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Research Center for Work and Consumer Psychology (PsyTC)

Faculty of Psychological and Educational Sciences | Research Center for Work and Consumer Psychology

(Code: ULB102)

Person in charge of the unit : VAN DE LEEMPUT Cécile.

The study of attitudes and behaviours are a major concern for our research centre, and this particularly in the fields of human resources, well-being at
work, psychosocial risks prevention, and consumer behaviour. Our team focuses on research theme going from well-being, organisational innovation,
technological acceptance and user experience (UX), work harassment and discrimination, ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR), impulsive buying,
professional mobility, commitment.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : bâtiment D, niveau 8, Local DC8.117
Address : CP122
Phone number : +32-2-650.32.94
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Applied psychology

 • Cognitive psychology

 • Control techniques

 • Desease psychology

 • Economic and commercial psychology

 • Economic and commercial psychology

 • Health psychology

 • Juridical psychology

 • Marketing and advertising

 • Military psychology

 • Psychological methods

 • Psychology of environment

 • Specific activities psychology