to the understanding of social and economic spaces and of spatial planning through its analysis of the spatial consequences of economic policies regarding retail trading, the hierarchy of retail nodes in the city and the characterization of commercial structures.  Typologies of the Belgian statistical units regarding demographical, socio-economical and landscape characteristics are made on a regular basis.  Theses analyses are used in various studies and applications, including by other services of the university (sociology, public health...) and by private companies.  Finally, over the last several years the unit has developed numerous studies in political and electoral geography.  It also takes part in European networks studying spatial planning. 

Unit of Theoretical Chronobiology

In the Unit of Theoretical Chronobiology, we investigate by means of theoretical models the molecular bases of biological rhythms and threshold phenomena at the cellular level. Our modeling approach primarily pertains to the oscillations and waves of cytosolic calcium, the circadian clock, the cell cycle, and cellular differentiation. We also focus on physiological implications of these processes and on their associated pathological disorders. In this context, we study the origin of calcium deregulations leading to infertility or Alzheimer's disease, as well as sleep phase disorders linked to dysfunction of the circadian clock, but also the influence of circadian rhythms on cell proliferation and cancer.

Center of International Law

The Center of International Law is one of the research centers within the faculty of law of the Free University of Brussels. The Center is dedicated to scientific research in public international law, with a specific focus on the practice of international legal order's actors. Its members pursue fondamental research activities either individually or collectively, as well as applied research, in context of expertises or consultations in various fields of international law.

Consciousness, Cognition & Computation Group

The goal of the Co3 is to contribute to our understanding of the elementary cognitive processes involved in learning, cognitive development, and automaticity. One of the central research topics of the Co3 concerns the role of consciousness in these elementary processes, and in particular the issue of determining which can occur without awareness. The research projects of the Co3 generally combine behavioral methods (experimentation with healthy participants in a lifelong perspective and with brain-damaged patients), modelling (neural networks), and neuroimaging methods (PET, MEG et fMRI). Recently, a Babylab has been installed, in other words a laboratory dedicated to the study of the development of the infants and toddlers' cognitive and social abilities.

Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit

Our group is devoted to the theoretical study of spatio-temporal dynamics of physico-chemical systems resulting from chemical reactions coupled to transport processes (diffusion, convection) or phase transitions.

Physics of Complex Systems and Statistical Mechanics

The activities of the group contribute to the physics of complex systems, nonlinear physics, statistical mechanics, andthe theory of stochastic processes, specially in nonequilibrium systems.The group is part of the Interdisciplinary Center for Nonlinear Phenomenaand Complex Systems (CENOLI)

Actuarial sciences

Actuarial Sciences.

Sociology of Education

Les recherches menées dans le Centre s'articulent autour de 3 axes: 1°) la sociologie critique de l'éducation centrée sur la question des inégalités scolaires (travaux de Daniel Vander Gucht et d'Anne Van Haecht sur les investissements éducatifs des familles en Communauté française de Belgique); 2°) la sociologie constructiviste interactionniste (travaux de Claude Javeau et de Daniel Vander Gucht oeuvrant pour la constitution d'une socio-anthropologie de la petite enfance; de Philippe Vienne sur les violences à l'école); 3° l'analyse comparée des politiques d'éducation et de formation professionnelle, plus ancrée dans les sciences politiques (Anne Van Haecht, Lamia Mechbal et Philippe Vienne)

Center of History and Sociology of the Parties of the Left

Historical, social and political studies of the radical movements XX century. Communism, socialims, anarchism, trotskysm...

Laboratory of Data Treatment Methodology

The L.M.T.D. devotes its activities to the development and application of statistical methods. Its main research topics are the analysis of surveys data, the survey sampling theory, the teaching of statistics, the history of statistics and the statistical modelisation. The L.M.T.D. is involved for many years in different research projects devoted to the descriptive and prospective analysis of the student population in the higher education of the French Community in Belgium.

Microbiology, Bioorganic and Macromolecular Chemistry

The activities of this group: The synthesis of biopolymers in order to develop new drug delivery systems of drugs.The design of nanomaterials by supramolecular interactions (Halogen bonding). The purification of proteins and structure-activity relationship studies by structural bio-informatic domain are also developped

Civil Engineering Laboratory

	 For a detailed description of our research activities visit our website

Urban Design and Regional Planning Institute

Architecture et ingéniérie architecturale

Materials engineering synthesis, recycling

The research activities of the 4MAT Department focus on inorganic materials. They cover the entire life-cycle of materials from their synthesis and processing to the optimal management of their end of life going through the optimization of their (micro)structures for a given application. This approach is mainly driven by the scarcity of resources that makes sustainable development a priority.

The research topics are both of fundamental and industrial interests. This implies a large variety of research funding schemes going from European and national projects to direct funding from industrial partners.

The present website intends to give you a glimpse of our main activities. Do not hesitate to contact us for further details and … let’s go 4 MATerials!

Engineering of Molecular NanoSystems

The EMNS Lab is part of the Chemistry and Materials Science Department of the Brussels School of Engineering.

The EMNS laboratory has extensive know-how in the experimental study of the structure, stability and dynamics of molecular complexes, and in the synthesis and functionalization of nanoparticles. Key tools: NMR, microcalorimetry and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy.

We are currently more focused on:
-     the functionalization of metallic nanoparticles with organic or biological ligands in order to develop (bio)sensors or smart materials,
-     the development of micelle-based supramolecular systems for molecular recognition or catalysis in water,
-     ion transport across lipid membranes using supramolecular carriers.

BioControl (Biosystems Modeling and Control)


• Mathematical modeling and parameter estimation of biological systems
• Model-based optimization and control of biological systems
• State estimation (software sensors) for biological systems
• Biological network analysis (metabolic flux analysis, flux balance analysis, flux variability analysis), especially for underdetermined systems (more unknown fluxes than available equations)
• Typical applications : microorganism (yeast, bacteria) or animal cell cultures in bioreactor (batch, fed-batch, perfusion) in the framework of agro-food and biopharmaceutical industries

Sociology of Organizations Research Center

Research in communication, policy decision-making, management discourse,  human resources management and public management

Center of Cultural Anthropology

The Centre for Cultural Anthropology (CAC) of the ULB is specialised in the fields of religious anthropology, environmental anthropology, historical anthropology, cultural technology, and the study of material cultures. Its fieldworks are mainly situated in Africa, Asia and South America, both in rural and urban settings. 

Centre for Economic and Social Studies on the Environment

The CESSE was created following the first United Nations Conference on human environment, which was held in Stockholm in 1972. It is made up of a pluri-disciplinary research team which devotes its activities to the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of economic-societal-environmental interactions.   Research carried out concerns mainly the following areas: - costs of damage caused to the environment and to health (externalities) in relation to the behaviour of economic agents; - cost-benefit and cost-efficiency analyses;- economic tools (taxes, emissions trading market, flexible mechanisms); - life-cycle analyses and inventory; - sustainable development indicators.

Pharmacognosy, Bioanalysis & Drug Discovery

The Unit Pharmacognosy, Bioanalysis & Drug Discovery (PBDD) is one of the research units of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Composed of three professors, two associate-professors, 4 assistants and 6 technicians; our unit is able to welcome several Belgian or foreign PhD Students. Specialized in the study of organic drugs, from plants or biotherapeutics, the PBDD Unit promotes researches in the domain of the development and the analysis of molecules with therapeutical potential. For bioguided fractionation of medicinal plant extracts, analysis and quality control of drugs, biotherapeutic characterization, biomarker research for validation of therapeutical targets, the PBDD Unit proposes performant analytical tools such as liquid/gas chromatography, spectroscopic methods (UV-Vis, NIR, Fluorimetry), electrochemistry detectors and mass spectrometry.
PBDD Unit is also responsible for the analytical platform of the Faculty of Pharmacy (

Laboratory of Applied Biology

The main objective of the Laboratory of Applied Biology - associated with the Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology -  (LAB Neuro) is to contribute to the understanding of the neuromechanics of human motor control. Our studies focus on several areas, such as central and peripheral control in various motor tasks, age-related adjustments in the neuromuscular system, acute and long term adaptations to sport training, disuse and rehabilitation.

Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical care

Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy

     - Detection and resolution of drug-related problems in cancer patients
     - Medication adherence in asthma and COPD
     - Analysis, development and implementation of pharmaceutical services in community pharmacies 
     - Implementation of diagnostic self-test in community pharmacies and healthcare relationship 
     - Development and implementation of mobile health application
     - Impact of a clinical pharmacist on the medication reconciliation
     - Impact of phytoherapy in cancer patients (personalized medicine)

Cardiovascular pharmacology

     - Study of the protection of the vascular endothelial function against different deleterious agents 
     - Study of the vasodilating and antioxidant activities of natural products

Laboratory of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

The research activities of this center are organized along two axes: therapeutic chemistry and the study of natural and synthetic antioxidants. In the field of therapeutic chemistry, the research projects concern the synthesis of pharmaceutically active molecules and the analysis of structure- activity links. The studies of natural and synthetic antioxidants consider their interests for nutritional and pharmacological uses

Research in Psychology applied to Motor learning

The main orientations are as follow: 
1. sport psychology : Studying the psychological components of performance; the use of sport as a vehicle for social integration; doping and addiction in sport; decision-making in the athlete's
2.Caregiver-care Relationship: improved caregiver-care communication, touch psychophysiology, impact of placebo on painful management and performance; improved patient well-being, use of medical hypnosis on painful management
3. Psychomotricity :  influence of environmental factors on the normal and pathological  child's psychomotricity; study of body pattern and body image in normal and pathological situations (including eating disorders) 

Laboratory for Functional Anatomy

Teaching descriptive, functional and palpatory anatomy and embryology to physical therapy, physical education and osteopathy students. Research: functional anatomy and biomechanics (1) spatial electrogoniometry applied in vivo and in vitro, (2) evaluation of lumbar and cervical spine kinematics in normal and clinical conditions (disk disease, Whiplash Syndrome, kinematics and effect of certain manipulation techniques), (3) three-dimensional imaging and kinematic analysis, (4) functional anatomy of the wrist, (5) gait analysis

Research Center in Biometry and Exercise Nutrition

A first part of the research work is devoted to the study of the potentially toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of oral creatine supplementation. Indeed, in sports circles, this substance is widely used in order to improve performance.

We are also conducting studies on the effects of essential amino acid supplementation (EAA) during muscle building training.

Our unit has become, in just a few years, both a center of expertise and reference in the context of nutritional monitoring for both high-level athletes and amateurs, but is also at the forefront of the development of nutritional strategies for target populations such as the elderly.

Physiological chemistry of exercise

Constitué dans l'année 1972, au sein du département Laboratoire des Sciences de la motricité de la Faculté Institut des Sciences de la Motricité (ISM), l'unité Unité de recherche en chimie physiologique est l'un des centres de recherche de la faculté qui a pour mission de mener des recherches sur les axes suivants : Métabolisme de la glutamine à l'exercice, Fonctionnement rénal et exercice, Effets de l'âge sur la fonction rénale, à l'exercice., Nutrition du sportif.

Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology

The main objective of the Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology - associated with the Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology -  (LAB Neuro) is to contribute to the understanding of the neuromechanics of human motor control. Our studies focus on several areas, such as central and peripheral control in various motor tasks, age-related adjustments in the neuromuscular system, acute and long term adaptations to sport training, disuse and rehabilitation.

Research Unit in Cardio-respiratory Physiology

The Laboratory research field evolves around the limitation factors of aerobic capacity. A particular interest is focused on the mechanisms of adaptation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during exercise, in patients, healthy subjects, sedentary or trained and including in extreme conditions.
The Laboratory's research projects are related to 3 main axes;
1) Pulmonary, systemic and cerebral hemodynamic limitation and adaptations during exercise,
2) Adaptations and limitations of aerobic capacity in extreme conditions, including altitude.
3) Exercise therapy; feasability and impact of physical activity and exercise in metabolic and cardio-respiratory patients 

Medical psychology, alcohol and drug addiction

The Laboratory of Medical Psychology ensures the intendance of the lessons and clinics of Medical Psychology and Psychosomatic Medecine, as well as the framing and coordination of the various research projetcs in this fields. The basic philosophy of Medical Psychology consists in the consideration of the patient according to the bio-psycho-social model aiming at integrating the multiple physiological, environmental and psychological aspects which give an account of its disorders of health. 

Research laboratory on Gynecology and Fertility

Human reproduction, IVF, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Senology, Endoscopic surgery, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Woman's health, Contraception.

Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics

In an open space at the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the LNMB (Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics) embraces searchers with different backgrounds encouraging interactions under common propositions:

“Movement is inescapable in understanding the human essence of sensorimotor, cognition, emotion, and social communication processes. Oscillatory brain activity is their crucial mechanism.”

Links :
Fonds Leibu

Research center for experimental clinical cognitive psychopathology


The research center has three main focal points: 1) healthy lifestyles, 2) prosocial behaviour (including pro-environmental behaviour), and 3) acceptance, sense of coherence and commitment. These form different but complimentary angles to improve (mental) health and well-being. 

Mental health issues represent a high disease burden and have a serious societal impact. Depression, for example, is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The prevalence of mental health issues is moreover increasing in the last decade. The majority of mental health problems first occur in adolescence and young adulthood, and problems related to mental health issues track into later life, such as lower employment opportunities and relational problems. This is the case even after successful treatment. Prevention of mental health issues is therefore key. As barriers to searching treatment, such as a lack of mental health literacy and a preference for solving problems autonomously delay any help with on average 5-10 years, it is crucial for a preventive approach to strengthen personal, social and community resources to avoid mental health issues. A focus on well-being and positive mental health may be one such approach in prevention of mental disorders. Indeed, longitudinal research has demonstrated that a higher level of mental well-being protects against the development of mental disorders at a later time.

PACE focuses on a socio-ecological perspective of health and well-being, acknowledging that healthy lifestyles can impact both physical, social and mental health; that humans are part of their environment and that individual health therefore cannot be successfully promoted without also taking environmental and planetary health into account; and that body and mind are intricately connected. 

Keywords: (mental) health promotion, healthy lifestyles (e.g., physical activity, healthy diet, sexual health, sleep), prevention of mental health problems, prosocial behaviour, pro-environmental behaviour, digital health interventions, positive psychology, mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 


Le Centre de recherche sur le développement, la famille et les systèmes humains (DéFaSy) considère la psychologie clinique et développementale comme pratiques indissociables, vivantes et ancrées dans les évolutions sociétales contemporaines. C’est dans cet esprit que les questions touchant au développement et aux familles sont étudiées dans une perspective pluriparadigmatique (approche systémique, psychanalytique, interculturelle, ethnopsychologique…) et en tenant compte des dimensions quantitatives et qualitatives que ces axes de recherche convoquent. 

Le DéFaSy soutient également les recherches menées dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, interculturelle ou comparative. Les membres du DéFaSy défendent l’idée que cette diversité des pratiques de recherche est une condition tant pour l’enseignement que pour la possibilité d’un engagement pertinent dans les débats contemporains autour des questions cruciales et sensibles qui touchent au développement et à l’épanouissement des individus et des systèmes humains.

Laboratory of Oncology and Experimental Surgery

Our laboratory is specialized in Malignant Melanoma Research and in pigment cell research in general. It combines fundamental and applied research to clinical research. Many research orientations are currently underway: - The design of novel treatment strategies including new anticancer drug candidates; - The study of melanoma metatstatic process; - The radiobiologie of melanoma; - New melanoma markers; - Risk factors for melanoma including some specific gene mutations.

J.-C. Heuson Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory

Dr. Sotiriou and his team developed several prognostic and predictive genomic signatures, of which the most representative is the 'Genomic grade Index' (GGI) that allow patients classification into different prognostic groups following their disease history and the different benefice to chemo or hormonal-therapy. The team was also one of the first to develop a gene signature summarizing the immune function, showing the importance of the microenvironment in the natural history of the disease and in the response to treatment.Ongoing Research: Molecular characterization of breast cancer using next generation sequencing techniques; Identification of prognostic and predictive markers in breast cancer ; Evaluation of the role of the tumor microenvironment (including immune components) in breast tumor invasion/dissemination ; Molecular characterization of the minimal residual disease (circulating (CTCs) and disseminated (DTCs) breast tumor cells ; Study of epigenetic changes associated with breast tumor genesis and response to different therapeutics ; Studies of functional readouts of key molecular pathways involved in breast tumor genesis and response to different treatments including targeted agents.

Laboratory of Psychiatric Research

Sleep neurophysiology, numerical analyses of sleep EEG signal. - Psychology of emotions : anhedonia, alexithymia - quantitative psychopathology : validation of rating scales (reliability, validity)- risk factors of mental disorders (models of risk)- mortality and morbidity of severe mental disorders: study of risk factors - psychological prognosis factors of cardiac diseases 

Laboratory of Experimental Neurosurgery

The group is composed of 1 MD, phD (Marc Levivier), 2 MD (Florence Lefranc, Alphonse Lubansu), 1 PhD (Liliane Tenenbaum), 2 PhD students (Abdel Chtarto, Enni Lehtonen), 1 Master Student and 1 Technician (Catherine Melas) working in close collaboration with the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Gene Transfer (Prof. T. Velu). The group is exploring novel therapeutic approaches for Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases: I) ex vivo gene delivery to fetal nervous tissue used for cell replacement therapy by means of adeno-associated viruses (AAV)-based vectors. AAV vectors particulary efficient to transfer genes in human embryonic mesencephalon will be used to improve the survival of the transplanted cells of GDNF (glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) gene promoting dopaminergic neuron survival, into the embryonic mesencephalon prior to transplantation. II) in vivo gene delivery in the basal ganglia. Current AAV vectors transfer genes in the striatum at low efficiency. III) Study of the limiting steps in AAV-mediated gene transfer and development of improved vectors. IV) AAV vectors carrying tetracyclin-inducible promoter to modulate gene expression (ex vivo and in vivo) in the brain.

