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Health and Human Motor Psychology Research Unit

Faculty of Motor Skills Sciences | Motricity Sciences Research Centers

(Code: ULB388)

Person in charge of the unit : FOUCART Jennifer.

The main orientations are as follow: 
1. sport psychology : Studying the psychological components of performance; the use of sport as a vehicle for social integration; doping and addiction in
sport; decision-making in the athlete's
2.Caregiver-care Relationship: improved caregiver-care communication, touch psychophysiology, impact of placebo on painful management and performance;
improved patient well-being, use of medical hypnosis on painful management
3. Psychomotricity :  influence of environmental factors on the normal and pathological  child's psychomotricity; study of body pattern and body image in
normal and pathological situations (including eating disorders) 

Campus : Campus Hospitalo-Fac
Campus Erasme
Location : Campus Erasme, Batiment N, Niveau 5 / Local N.5.116
Address : CP640 - Route de Lennik, 808 - 1070 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-555.40.08
E-mail :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Development psychology - first three months

 • Development psychology

 • Development psychology - infancy

 • Differential psychology

 • Experimental psychology

 • Health psychology

 • Pharmacotherapy

 • Psychiatry

 • Psychology of adolescence

 • Psychopathology

 • Public health

 • Social psychology