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Labo repro (LAB-REPROD-HUM (LRH))

Faculty of Medicine | Erasme Campus

Interfaculty institutes | U-CRC: ULB Cancer Research Center

(Code: ULB576)

Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation

F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA) - Télévie (personnel sous convention) - Fonds spéciaux de recherche - Financement de base institutionnel.

Thanks to recent progress in diagnosis and treatment of cancer, relapse-free survival rate has greatly improved over the last decades. Quality of life  ...

Gonadotoxicity and pharmacological protection of the ovaries during chemotherapy

F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA) - FRIA - Télévie - Fonds spéciaux de recherche - Organisations internationales.

The laboratory has also developed an important clinical research activity in collaboration with oncological centers in Belgium and abroad. The objectiv ...

Study of mechanisms regulating folliculogenesis

F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA) - Télévie - EOS - Financement de base institutionnel.

Ovarian tissue cryopreservation is usually proposed to preserve fertility of patients at risk of premature ovarian failure after antineoplastic treatme ...

In vitro maturation and oocytes vitrification in human: efficiency and clinical implications

F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA) - Financement de base institutionnel.

This project aims to evaluate and developed in vitro maturation technique and oocytes vitrification to improve the survival rate and the developmental  ...

Identification of candidat genes responsible for premature ovarian failure

Fonds associés (toutes subventions, y compris la Loterie Nat.) - Financement de base institutionnel.

Premature ovarian failure is defined by the stop of the ovarian function before the age of 40 years. Various etiologies have been already identify but  ...

Center of perinatal epidemiology and epidemiological studies

Fonds spéciaux de recherche - Région wallonne - Région bruxelloise.

The center of perinatal epidemiology (CePiP) was created by the initiative of the laboratory and allow to register all births in Wallonie and Bruxelles ...