Laboratory of Physiology and Pharmacology

Cardiac fibrosis (Prof. N. Baeyens) - Cardiovascular biomechanics and vascular remodeling (Prof. N. Baeyens) - Physiopathology of the cardiovascular system and pulmonary circulation (Prof. K. Mc Entee, Dr. L. Dewachter) - Dental sciences and oral health (Prof. S. Cetik and Prof. N. Baeyens) - Bioelectricity (Prof. A. Boom and Prof. R. Beauwens) - Cardiac surgery (Prof. Vanden Eynden)

Laboratory of Experimental Neurology

1. Study of the genetic predisposition to epilepsy and to antieplieptic treatment response (pharmacogenetics).2.Investigations on the pathogenesis of Friedreich ataxia and development of new cellular and animal models.3. Development of the induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) technology for nervous system disease modeling (epilepsy, ataxia). 4. Mechanisms of frataxin gene silencing in Friedreich ataxia and development of therapeutic approaches to restore frataxin gene expression. 5. Investigations on cerebellar physiology and biochemistry by combining microdialysis and neurophysiological recordings on animal models (rodents).

Laboratory of Pediatric Research

The Laboratory of Pediatric Research's primary activity is in newborn screening: systematic identification of newborns suffering from serious metabolic and endocrinological diseases, not yet clinically detectable at birth. Secondly, the laboratory carries out analyses central to the diagnosis and follow-up of metabolic diseases. The laboratory is continuously looking to develop novel techniques in this context.Newborn screening allows the detection of numerous rare, congenital diseases, undetectable at birth, that may have serious consequences for the infants concerned if not detected and treated in a timely fashion.Thanks to neonatal screening, the newborns inflicted with these disorders may be treated so that no symptoms appear and no irreversible damage occurs.

Laboratory of Experimental Medicine(CHU Charleroi-Hop Vesale)

The Laboratory of Experimental Medicine is established in a community Hospital, affiliated to the Free University of Brussels; the team is formed by clinicians and researchers, in constant interactivity .The research domains are often choosen to solve observations or problems encountered in clinical practice.Research subjects concern the mechanisms of diseases(atherosclerosis and oxydative stress,sepsis,liver ischemia,cancer,thrombosis,sleep apnea syndrome,COPD,benign prostatic hypertrophy),diagnosis(cardio-vascular diseases),the therapeutic domein(coagulation,inflammation,cardio-vascular stents).The clinicians attached to our laboratory are also involved in clinical education,and want to translate in their clinical approach the lessons of the experimental approach they need in their laboratory work.

Laboratory of translational research, campus Brugmann

The unit consists of different research groups: 1) Laboratory of experimental immunology (F Corazza); 2) Clinic of Immunoallergology (O. Michel, VI Doyen);  3) Physiopathology of bone and calcium metabolism:  regulation of bone remodeling  and the role of the Parathyroid-hormone Related Peptide in its regulation (P. Bergmann, N. Nijs, R. Karmali); bone mass measurements in metabolic bone diseases (coll. with the dept of Nuclear Medicine (A.S. Hambye), the Dept of medicine (J.J. Body, S. Cappelle) and the Clinic of Rheumatology, A. Peretz); 4) Experimental surgery: grafts of foetal organs (V. Coulic, with the collaboration of the Dept of Surgery and the Laboratory of Pathology); 5) Clinical Research Unit (A. Peretz, T. Besse): conception, organization and gestion of clinical studies.

Institute for Medical Immunology

The Institute for Medical Immunology (IMI) is a research institute of the Faculty of Medicine of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. It has been created with the support of the Walloon Region and GSK Biologicals to build a knowledge platform dedicated to medical immunology. This platform aims at delivering new concepts of immunointervention for human diseases by integrating basic and clinical research. Through its participation in several research networks, it is expected to contribute to the development of Wallonia in the context of the European Research Area.

Institute of Interdisciplinary Research in human and molecular Biology

IRIBHM is part of the Medical School of the Univerité Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and one of the largest research structures of the university.
Founded in the nineteen sixties with the aim of applying an interdisciplinary approach to the study of thyroid pathophysiology, the Institute has thrived over the years into a number of independent groups with diversifying research interests. Presently, about 130 researchers and technicians are working in the Institute over a range of subjects encompassing signal transduction, development, neuroscience, and cancer, using cell and molecular biology approaches. Staff researchers include physicians, physicists, bioinformaticians, (bio)chemists and biologists. The activities of IRIBHM are mainly taking place on the Erasme campus of ULB, in the suburb of Brussels, although the Institute also contributes to the Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Médicale (IBMM) on the Gosselies campus. The heavy equipment is common to the whole Institute and often shared with other groups of the campus as technical platforms. This includes genomics, proteomics, transgenesis, FACS and confocal microscopy facilities.

ULB Center for Diabetes Research

The Laboratory of Experimental Medicine investigates the molecular pathways involved in beta-cell impairment and apoptosis in diabetes. For this purpose, members of the laboratory use state of the art methodologies, such as functional genomics, exon arrays and RNA sequencing coupled to a systems biology approach, to unveil gene networks regulated by cytokines and free fatty acids.

Laboratory of Anatomy, Biomechanics and Organogenesis

Education - Our LABO teaches anatomy to students of various programs, including medicine, dental sciences, veterinary sciences, physical therapy, occupational therapy, bioengineering, sports, nursing, pharmacy, medical biology and arts. Moreover, LABO members also teach human embryology. Research - The LABO is active in several fields thanks to its multidisciplinary staff and expertise: Biomechanics, Anatomy, Organogenesis, Embryology, Veterinary Sciences and Legal Medicine. State-of-the-art equipment is available. Clinics - The Center for Functional Evaluation (or CFE) organised by LABO offers patients, and their therapists, all services for following-up of locomotor and gesture disabilities linked to a variety of disorders (orthopeadics, neurology, etc). Clinical research is also performed at LABO. Logistics - The LABO is taking part in the organisation of various structures and international scientific events.

Laboratory of Neurophysiology

What are the genes, neurons and neural circuits underlying animal behaviors is a long standing question that we explore in The Neurophy lab using mice models or the genetic model organism C. elegans.

Our research sheds light on how genes control neuronal functions such as synaptic functions, excitability and circuits; how neurons encode behaviour; how mutations affect neuronal functions, information processing and behaviour. A coordinated effort across all our teams allows to observe, map, perturb and model brain circuits with state-of-the-art technologies. Our goal is to lead to a major advance in basic science, that will, in turn, provide critical clues to therapeutic approaches.
See our websites for more detainees on our Research Project and Publications:

Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Mathematical Physics

The activities of our group are mainly focused in three directions: nuclear, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, nuclear reactions, and mathematical methods in physics. In nuclear spectroscopy, the methods used are essentially microscopic cluster models for light nuclei. An important part of our research concerns exotic nuclei, and halo nuclei. We also address applications in the atomic or molecular framework of the N body problem. Our activities in the field of nuclear reactions cover different topics, such as reactions of astrophysical interest, and breakup reactions. We also provide theoretical support to different experimental groups.
Mathematical methods in non-relativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics concern the application in microscopic physics of group theory and Lie algebras. They also concern the use of supersymmetry in the inverse problem of collisions.  In addition, we develop numerical methods for the study of quantum N-body systems.  One aspect of our research also concerns the links between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics.


The Laboratoire de Glaciologie of the Faculty of Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a research unit focused on the study of glaciers and ice sheets and their relation within the climate system.The GEMICE group (Geophysics and Modelling of Ice) is specialized in the development of numerical ice sheet models, applied to specific glaciological problems, such as grounding lines, ice streams, ice sheet/ice shelf transitions, subglacial lake interconnection, subglacial polythermal conditions etc. Validation of these models is currently done using overland and airborne geophysics, such as radio-echo sounding. Field work is concentrated on polythermal glaciers and Antarctic.The PROPICE (Properties of ice) group focuses on physico-chemical properties of ''interface ice'', such as ice-bedrock, ice-ocean or ice-atmosphere. This expertise is based on polar field expeditions (Arctic and Antarctic) and on the development of analytical techniques for the multi-parametric study of ice rich in solid or liquid impurities: texture and fabric, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, total gas content and gas composition, bulk salinity, chemistry, etc.The main objective of the Laboratoire de Glaciologie is a better understanding of initial and boundary conditions of large ice masses (continental or marine), together with a comprehensive approach of the processes governing their interactions with the climate, more specifically in the framework of the potential impact of mankind on future climate at a global scale. It has been involved in EU Framework projects FP5, FP6 and FP7.The Laboratoire de Glaciology counts two academics who are responsible for teaching physical geography, glaciology and (palaeo-) climatology courses in the Bachelor of Geographical Sciences and the Master of Management and Science of the Environment of the ULB.

