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Research Center Leonardo Da Vinci
Person in charge of the Unit : Oui
The architectural research center LEONARDO DA VINCI (CRA-LDV or LDV research center) has been in existence since January 2009 within the framework of the Higher Institute of Architecture Victor Horta. It aims to develop a research dynamic specific to the ULB's Faculty of Architecture.Its structure and activities are set up to provide for its funding, to liberate and enhance individual initiatives, to publish and make visible research, and to participate in national and international networks.In addition to their teaching duties, many of its members participate actively in the professional life of an architect. One of the major strengths of the LDV research center is the combination of members with an increased knowledge of research at ULB and abroad, with professors who are actively involved.The Leonardo da Vinci Center is particularly positioned in an interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary dynamic between philosophy, psychology, art, architecture, landscape, sociology and town planning, thus enlarging the scope of research. This interdisciplinarity highlights a common and complex reflection that goes beyond the disciplinary frameworks in order to reinforce and acquire competences common to the associated disciplines.The Leonardo da Vinci Center undertakes transversal approaches along three main lines:- SPACE-TIME, the notion of the time and memory of the cities of the 21st century;- FORM, urban and architectural form in the face of the complexity of contemporary globalized cities;- NEW LANDSCAPES, the question of the city-nature in relation to the changes of urban landscapes in the face of globalization.These three axes of direction allow the LDV research center to broaden and rethink the fields of architecture, intermingling both theoretical and practical developments.The center also pursues close relations between the teaching of the project in architecture (MASTER 1 & MASTER 2) and research, through exchanges between students, PhD students, researchers, teachers and professionals in order to develop by-design research, a field not yet deepened within the university.
Le projet « URBAN MA[R]KERS» consiste en la création de structures durables créés dans une collaboration entre les étudiants de l'ULB et les écoles dans le périmètre opérationnel. Les publics visés sont donc les jeunes et plus particulièrement les élèves du quartier. Nous nous appuierons principalement sur les réseaux existants tels que SOS Jeunes – Quartier Libre AMO et les auteurs/acteurs du projet JERM pour atteindre ce public. Partant du constat que la zone apaisée, prévue dans la chaussée d'Ixelles, va modifier le quartier, cette nouvelle zone apaisée renforce essentiellement des enjeux politiques et commerciaux. En terme d’analyse urbaine, celle-ci aura une incidence non négligeable sur ses alentours et donc principalement dans le cadre du périmètre opérationnel du CQD Athénée. Ce projet urbain de zone apaisée porté par la commune et la Région, met en évidence tout le potentiel du territoire à occuper par le projet « URBAN MA[R]KERS». Il s’agira de saisir les opportunités dans le but de révéler de nouveaux espaces publics via un processus d’écoute, de rencontre, d’analyse, et de savoir-faire AVEC les jeunes du quartier, et ce via plusieurs partenaires du projet. Comment ? - Création de MARQUEURS URBAINS issus d’un PROCESSUS PARTICIPATIF axé sur LES JEUNES - Esquisse Commune – principe de fonctionnement avec des étudiants en architecture et en architecture du Paysage, en collaboration avec les jeunes des écoles du quartier (primaire et secondaire) ; - Prendre appui sur les réseaux existants tels que SOS Jeunes – Quartier Libre AMO et les auteurs/acteurs du projet JERM ; - Activités de création participative type cartographie urbaine portées par le collectif LU – Atelier de Lecture Urbaine sous forme de plusieurs ateliers ; - Coordination des activités et des créations par une personne en charge de la mise en œuvre du processus participatif sur les 4 années. Où ? - Résultat du Comment ? Quoi ? - Résultat du Comment ? - « Le marqueur est une information mais aussi une notification à partir d’une symbolique constituée par la culture. » (Charles-Edouard Houllier-Guibert). De la différence de culture entre jeunes du quartier et jeunes étudiants en architecture naîtra une réalisation encore inconnue. Les réponses seront certainement diverses mais auront toutes la volonté d’informer, de révéler de manière pérenne.
Architecture and Laboratory of Forms and Materials
The laboratory considers the act of creating from a perspective of the will, and therefore of the intention.Exploring and experimenting matter, a matter, for what it tells through its nature, its expression, its texture, its performances, outside of any projectual objective, that is, the act of ''doing'' .
The object of the study is to explore the link between architecture and the so-called exact sciences. Equations are everywhere, especially in architecture. The architect is not always trained to grasp this different linguistic reality. The relationship between the space of mathematical construction and that of the architect is the very heart of the subject of study. The development is multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary between architectural explorations and mathematical and physical developments.
