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FOUCART Jennifer


Research in Psychology applied to Motor learning

Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

The main orientations are as follow: 
1. sport psychology : Studying the psychological components of performance; the use of sport as a vehicle for social integration; doping and addiction in sport; decision-making in the athlete's
2.Caregiver-care Relationship: improved caregiver-care communication, touch psychophysiology, impact of placebo on painful management and performance; improved patient well-being, use of medical hypnosis on painful management
3. Psychomotricity :  influence of environmental factors on the normal and pathological  child's psychomotricity; study of body pattern and body image in normal and pathological situations (including eating disorders) 

ULB Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Sports

Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

U-IRIS is intended to bring together research skills existing at ULB in the fields of sports and physical activity in order to stimulate collaboration and interdisciplinary research. The research carried out within U-IRIS could be the basis of evidence-based advice in various fields of sport and physical activity. ULB and each of U-IRIS partner groups, as well as their existing activities, platforms, infrastructures and collaborations, will gain in visibility, both internally and externally in a promising and rapidly evolving field.

The research carried out by U-IRIS is designed to be both fundamental and applied. It is developed around five major axes:
- clinics / sports medicine
- high level sports / performance
- rehabilitation / handicap and sports
- sports and society (including education through sports)
- prevention / public health / nutrition.

The groups participating in U-IRIS represent the Faculties of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Medicine, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Motor Sciences, the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, the School of Public Health, the Research Department, ULB-Sports and the Erasme Academic Hospital.


Study of normal and pathologic psychomotricity

- Study of normal and pathologic psychomotricity

Research on sport psychology

Psychological profiles, specific studies on trainer/athlete relation, body image and personality, selfesteem and identity. Goals : well-being and sportive winning.

Projects from CV

The UR in Psychophysiology of Motricity has set itself 3 central research themes:

- Psychomotricity and body image. This theme focuses on the impact of environmental factors (including psychotrauma) and organic factors on psychomotor aspects and body image.  But also on the contribution of body-psychological and psychomotor approaches to mental health and well-being.

- psychology of sport and physical activity.  This theme covers both the psychological factors that can enhance sports performance and the impact of sport on mental health, including well-being and social integration.

- Humanization in healthcare.  This theme focuses on the well-being of patients and caregivers, including the various interventions that can improve this.  In this theme, particular emphasis is placed on training caregivers in the dimensions of professional and inter-professional communication with a view to improving the humanization of care.