Analysis and partial differential equations

To be updated soon. 


Denis Bonheure -

Antoine Gloria -

Bruno Premoselli -

Mitia Duerinckx -

Céline Grandmont -

Alexandre Dutrifoy (CQ FNRS)

Paul Godin

Jean-Pierre Gossez

Unit of Research in Mathematical Education

The Unité de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathématiques (UREM) aims at contact teachers of primary, secondary and university level interested in developing a coherent teaching approach throughout the whole education. UREM is devoted to study mathematics teaching in the widest sens.

Mathematical Statistics and probability

Differential Geometry

The research activities of this unit are devoted to various aspects of differential geometry : symplectic geometry, Kähler geometry, deformation quantization,  symplectic and contact topology. 

Mechanics and Applied Mathematics

We have developed expertise on various aspects of applied mathematics and on methods of mathematical physics. More precisely our research topics include inverse problems and their applications (optics, microscopy, medical imaging, non destructive testing), optimization (convex and non convex problems, iterative algorithms, proximal operators), continuum mechanics and electrodynamics (wave propagation in elasticity and electromagnetism), and applications of Fourier and wavelet analysis (signal processing, macroeconomics, seismology, ...).

Discrete Mathematics


Elementary Particle Physics

Experimental research in elementary particle physics with accelerators and colliders experiments CMS at the LHC; H1 at HERA-DESY, Hamburg; OPERA at CERN) and in astroparticles (neutrino telescope IceCube); grille de calcul intégré; instrumentation developments (data acquisition systems); node of the intensive computing grid (LHC GRID). 

Theoretical Physics : Fundamental Interactions

Our research is at the interface between fundamental interactions, including gravity, and cosmology. We use experiments and observations from colliders, telescopes, underground detectors, etc, to uncover the laws of nature beyond those encompassed within the Standard Model of particle physics. The topics we are concerned with include the nature and origin of dark matter and dark energy, the physics of neutrinos, the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the universe and its relation to CP violation and, last but not least, the mechanism at the origin of the mass of elementary particles (the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism).

Structure and Function of Biological Membranes

The laboratory is dedicated to advancing to a better understanding of the structure, function, and role of biological membranes in cells and cellular organelles.  We put a special emphasis on the study of the structure and function of membrane molecules (lipids and proteins) and on the investigation of the mechanism by which these molecules control membrane permeability and cellular functions. We provide a multidisciplinary training and research environment including cell biology, physiology, biochemistry, proteomics, cell and molecular spectroscopy, biophysics and structural bioinformatics. As membrane component s are the targets for most pharmaceutical compounds, our studies include hot topics such as cancer diagnostic and treatment, cholesterol and lipid transport, Alzheimer's disease, cell transfection, heavy metals detoxification. Our group has contributed to the development of methodologies that allow the investigation of the structure-activity relationship of membrane proteins at a molecular scale in a well-defined environment. One of our main purpose is to stimulate and coordinate high-level graduate education in membrane biology, and foster career development of membrane scientists in an environment of research excellence. The laboratory develops Basic and Applied Research projects. Our laboratory belongs to the ''Structural Biology and Bioinformatics Center'' at the University of Brussels, and is member of the ''Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules, Bioinformatics and Modelling'' graduate college. Our laboratory is also part of several European (Early Stage Training (EST)'' networks.

Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry and Atmospheric Remote Sensing

The ''Service de Chimie quantique et Photophysique'' (previously ''Service de Chimie Physique Moléculaire'') is active in the field of physical chemistry. The research focuses on the internal structure of atoms and molecules and their related reactivity. We interrogate species using light and perform high resolution spectroscopic experiments with Fourier transform interferometers and lasers. We simultaneously calculate their properties using computers with ab initio time dependent and independent methods. We are most concerned by the role the species we investigate play in Earth's atmospheric processes, and in other planetary and stellar atmospheres as well as in the interstellar space. Besides the development and use of state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical investigation means in the laboratory, we participate to remote sensing satellite missions and perform ground based validation measurements. Theoretical modeling results from both our laboratory and remote sensing activities. Our research activities are detailed under the following three main themes: 1. Experimental Molecular Chemical Physics 2. Quantum Chemistry and Atomic Physics 3. Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere

Theoretical Nonlinear Optics

Nonlinear dynamics of lasers: multimode coupling in isotropic and birefringent cavities, parametric oscillators, semiconductor lasers subjected to an injected signal or feedback. Transverse effects and localized structures. Delay-differential equations in nonlinear optics and applications in all scientific areas. Modelisation of quantum dot lasers. Left-handed materials.

Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems

Complexity addresses from a unifying point of view a large body of phenomena occurring in systems composed of interacting subunits. It constitutes a highly interdisciplinary, fast-growing branch of science and provides a privileged interface between mathematical and physical science on the one side and real-world complex systems on the other, as encountered, in particular, in life sciences. The Center is devoted to research on complex systems and the related fields of nonlinear science, statistical physics, thermodynamics, physical chemistry, systems biology, and simulations techniques. It contributes to the promotion of these topics thanks to training and visitor programmes, meeting organization, and the participation to national and international projects. It is composed of researchers of the academic staff of ULB, permanent FRS-FNRS researchers, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students. It is attached to the departments of physics, chemistry and biology of organisms of the Faculty of Sciences, as well as to the department of chemistry and material science of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

Plant Ecology and Biogeochemistry

The research unit investigates biogeochemistry, and functional and evolutionary ecology of terrestrial ecosystems, especially in response to disturbance by man. In particular, our expertise concerns mineral nutrients in the soil-plant system, and adaptations of plants to soil mineral nutrient stress (heavy metal contaminations, ...).

Plant Biotechnology

The lab includes 2 permanent researchers, 1 of whom is attached to the FNRS, 4 post-docs, 2 PhD students and 1 technician.
The lab's research concerns the development of vascular plants.
- The main theme of the laboratory is the study of the molecular basis of secondary wall formation in xylem cells of woody plant species. Poplar is used as a model.
- Our second line of research aims to characterise the link between tissue lignification and tolerance to environmental stresses, particularly drought, in tropical field crop species (cowpea, millet, etc.).


The research developed in the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Photochmeistry (COP) covers several aspects: design and synthesis of novel mono- and polynuclear Ru(II) complexes with polyazaaromatic ligands nanometer sized, design and synthesis of oligometallic and dendritic metallic complexes, study and development of novel potential anti-cancer drugs, activated under illumination and based on metallic compounds, development of metallic photoprobes and photoreagents of DNA, new molecular tools for the study of DNA, interaction of metallic complexes with nucleic acids, design and synthesis of Ru derivatized oligonucleotides for the anti-sens or anti-gene strategy, and for study of networks, photochemistry of Ru(II) complexes in the presence of amino acids, oligopeptides and proteins, synthesis of Rh(III), Ir(III), Cu(I), Cu(II) complexes as novel materials with particular optical or/and electronic properties, as well as the development and study of novel Cu(I) complexes used as photocatalysts for organic synthesis and carbon dioxyde photoreduction

Theoretical and mathematical physics

The research unit is interested in the theoretical and mathematical description of the fundamental interactions. In particular we are interested in Einstein's theory of gravity (e.g. black holes and theoretical cosmology), in its possible extensions to dimensions different than four and, eventually, in the study of a consistent theory of quantum gravity. These efforts lead naturally to models such as string theory, where all interaction are unified. In this context, we use and develop novel techniques in quantum field theory (e.g. renormalization and anomalies) and in supersymmetry. Another problem is the one of non perturbative aspects of gauge theories (supersymmetric or not), which should explain the origin of mass and confinement in QCD.



Laboratory of Neurovascular Signaling

Our goal is to understand how the vascular and neural systems dynamically communicate to orchestrate brain development and function. It is now clear that blood vessels are more than passive conduits for blood flow and that tissue-specific vascular beds not only match the metabolic demands of the perfused organs but also act as important signaling centers releasing angiocrine factors that govern tissue morphogenesis and function. Proper brain function relies on elaborate neurovascular communications that, when perturbed, often have disabling or fatal consequences. Hence, there is great interest in studying the mechanisms that shape the anatomy and control the functionality of the cerebrovasculature, not only to better understand how the brain develops and works, but also to elaborate innovative therapeutic strategies for neurological disorders. We leverage the zebrafish brain as a normoxic and transparent setting to explore CNS neurovascular interactions in real time and at single-cell resolution in order to better understand through which cellular and molecular mechanisms CNS vascular invasion and maturation are controlled by neural signals and, reciprocally, how the developing vascular system impacts brain patterning and function.In addition, our laboratory contains two independent research sub-units studying molecular parasitology and inflammation molecular biology.  

