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Research Unit in Rehabilitation Sciences

Our research unit aims to study the physiological and physiopathological aspects of the lympho-venous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. At the heart of our interests are the evaluation of function, imaging, and the effects of physiotherapy prevention and rehabilitation.
Research in these 3 areas is the responsibility of:
JP Belgrado: Project Lymphology / Main subject: lypoedema
J Van Cant: Project Musculoskeletal physiotherapy / Main subject: The runner
G Deboeck: Project Cardiovascular and respiratory rehabilitation / Main subject: Vascular adaptation during aerobic training

Research Unit in Osteopathy

A la tête de l’Unité de Recherche en Sciences de l’Ostéopathie depuis 2016, le Prof Bengoetxea et son équipe ont une longue tradition d’expertise en Sciences de l’Ostéopathie et plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la biomécanique. 

Ensemble, ils essayent d’apporter 3 autres domaines de recherche à leur unité. 
Ces nouveaux domaines sont la neurophysiologie du système sensori-moteur, la recherche clinique et la recherche en santé publique. 

L'URSO a donc dessiné trois axes de recherche pour lesquels ils ont déjà initié des projets, actuellement en phase de réalisation, et pour lesquels ils participent à des appels à projets tant nationaux qu'internationaux.

1.	Recherche en Physiologie Sensori-Motrice et Biomécanique Musculosquelettique
2.	Recherche Clinique
3.	Recherche en santé publique

Laboratory of Applied Biology

The main objective of the Laboratory of Applied Biology - associated with the Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology -  (LAB Neuro) is to contribute to the understanding of the neuromechanics of human motor control. Our studies focus on several areas, such as central and peripheral control in various motor tasks, age-related adjustments in the neuromuscular system, acute and long term adaptations to sport training, disuse and rehabilitation.

Health and Human Motor Psychology Research Unit

The main orientations are as follow: 
1. sport psychology : Studying the psychological components of performance; the use of sport as a vehicle for social integration; doping and addiction in sport; decision-making in the athlete's
2.Caregiver-care Relationship: improved caregiver-care communication, touch psychophysiology, impact of placebo on painful management and performance; improved patient well-being, use of medical hypnosis on painful management
3. Psychomotricity :  influence of environmental factors on the normal and pathological  child's psychomotricity; study of body pattern and body image in normal and pathological situations (including eating disorders) 

Research Unit in Cardio-Respiratory Physiology, Exercise and Nutrition

A first part of the research work is devoted to the study of the potentially toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of oral creatine supplementation. Indeed, in sports circles, this substance is widely used in order to improve performance.

We are also conducting studies on the effects of essential amino acid supplementation (EAA) during muscle building training.

Our unit has become, in just a few years, both a center of expertise and reference in the context of nutritional monitoring for both high-level athletes and amateurs, but is also at the forefront of the development of nutritional strategies for target populations such as the elderly.

Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology

The main objective of the Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology - associated with the Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology -  (LAB Neuro) is to contribute to the understanding of the neuromechanics of human motor control. Our studies focus on several areas, such as central and peripheral control in various motor tasks, age-related adjustments in the neuromuscular system, acute and long term adaptations to sport training, disuse and rehabilitation.

Research Unit in Cardio-respiratory Physiology

The Laboratory research field evolves around the limitation factors of aerobic capacity. A particular interest is focused on the mechanisms of adaptation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during exercise, in patients, healthy subjects, sedentary or trained and including in extreme conditions.
The Laboratory's research projects are related to 3 main axes;
1) Pulmonary, systemic and cerebral hemodynamic limitation and adaptations during exercise,
2) Adaptations and limitations of aerobic capacity in extreme conditions, including altitude.
3) Exercise therapy; feasability and impact of physical activity and exercise in metabolic and cardio-respiratory patients 

Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics

In an open space at the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the LNMB (Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics) embraces searchers with different backgrounds encouraging interactions under common propositions:

“Movement is inescapable in understanding the human essence of sensorimotor, cognition, emotion, and social communication processes. Oscillatory brain activity is their crucial mechanism.”

Links :
Fonds Leibu


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