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Person in charge of the Unit : Oui
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Facilitating the transfer of research results in promotion and prevention of occupational health
In collaboration with V.U.B
The EXIT project is funded with support from the European Commission under the HORIZON Programme. THE SITUATION The world is in the midst of multiple political, economic, and social crises. Mounting inequalities across Europe further fuel these crises. Some territories and their citizens are “left behind”, while economic dynamism is increasingly concentrated in a few places. This is particularly prominent from a geographical perspective as spatial inequality grows within regions. Despite overall country level economic growth, certain regions are experiencing long-term socioeconomic stagnation or decline. These areas have been often characterised as ‘left-behind’. Yet, little is known of what drives ‘left-behindness’. OUR AIM EXIT will provide an in-depth analysis of ‘left-behind’ as a concept used for characterising territorial inequalities faced by certain areas, and identify strategies to address it. This means not only building knowledge on the drivers of inequality in areas that are characterised as ‘left-behind’, but also on what drives political, media and academic characterisations of these areas as ‘left-behind’ and experiences and perceptions of being ‘left-behind’ among inhabitants of these areas. To do so, EXIT proposes bottom-up, interdisciplinary and mixed-methods research with a community-based and intersectional approach from the analysis to the transferability of practices.
This research project aims to contribute to the analysis of concepts of psychosocial risks as a collective formulation of manifestations of unease in the workplace expressed by employees on a personal and emotional level in terms of stress or harassment. This will involve going beyond individualized, psychological approaches to the phenomenon, and addressing the explanatory factors to be sought within organizational transformation and labour management. This objective approach combined with measurement of psychosocial risk factors is a good starting point for questioning organizational structures and encouraging public and social debate regarding the definition of quality of life in the workplace. The non-profit sector will receive particular attention, for while its foundations are old, there are major changes underway: the process of paying a salary marked by the precarious job market, confrontation of a relatively autonomous profession with the transposition of managerial and market logic, contracting,' In addition the interpersonal aspect of the work, which is one of the aims of social intervention, appears to be a major source of conflict and unease in the workplace. The central theme of this research project therefore relates to changes in workplace organization and social relations, which are characteristics of the non-profit sector, analyzed as a potential source of violence at work.
Compilation of a compendium of good practices within companies in terms of return to work (2021)
See title
Evaluation of the gateway and transition synergies pole
The "Bridges and Transition" synergies center aims to strengthen the chances of sustainable integration of people far from employment by building bridges between integration and prequalification operators and players in qualifying training.
The main objective of the research is to study the social factors that contribute to make occupational and work-related diseases more visible. In particular, it will explore the ways in which the knowledge that workers in the non-profit sector have about their own working conditions can be mobilised to objectify risks and to improve the implementation of prevention measures in the workplace. The research will propose the analysis of health at work from a sociological perspective to address the issue of occupational risks as a socially constructed object.
Evaluation of support schemes for workers who have been the victims of collective redundancies in Wallonia.
Survey of working conditions in the quarries sector.
Evaluation de la législation relative à la prévention des risques psychosociaux
Développement des compétences dans le secteur aéronautique (2022-2023)
Les questions de métiers en pénurie, de digitalisation, d'évolution et de transformation des métiers sont au coeur des débats sur la mise à l'emploi des travailleurs inoccupés et le maintien et le développement des compétences des travailleurs en entreprise.
Evaluation de l'impact du travail syndical dans les entreprises.
Participation with the Ugent in the project: 'Evaluatie van de impact of union werking in ondernemingen' of KULeuven (sponsor: ABVV)
The present research project concentrates on the daily mobility of workingwomen, based upon a case study of Brussels. Focusing on womenwith different professional profiles and hence different socioeconomicidentities, it aims to analyze how much social, economic andcultural capital have an impact on the mobility of working women. Byinvestigating the different experiences of these women in terms of mobility,the project wishes to explore the individual strategies and discourseswomen develop in order to manage their mobility within their respectiveconditions. The goal is to shed light on the interrelatedness of different kindsof inequalities ' notably those based on class and gender ' and to identifyand thereby explain how differences arise in terms of use of urban space,access to work, and life quality.
In order to understand the under-representation of women in the music sector and within its federation, the FACIR (Federation of Authors Composers and Interpreters Reunited) decided to organize a research (by questionnaire and interview) in order to collect information on the professional trajectories of musician members of the federation.
Study on good practices concerning the return to employment
Research to collect good practices regarding the return to work of people on sick leave for medical reasons
Promoters: Esteban Martinez (Metices-ULB), Juan S. Montes Cato (CEIL-Buenos Aires) Sponsors: FNRS (Belgium) and CONICET (Argentina) - Exchange of Researchers Program
Experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: exploring alternatives The returns and readmissions (RR) policy is the preferred EU and Member State response to migrant irregularity. Attempts to enhance the "effectiveness" of this policy have created a shrinking pathway to guarantee migrants' rights, with restrictive readings of the Returns Directive and increased efforts to upturn returns and deportations. Yet, evidence shows that such measures have failed to improve the "effectiveness" of RR policy and furthered violations of fundamental rights. MORE problematises this "effectivity" approach by adopting a mixed-methods approach focused on ethnographic fieldwork with migrants and stakeholders to explore perceptions and consequences of the RR policy response. Furthermore, it identifies alternative solutions to the challenge of irregular migration in Europe and explores why these have not become a preferred response.
Popul'Art City: street art and urban renewal in the appointment of the integration of young people.
The project "Popul'Art Cité: street art and urban revitalization at the meeting point for the integration of young people in Charleroi" aims at setting up an integration path for young jobseekers through an integrated system vocational guidance, pre-qualification, qualification and support for employment and education. The implementation of collective projects of urban art and revitalization of neighborhoods, developed with young people, serves as a support for socio-professional integration initiatives. These projects involve the acquisition of skills related, in particular, to the trades of industrial painting, graphic and audiovisual arts and building. The course is declined in 10 specific actions realized, each year, with 40 young people coming from 2 distinct districts.
Structuring of the "current music professions" sector (2021)
Sustainable Employment in the Age of Digitalisation : challenges, obstacles and opportunities SEAD
The main objective of this project is to assess the potential for sustainable work and employment in the digital era, by identifying challenges, obstacles and opportunities in new and changing labour market niches We will inform policy answers aimed at optimizing opportunities and limiting vulnerability of workers...
Evaluation of the ESF intervention as part of the Wallonia Brussels 2020 FSE operational program.