Laboratory of microbiology

Physiology of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms. Relationships between structure and function in proteins and enzymes. Biosynthesis and function of the modified nucleosides of transfer RNA.

Cellular and Molecular Microbiology

How bacteria adapt to their ever-changing environments and what are the molecular mechanisms orchestrating adaptation remain fundamental questions. To tackle these issues, my group has developed two main research lines. We are interested in functions and evolution of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. These systems are widespread and important for persistence. Persister cells are tolerant to antibiotics, they are clinically relevant since they account for chronic infections. Our second line of research focuses on global regulation of gene expression. We are particularly interested in a post-transcriptional regulator controlling central carbon metabolism and biofilm formation. Single-cell microscopy and flow cytometry analyses are developed in the lab. 

Molecular biology of the gene

Regulation of gene expression is fundamental for cell homeostasis and invariably leads to severe human pathogenesis when defective. Therefore, novel treatment strategies for a number of different diseases may depend on our ability to exploit mechanisms that normally alter the expression of endogenous genes. While historically, gene regulation studies have mostly focused on transcription, it has recently become evident that post-transcriptional levels of control play an equally important role. From the very onset of transcription, mRNAs have a complex existence: they are bound by the abundant shuttling hnRNPs proteins, processed at their 5'- and 3' ends (capping, poly-adenylation), internally processed and modified (splicing, editing,...), subjected to various nuclear quality controls (tested for the absence of premature stops,...), routed to the nuclear pore complex, translocated to the cytoplasm, translated (and/or stored) and eventually degraded. All these events are intimately fine-tuned and co-ordinated to ensure that Only 'proper' mRNAs are translated at the correct time and place. Our laboratory studies different aspects of postranscriptional gene regulation with a particular focus on the translation and stability control of mRNA containing so called AU-rich elements.

Marine Biology

Bioecology of marine benthic invertebrates, especially echinoderms : aquaculture, biodiversity, biomineralization, development, ecotoxicology, general biology, nutrition, reproduction, symbioses. The marine biology unit of the ULB is closely associated to its equivalent of the Mons-Hainaut University within the ''Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine'' (CIBIM)

Service of Molecular Virology

The Laboratory of Molecular Virology is studying the role played by epigenetic modifications (histone acetylation, histone methylation and DNA methylation) in transriptional latency and reactivation from latency of three retroviruses : HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1), HTLV-I (Human T-cell leukemia virus I) and BLV (Bovine Leukemia Virus).Infection by these retroviruses is characterized by viral latency in the large majority of infected cells and by the absence of viremia (in the cases of HTLV-I and BLV). These features are thought to be due to the transcriptional repression of viral expression in vivo, but the molecular mechanisms involved in such a repression are not fully elucidated. The epigenetic modifications could be one mechanism by which these viruses escape the host immune response and, in the case of HTLV-I/BLV, allow tumor development. 

Ecology of Aquatic Systems

Study and modeling of the structure and functioning of aquatic systems (marine and continental, waste waters, drinking water) and the response to natural and human-induced changes.

Evolutionary Biology and Ecology

Research activities within the Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Unit at the ULB focus on 5 complementary thematics in evolutionary biology.(1) Natural substances produced by organisms from their secondary metabolism play a major role in interactions (intra- or interspecific) between living organisms sharing the same environment. We focus on pheromones involved in conspecific recognition among insects but also on the role of chemicals in insect-plants interactions (chemical defense, chemical mimicry).(2) Problems of biodiversity conservation are studied in local area and in tropical forest ecosystems. At a local scale (Brussels and suburbs), we are interested in distribution and behaviour of endangered species, which require to study potential competitors in expansion (invasive species). Bats, birds and ladybirds belong to the focus groups. In tropical forest, focus groups are termites and ants but also trees, on wich we evaluate biodiversity and its variations depending on natural environment conditions and human activities impact.(3) We evaluate available statistical tools and develop our own to characterize the organization of genetic diversity and identify the processes involved (genetic drift, dispersal, mutation, selection). We use these tools with both plant and animal models. We also study genetic structure of societies and populations of social insects (ants, termites), and their social consequences in terms of reproductive strategies. Phylogeographic studies are conducted, at the interface between populations and species, to gain insights into the geographic distribution of genetic variation and on the mechanisms of speciation. (4) We try to understand the principles that lead evolution of animal societies and the ecological consequences of social life: organisation of societies, reproductive strategies and conflicts within groups. These researches focus on social insects (ants, termites), using several approaches as behaviour, ecology and genetics.(5) Studies of alpha taxonomy (identification and description of genus and species) are made in part for their own interest (inventory of living organisms), but also as a basis for studies on biodiversity estimation. Building of phylogenies, thanks to genetic tools, allows to elaborate evolution outlines for other features: social organisation, behaviour, reproduction 

Anthropology and Human Genetics

Biological anthropology is the study of the diversity of actual and ancient human populations. It tackles the variability of mankind through time (human evolution) and space (contemporary human diversity). The research activities of the laboratory include both approaches: I) Study oh human growth, from baby to young adult, as the indicator of the health of a person and/or of a population. The study of the interactions between human development and environmental factors as well as the setting of standards of human development for medical purposes. II) Study of the paleo-ecology of ancient populations: demography, study and trials in diet reconstitution, paleoanthropology and paleopathology studies on skeletons from archaeological diggings,... Besides the main activities, ad hoc studies on various themes also take place.

Chemistry of Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanomaterials

The research activities cover various aspects of surface and interfacial chemistry since they focus on the modification, characterization and reactivity of surfaces. These studies carried out at the solid-liquid interface and solis-gas interface deal with the modification of surfaces (metals, metal electroldes and polymers) by chemical or electrochemical reactiond, by self-assembling as well as by plasma techniques. Thin layers,organized monolayers and nanostructured surfaces are designed. The characterization is based on electrochemical, spectroscopic techniques as well as on microscopy and contact angle measurements.The surface properties are examined for electrocatalysis, electrodialysis, biocompatibility, the design of barrier layers and smart materials.   

Fluid and plasma dynamics

Research unit in fluid and plasma dynamics - Association EURATOM-BELGIAN STATE/ULB for fusion.- Modeling and simulation of turbulent flows with particular focus on controlled thermonuclear fusion applications (ITER project)- Development of statistical methods for the description of fusion plasmas.

Organic Chemistry

The Laboratory of Organic Chemistry is active in organic chemistry in a broad sense, with research programs going from the development of new processes in organic chemistry and copper catalysis, the synthesis of bioactive/natural products, medicinal chemistry and the design, synthesis and study of molecular receptors derived from calix[6]arenes. We are indeed interested in the synthesis of molecular receptors derived from calix[6]arenes and the study of their host-guest properties toward neutral or charged species (metal ions, ammonium ions, anions). Macrocyclization reactions are used as the key-step for the syntheses of the receptors. The molecular recognition mechanisms are studied thanks to NMR spectroscopy. The receptors are then applied in the self-assembly of molecular objects, in chiral recognition, in catalysis, in surface modification, and in the design of modified electrodes or fluorescent molecular probes. Another part of our research is focused on the development of new processes and reagents in organic synthesis. One of the main area of research of this program is based on the use of copper catalysis and copper-mediated transformations. More specifically, we have been involved in the use of copper-catalysis in the synthesis of natural and/or bioactive products, for the development of new processes and reagents in organic synthesis and, more recently, in the development of new copper-catalyzed polymerization processes, all these research programs being strongly interconnected. We are in addition involved in the development of new processes based on new reagents or chemical intermediates.Moreover, the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry develops the synthesis of molecules of biological interest in collaboration with other groups from academia and industry.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Institute

The IAA is involved in theoretical and observational research activities in various fields of astrophysics. These concern in particular the synthesis of atomic nuclei, the chemical and isotopic composition of the solar system and of stars from our Galaxy, the structure and evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars including diferent mixing processes as well as the modelling of binary systems and of stellar hydrodynamic phenomena of the detonation type. The modeling of the above phenomena is compared with observed quantities, like the chemical composition of stars from various classes. The chemical composition is derived using the best tools, both observational (telescopes and spectrographs from the European Southern Observatory, or from our own high-resolution spectrograph HERMES) and theoretical (model atmospheres, atomic and molecular data). Similarly, nucleosynthesis predictions require many nuclear data which are collected and evaluated, or generated in large-scale theoretical calculations. They are used to generate extended nuclear reaction networks which are made available to the astrophysical community. Besides these research topics where I.A.A. has long been recognized has an international centre of excellence, I.A.A. nowadays contributes substantially to the preparation of the E.S.A. Gaia mission. Astrometry and galactic dynamics are therefore two new active research fields at I.A.A. 

Department of Education

This Department leads research activities on problems encountered with educational issues, mainly at a scholar secondary level. The research projects concern apprenticeship, transversal competences, meta - cognition, methodologies related to authority and discipline, university pedagogy, didactic, use of new technologies... 

Research Center for Work and Consumer Psychology

The study of attitudes and behaviours are a major concern for our research centre, and this particularly in the fields of human resources, well-being at work, psychosocial risks prevention, and consumer behaviour. Our team focuses on research theme going from well-being, organisational innovation, technological acceptance and user experience (UX), work harassment and discrimination, ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR), impulsive buying, professional mobility, commitment.

Center for Social and Cultural Psychology

Center for social and intercultural psychology.

Department of Clinical and Differential Psychology

 The clinical and differential psychology department is involved in several researches, mostly based on clinical and projectives methodologies, as well as in several diagnostic investigations and evaluations of intellectual and behavioral dys/functions from a variety of perspectives (individual and society, clinical and anthropological, personality and psychic processes) and across the life span (childhood, adolescence, and adulthood). 

Unit of Developmental and Family Psychology

The principal topics of the unit are 1° perinatal psychology (parental experience of the pregnancy and the delivery, study on the attachement child-parent, premature delivery, impact of the post-partum depression on the child,...) 2° child psychology (impact of day nursery on the child, impact of divorce on the child, construction of the notion of time in child, gifted children, development in preterm infants), 3° adolescent's psychology (impact of divorce on the adolescent, identity problems in adolescents, deviances (drug addiction, suicide attempt...), 4° family psychology (new parentality, infertility, female identity, menopause and andropause).

Laboratory of Cognition, Language, and Development

The research focus of the LCLD concerns the study of human cognition, language, and speech perception with a developmental and educational perspective, a field also known as developmental or educational neuroscience. Although a large part of the research is based on behavioral experimental techniques, with normally developing children, children with cognitive or sensory developmental impairments and adult participants, current projects also integrate computational modelling as well as neuroimaging techniques (ERP, fMRI, MEG). The lab has a long tradition of research on visual word recognition processes, and on reading and spelling acquisition in typical and atypical development, as well as on speech perception. Major themes of active investigation at the moment concern aspects of language processing and reading; spoken and printed word recognition processes; written language acquisition disorders (dyslexia/dysgraphia); novel word reading; reading motivation and engagement; speech perception; speech-in-noise perception; language development in hearing-impaired persons.
LCLD is a member of CRCN ( and UNI (

Didactics of biology teaching

Training in teaching biology at upper secondary level (aggregation of upper secondary education - AESS) - Continuing education - Research in the didactics of biology

International Centre for Innovation, Technology and Education Studies

Le centre, crée en 1996, a pour objectif d'étudier spécifiquement les phénomènes liés à l'évolution de l'enseignement et à la recherche scientifique, tant au niveau belge qu'international. Ceux-ci sont appréhendés dans une perspective multidisciplinaire recourant aux outils conceptuels et méthodologiques des sciences économiques et des théories de l'organisation. A cette fin, plusieurs recherches donnant lieu à de nombreuses publications scientifiques sont menées sur les thèmes de la gestion stratégique des universités européennes, de la transition entre l'enseignement secondaire et l'enseignement universitaire, des conditions de travail des chercheurs, de l'appropriation - par les étudiants - des technologies de l'information et de la communication ainsi que de l'évolution du rôle des dirigeants dans un contexte institutionnel en mouvement. Par ailleurs, le centre a des activités d'éditeur, notamment dans la collection ''Education'' dirigée par le professeur F. Thys-Clément aux Editions de l'Université. Il compte également à son actif divers travaux d'expertise tant sur le plan national qu'international (FNRS, Communauté française de Belgique, Commission Européenne, OCDE, CNRS,...).

European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics

Inaugurated on November 30, 1991, ECARES (European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics) is a joint initiative of the Institut d'Etudes Européennes (IEE) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), and of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a network of around 500 researchers in Europe. In the Fall of 1997, ECARE then merged with the Centre d'Economie Mathématique et d'Econométrie, CEME, which had been founded at ULB in the 1970's, with as purpose to foster international quantitative research in economics at ULB. And in the Fall of 1999, the collaboration with statisticians from ULB's Institut de Statistique et de Recherche Opérationnelle (ISRO) was officialized by the transformation of ECARE into ECARES, the 'European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics'. These two institutional developments of the last years have thus gone in the same direction: strengthening the connection between research in economics, econometrics and statistics while keeping our commitment to excellence and internationalization. One mission of ECARES is to encourage high-quality research in economics with special emphasis on policy issues relevant to Western and Eastern Europe, and to provide a meeting place for academics, professional economists, and civil servants from the EC Commission. On the academic side, ECARES keeps serving as a force of attraction to recruit at ULB a number of non-Belgian researchers of international reputation, who have taught in the best universities in the world. Combined with the extensive international experience of the Belgian researchers at ECARES, this feature gives our research centre a diversity which is among the highest in Europe. In 2006, ECARES and the Center for Operation Research and Econometrics (CORE) of the Université Catholique de Louvain signed an agreement that associates both institutions in a center of excellence called ECORE.  ECORE integrates the research activities and the doctoral programs of both institutions.  It promotes their position on the international scene in the fields of economics, finance, operations research, econometrics and statistics.

Center for Legal History and Legal Anthropology

Research in legal history (included roman law) and sociolegal studies.

Perelman Center for legal philosophy

Henri Buch, Paul Foriers and Chaim Perelman created the Center Perelman for Philosophy of Law in 1967. The history of the Center is linked to the ''School of Brussels'' which was born of the meeting between the observation of the legal practice and the new rhetoric of Perelman. The Centre jointed the Faculty of Law in 1982. The Centre carries on the ''Brussels School 's spirit'' The centre develops its activities in the respect of the philosophy of '' Free Examination'' and with the three concerns of excellence, independence, and openmindedness, especially, on the international level. Transdisciplinary approaches are prioritesed. The main goal of the Centre is to further collective and individual researches in the field of philosophy of law in a large sense. It includes the followings: theory of law and legal methodology, legal logic and rhetoric, natural law, philosophy of law and political philosophy, and in general, all the aspects of the practical reason dealing with law.

Centre for European Law

After more than 50 years of activities, the Centre for European Law has cemented its place as a focal point for scholarly analysis and high level debate on European law.
The Centre started out as a legal department of the Institute for European Studies. The Institute was officially opened on 27 February 1964. It was the result of some precociously intuitive thinking by academic authorities from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Just a few years after the Treaties of Rome entered into force, the ULB authorities intended to set up an institute with the mission to “delve in depth into the area of moral and political sciences and economics, into the problems posed by the move towards an ever closer Union”. The aim was in particular to allow the ULB to respond to the imperatives of its geographic location in the capital of Europe, whose ambition was to occupy a major place on the European and international stage. The Institute was conceived as a centre of both teaching and research. Over the years, the Institute has continued to evolve alongside the European Communities, then the European Union. It has adapted its research and teaching to the challenges of European integration. In 2014, the Institute celebrated its 50th anniversary. 

In 2015 the Center for European Law replaced the Legal section of the Institute. It aims to support the developments and challenges of European construction through its research, by providing a critical and contextual analysis based on the expertise and diversity of profiles of its researchers.

The center's team is composed of professors, post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students, but also of associate members and scientific collaborators, whose work can be grouped around major areas of research on the European Union as :
- A constitutional system based on common values and respect for fundamental rights
- An area of freedom, security and justice
- A space for economic and social regulation
- An actor on the international scene

Center of criminological researchs

Officially created in 2000, the Criminological Research Centre has developed its research activities since 1995 within the School for Criminological Sciences, an annex of the Law School of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels). The members of the CRC (27 members) are all criminologists, but most have training in law, sociology, anthropology, political science, philosophy, psychology or history as well, so that research is eminently interdisciplinary. Through its participation in most of the governmental research projects, the CRC has gradually developed expertise within the framework of empirical research, particularly in qualitative methods. This expertise covers most of the functioning of criminal justice, ranging from police to prison and including the public prosecutor, juvenile justice, assistance for youth, the criminal code and social work within the justice system. It generally focuses on crucial issues: local police and policing, security feeling, youth conflicts, local courts, community sanctions, drug use, justice system models, restorative justice and so on. 

Center for Public Law

Created in 1979 the Center for Public law brings together theorists and practitioners of public law. The center collaborates actively with regional and national authorities, as well as with European public organizations.

Cybersecurity research center

Founded in 2017, the multidisciplinary research center in cybersecurity aims at federating the research labs active in the field of cybersecurity. It builds on top of a long-standing and well established research experience of its research groups.

The Cybersecurity Research Center has strong ties with the Master of Science in Cybersecurity, the Center for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB), and the Cybersecurity Coalition.

Center for Private Law

The Center for Private Law conducts collective and individual research activities distributed among four units: the Unit of Private International Law, the Unit of Family Law, the Unit of Economic Law, the Unit of Judicial Law, the Unit Jurislab, the Unit Notary and the Unit of Fiscal Law.xx

Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

Traitement des eaux et pollution


The ATM department is active in the fields of aerodynamics, aeronautical engineering, aerospace engineering, thermodynamics, thermal engineering and applied mechanics. The ATM team has developed a broad know-how and undertakes research projects applying this know-how for theoretical matters, numerical simulations and also test benches and experimental investigations.

MRC-Microgravity Research Centre / Chimie physique

The research activities of the MRC are oriented in fluid physics and advanced optical methods for fluid physics, biomedical and environmental researches applications. The projects of MRC are fundamental and applied and cover theoretical, numerical, and experimental aspects. The MRC has developed essential skills for experiments in space and microgravity in the frame of ESA programs. The scientific developments take advantage of all the microgravity-platforms proposed by the European Space Agency: parabolic flights, sounding rockets, satellites, drop towers, International Space Station (ISS).
In fluid-physics, the activities of MRC are centered on the phenomena of heat and mass transfer in simple and complex fluids. The MRC expertise spans from the theoretical and numerical modeling of phase change phenomena such as evaporation, condensation, thermo-diffusion, and boiling to the development of complete rigs for Space experiments. The main research axes are: 

•	Evaporation: MRC is studying the behavior of droplets, films and thick layers of simple and complex fluids when the evaporation of the solvent phase is coupled with other phenomena for a broad range of applications, including photonics, medicine, and biotechnology.
•	Condensation/Boiling: Cooling of microelectronics, heat recovery in satellites, and heat transfer in passive devices such as heat pipes.
•	Thermo-diffusion: MRC develops several research topics related to phenomena, including fluids of different natures.  

In Optics, MRC is pursuing developments in optical metrology and proposes new 3D measuring instruments based on digital holography microscopy (DHM).
Historically, the MRC was one of the first laboratories in the world to develop DHM, and it has played a pioneering role. The MRC is internationally recognized for his innovations reported in peer review journals and obtains different patents that protect the technology. The spin-off Ovizio was created to commercialize this technology.

MRC, headed by professor Frank Dubois, has the necessary infrastructure and staff to cover a wide range of skills to carry out ambitious projects. Its expertise has led the MRC to be involved in numerous research programs supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, European Union, the Walloon Region, the Brussels-Capital, the Federal Services Policy scientific and high-tech industries.
The MRC is at the origin of the spin-offs Euro Heat Pipe, Lambda-X and Ovizio.

Electrical energy

A long-standing research activity of the Electrical Energy group concerns the operation, the monitoring and the protection of power systems. In particular, the group has a large expertise in the design of numerical protection relays for HV lines transformers, generators and motors, and in the design of monitoring systems for Power Quality analysis. Ongoing research deals with the maintenance, the reliability and the stability of power systems, and with the use of synchronized Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs).

The Electrical Energy group also carries out research in the domain of dispersed generation and renewable energies. The focus is on wind energy and the control of wind turbine generators in the presence of grid faults and generator faults.

The modeling, the simulation and the control of electrical machines and drives constitute another axis of research. Induction machines and synchronous machines are modeled by means of finite element models and dq-models. Part of our attention goes towards the development of online detection systems for faults in induction motors. Further, a major topic for more than 20 year is PWM control of railway traction drives and the related spectral problems.

Another research axis is devoted to switch-mode power supplies (modeling and simulation of electrical, magnetic and thermal problems, topologies, analog and digital control, monitoring).

The unit is active in the following research fields: : 
Electric Vehicles
Electrical Machines and Drives (design, control, simulation)
Numerical Methods for Electromagnetism
Power Systems protection
Reliability and Security of Power Systems
Renewable Energies (wind, photovoltaic)
Signal processing of measurements on the grid
Smart Grids
Smart metering

Bio mechatronics

The bio-mechatronics research unit is divided in two groups: the biomed group and the precision mechatronics laboratory.

The major interest of the biomed group is to develop and analyse medical devices in collaboration with clinicians. This research group has developed close relation with many medical departments in Europe. For example, we collaborate since 2003 with Jacques Devière and the department of gastroenterology of Erasme Hospital on several projects in the field of flexible digestive endoscopy.
The research axes of the biomed group are the following ones:
- Flexible mechanics, including design of medical devices for therapeutic endoscopy, force feedback system and size measurement device for endoscopic applications, real time in vivo biosensor, controllable stiffness mechanism for endoscopic and catheter applications,
- Bioelectronics, including design and manufacturing of implantable stimulators (neurostimulators, gastrostimulators, optoelectronic stimulators), medical monitoring devices (electroneurogram, 3D ballistocardiography), neuromodelling and signal processing,
- Biomechanics, including experimental and numerical analysis of human joints, orthopaedic implants design and analysis, mechanical characterization of soft tissues, patient specific modeling, focusing but not limiting on the human knee joint.

The precision mechatronics laboratory is developing instrumentation and strategies for actively measuring and controlling the vibrations of structures. Over the years, it has developed an internationally renown expertise in high precision control of large instruments dedicated to experimental physics, including gravitational wave detectors, particle colliders, segmented ground and space telescopes, satellites and light sources.

TIPs - Transport phenomena and process engineering

The objective of the research carried out at the Transfers, Interfaces and Processes (TIPs) laboratory of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is the experimental characterization and the mathematical modeling of transport phenomena within systems containing several phases (gas and/or liquid and/or solid), exchanging matter, heat or momentum, through an interface between these phases, at scales between the micron and the millimeter. The research carried out revolves around mainly fundamental and/or generic questions. They have direct applications in the fields of health, environment, heat transfer technologies and agro-food, chemical, microtechnology, materials and space industries.

Our current research concerns 9 scientific topics: Drying, Enzymatic processes, Evaporation and boiling, Gas-liquid transfers, Microfluidics, Physiological fluids, Soft/Wet microrobotics, Surface rheology and, as a side research area, the characterization of Ancient hydraulic systems.

The TIPs laboratory is composed of 5 professors and approximately 35 researchers. It is divided into two research units : "TIPs - Transport phenomena and process engineering" and "TIPs - Fluid physics".

The TIPs laboratory collaborates with a number of scientific and industrial partners in Belgium, Europe, USA, Israel and Canada, in the frame of several networks funded by the European Commission or by the European Space Agency, and also thanks to support at National level (BELSPO, FNRS, Brussels and Walloon Regions). The team investigates mostly fundamental and/or generic questions, i.e. common to several natural or industrial processes. Studied problems most often involve notions of nonlinear dynamics, physical chemistry (equilibrium and non-equilibrium), statistical mechanics, transport phenomena, applied mathematics, ... The used tools are either theoretical (stability analyses, scaling laws, asymptotic techniques, ...), numerical (commercial or 'home-made' software), or experimental (fluid behavior visualization by interferometry, Schlieren, infrared thermography, ...).

The TIPs laboratory has an experimental facility devoted to the realization, the characterization and the manipulation of systems including several phases (gas and/or liquid and/or solid), exchanging mass, energy or momentum, at a characteristic length scale between the micron and the millimeter. The lab is part of the Micro-milli platform. It is managed by Adam Chafaï, PhD.

TIPs - Fluid Physics

At the TIPs (Transfers, Interfaces and Processes) Department of ULB, the main goal of the ongoing research is to develop new theoretical, numerical and experimental methods allowing to understand and predict the behavior of multiphase systems, and to design or optimize industrial processes dedicated to the transformation of matter (mineral, organic or biological) and energy. There are essentially six main research themes : mixing, gas-liquid mass transfer, dynamics of interfaces and their instabilities, wetting, porous media, heat transfer and phase change (evaporation, crystallization, ...). The Department is made of two complementary research units : the Fluid Physics Unit and the Chemical Engineering Unit. The Fluid Physics Unit collaborates with a number of scientific and industrial partners in Belgium, Europe, USA, Israel and Canada, in the frame of several networks funded by the European Commission or by the European Space Agency, and also thanks to support at National level (BELSPO, FNRS, Brussels and Walloon Regions). The team investigates mostly fundamental and/or generic questions, i.e. common to several natural or industrial processes. Studied problems most often involve notions of nonlinear dynamics, physical chemistry (equilibrium and non-equilibrium), statistical mechanics, transport phenomena, applied mathematics, ... The used tools are either theoretical (stability analyses, scaling laws, asymptotic techniques, ...), numerical (commercial or 'home-made' software), or experimental (fluid behavior visualization by interferometry, Schlieren, infrared thermography, ...).

Digital Image Analysis in Pathology

DIAPath is a transdisciplinary and interfaculty research unit (Faculties of Medicine and École polytechnique de Bruxelles) integrated into the "Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging" (CMMI, Biopark of Gosselies). This unit is the result of a long-standing collaboration between the Pathology Department of the Erasme Hospital and the Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis (LISA, Ecole polytechnique, ULB). Thanks to this collaboration, DIAPath is developing an integrated computational pathology approach for the characterisation, validation and monitoring of histopathological biomarkers in animal and human tissues.

The approach developed by DIAPath uses histological, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and chromogenic in situ hybridisation (CISH) techniques. In addition, the unit has developed Whole Slide Imaging for the objective and quantitative characterisation of biomarkers using image analysis aided by artificial intelligence. These biomarkers can be morphological in nature or concern the expression, colocalisation or co-expression of antigens (or other labelled molecules), as well as their distribution in histological samples. Data analysis skills complete the set-up. The overall objective is to extract information useful for understanding disease processes and responses to treatment, as well as to identify and validate new biomarkers useful for diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic purposes. 

DIAPath is continuing to develop its skills to extend its tissue labelling, imaging and analysis techniques to fluorescence.

Primary Care Research Unit

LISA - Virtual Reality

LISA (Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis) brings together expertise in image processing and analysis, pattern recognition, image synthesis and virtual reality. 
LISA-VR studies advanced Computational Imaging techniques to capture and render natural scenes in 3D for Virtual Reality (cf. attached pictures 1 & 2) and Holography (cf. attached pictures 3 & 4). Instead of explicitly modeling the scene with 3D models as is typically done in 3D video games, we aim at low-cost light-field solutions, characterizing not only the light intensity, but also the light direction in each point in space, aka the plenoptic function. To obtain a specific view to the scene, only a subset of the various light directions is rendered, using so-called Depth Image-Based Rendering techniques that only use images to create proper 3D perspective illusions. Their principles are know for a long time, but it remains challenging to make them work in practical settings; in particular the depth sensing/estimation, the disocclusion handling and the camera architectural settings remain open research questions. The ultimate goal is to be able to properly capture the 3D scene's light field with as little equipment as possible, while reaching high-resolution virtual views of the scene for Holographic portraiting and Virtual Reality, the latter also imposing stringent real-time rendering constraints.

Biomass Transformation Lab

Various aspects of biomass valorization are addressed at BTL. In particular, the laboratory focuses on studying the fundamentals and direct applications of bioprocesses for the transformation of bio-resources into added value products including biofuels, biomaterials for tissue engineering, biomedical products, and prebiotics by adhering to the concepts of circular economy, bio-based society, and industry. 

The laboratory consist of two research units:

PhotoBioCatalysis: focuses on depolymerization of biomass such as lignocellulose and marine-derived bioresources, and plastic into new high-value building blocks using novel approaches such as light energy coupled with fungal and bacterial enzymes (PETase). This activity is the core of the sustainable degradation of waste. The monomers are then transformed via fermentation into higher value products. 

BioMatter: explores the recovery and application of high-value building blocks generated at PhotoBiocatalysis to produce various high-value polymers, pigments, bioactive molecules and structures for biomaterials tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and food applications. The unit is dedicated to research on additive manufacturing biomaterials at ULB and focuses on improving the functional properties of biopolymers to develop multifunctional biomaterials with diverse physiochemical characteristics: biocompatibility, biodegradability, and stimuli-responsive for biomedical and food applications. 

Applied Microbiology Laboratory

ULB Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Sports

U-IRIS is intended to bring together research skills existing at ULB in the fields of sports and physical activity in order to stimulate collaboration and interdisciplinary research. The research carried out within U-IRIS could be the basis of evidence-based advice in various fields of sport and physical activity. ULB and each of U-IRIS partner groups, as well as their existing activities, platforms, infrastructures and collaborations, will gain in visibility, both internally and externally in a promising and rapidly evolving field.

The research carried out by U-IRIS is designed to be both fundamental and applied. It is developed around five major axes:
- clinics / sports medicine
- high level sports / performance
- rehabilitation / handicap and sports
- sports and society (including education through sports)
- prevention / public health / nutrition.

The groups participating in U-IRIS represent the Faculties of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Medicine, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Motor Sciences, the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, the School of Public Health, the Research Department, ULB-Sports and the Erasme Academic Hospital.

Radiophysics and MRI physics laboratory

The research activities of our laboratory, combining clinical and fundamental research, are developed as part of multidisciplinary approaches and in close collaboration with the departments of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology and Radiotherapy. Thanks to the different expertise of our researchers and our intrinsic collaborations, our research topics are highly diversified.  
One of our principal research fields concerns the development of data sciences, including artificial intelligence techniques. Our goal is to develop predictive and prognostic models for internal and external radiotherapy treatments, and on a broader level of Oncology treatments. Biomarkers are extracted from perfusion CT, functional MRI and metabolic/molecular (SPECT and PET) images using Radiomics analysis, possibly combined with biomarkers coming from Genomics, Proteomics, etc. This research topic is of particular interest for the concomitant development of the MRI-Linac and the Theranostic agents (e.g. 68-Gallium/177-Lutetium PRRT and PSMA, etc.). Optimal cancer care needs a holistic view of the patient and the disease and the development of such predictive and prognostic models are deemed essential for improving patient selection and the guidance of their treatment plan. 
Another important aspect of our research is the optimization of radiotherapy techniques, notably using artificial intelligence for automatic image delineation (CT, MRI and PET images), absorbed-dose prediction, generation of pseudo-CT from MRI images and TCP/NTCP modelling. This research pillar also focuses on integrating multimodality imaging as part of precision radiotherapy approaches (MRI guided robotic brachytherapy, MRI guided Gammaknife, Theranostics dosimetry, etc). 
Moreover our laboratory has research projects in 3D printing, in radiobiology (collaborations with the BRTP: Brussels RadioTheragnostic Platform and the PIRaTH: Preclinical imaging and radiation therapy platform) and on the combination of radiotherapy techniques with immunotherapy. Last but not least, we are participating in the research activities of future proton therapy facilities in Charleroi.

LIEU: Interdisciplinary Laboratory in Urban Studies


Scheduling Optimisation Security

The topics of the research group SOS include : scheduling, real-time systems, optimisation & security.

European Institute of Public Management

Center for Research and Engineering in Space Technologies

Socio-Environmental Dynamics Research Group

Bacterial genetics and physiology

How bacteria adapt to their ever-changing environments and what are the molecular mechanisms orchestrating adaptation remain fundamental questions. To tackle these issues, my group has developed two main research lines. We are interested in functions and evolution of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. These systems are widespread and important for persistence. Persister cells are tolerant to antibiotics, they are clinically relevant since they account for chronic infections. Our second line of research focuses on global regulation of gene expression. We are particularly interested in a post-transcriptional regulator controlling central carbon metabolism and biofilm formation. Single-cell microscopy and flow cytometry analyses are developed in the lab. 

Cellular and Molecular Microbiology


Signal Transduction and Metabolism Laboratory

Metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and liver cancer are major health problems with pandemic proportions. Approximately 650 million adults are obese worldwide, accounting for ~16% of the Belgian adult population. Obesity is a key risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease.

One of the main problems in developing valued research that impacts patient care is the absence of interaction between different scientific fields, foundations, and, importantly, external collaborators and industrial partners. The Signal Transduction and Metabolism Laboratory aims to fill this gap in our institution and will be instrumental in establishing the ULB as a top metabolic unit that provides extensive services to companies and external users. In addition, it will help better prepare students for the current and future challenges in metabolic diseases.

Policy Lab

Le Policy Lab se donne pour mission de générer et interpréter des connaissances pour connecter les services publics aux besoins de leurs parties prenantes afin d’en améliorer la qualité. Au cœur de l'ADN du Policy Lab, il y a la conviction de la nécessité d’encourager les partenariats, les connaissances et la créativité pour une société durable, inclusive et performante.

À ce titre, il co-crée, accompagne et évalue des politiques et des expérimentations publiques visant à mieux prendre en compte les besoins des citoyens, bénéficiaires, usagers, etc., à chaque étape de l’action publique (élaboration, planification, mise en œuvre et évaluation). Il collabore ainsi avec des administrations, des institutions politiques, des entreprises ou des associations soucieuses de tester de nouvelles manières de faire pour mener des politiques plus durables, plus inclusives et plus performantes grâce à l’implication de leurs parties prenantes. 

Le Policy Lab se positionne comme un "connecteur de connaissances " : 
- Nous actualisons la connaissance scientifique. 
- Nous opérationnalisons les données.
- Nous connectons l'Université à la Société, au monde extérieur.
- Nous transférons nos connaissances à la société et aux services publics.
- Nous améliorons la performance des services publics, nous faisons gagner du temps.
- Nous facilitons la prise de décision des instances publiques.



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