The Leonardo da Vinci research center submitted an application for the Stephenson neighborhood contract in Schaerbeek. The project consists of the creation of play structures for children in Schaerbeek in a maximum participative process. These structures will take place in spaces reserved today for the car, the street parking strips. Thanks to the information gathered during workshops given in class and meetings with the inhabitants, the structures will be realized by the students of the faculty of architecture of the ULB in collaboration with the young people of the district. The origin of the project is threefold: the reading of the priorities defined for the CQD Stephenson firstly determined our orientation towards equipment and infrastructures devoted to children and youth. The lack of public space and the omnipresence of the car on the territory led us to think about the implantation on the parking strips. Finally, our experience on the CQD Athénée confirmed the feasibility of such a project within the framework of a CQD. Almost all the streets in the neighborhood have 2 car parking strips. By reinvesting this space for the weak user, the project aims to create public space, and therefore sharing, for the benefit of local residents. With the integration, from conception, young people and neighborhood residents, the process becomes a co-construction where each actor will work to the success of the project. The objectives of the project are • Reveal the potential of occupation by the weak user of the public space; • Ensure participatory co-construction of the project between architecture students and residents; • Open the faculty to neighborhood students; • Set up a unique and innovative project gathering all faculty architecture resources (Common Sketch, master's workshop, theoretical and optional courses, FabLab ...) serving the Stephenson district (project pending agreement)
Architecture and psychoanalysis
Architect and psychoanalyst find themselves, are complementary in the crossing of the processes that lead them. We could say that in psychoanalysis, we produce a void by framing the matter of speech, but we must also make it effective. And that in architecture, one produces the vacuum by the frame of the walls that one is going to open.The question of the language used and its foundations - concept, bias, act of building, space, plan, emptiness - are all words that are overused in our professional language.Asking a question means putting yourself in a position to answer it. To cross architecture and psychoanalysis through examples constitute reflexive tracks constituting a set of seminars / research encountering architecture and psychoanalysis.The question of the language used and its foundations - concept, bias, act of building, space, plan, emptiness, so many terms that are overused in our professional language.Asking a question means putting yourself in a position to answer it. To cross architecture and psychoanalysis through examples constitute reflexive tracks constituting a set of seminars / research mellant architecture and psychoanalysis.
Architecture and Anthropologie proposes to determine the role of the architect in the society of today and tomorrow, to take a position and attitude in order to develop a strategy that is as coherent as possible in relation to the given question.
How Modern Architecture is helping Wine to a New Change of Status?Analysis of the Phenomenon of New Modern Wineries built by Known Architects.Referencing, categorization and analysis.
Le collectif « PAPA » (Pédagogie par l’Action en Paysage et en Architecture) regroupe trois institutions Belges Francophones d’enseignement de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme. Celles-ci offrent depuis de nombreuses années des activités d’apprentissages impliquant une coopération entre étudiants en s’appuyant sur un même modèle pédagogique communément appelé « design and build » (D/B) ou « learning-bymaking» (LBM) issu de l’apprentissage expérientiel (EL). Ce modèle d’enseignement introduit historiquement dans le cursus architectural par l’école du Bauhaus a connu une série de développement durant la seconde moitié du XXème siècle, principalement dans le monde anglo-saxon et, bien que restant relativement marginal, il fait désormais partie intégrante de l’offre académique contemporaine (Folić, Kosanović, Glažar, & Fikfak, 2016). Les initiateurs Simon Blanckaert (UM), Denis Delpire (ULB), Jean-Philippe Possos (ULG), Olivier Sire (ULB) et Jean-Marc Sterno (ULB) cherchent au travers ce collectif, à partager leurs pratiques, les mettre en questionnement pour consolider leur place et leur pertinence, dans le paysage de l’enseignement supérieur en général et de celui de la formation des architectes, urbanistes et paysagistes en particulier.
The ephemeral architecture project is a place chosen for its specific characteristics (eg abandoned building) and a given theme (eg, urban resilience). Around this place and in connection with the theme, is articulated a week of workshops, seminars and research. In parallel with the reflection, all the elements necessary for the organization of an event (museum space, conference space, place for exchanges and debates, scenographic and cultural space, etc.) are orchestrated and built Hand to create a special atmosphere. This exercise also allows interaction between researchers and students of different years of the faculty. It is an opportunity for them to familiarize themselves with tools and materials of construction site and to make contact with the professionals of the trade and specialized companies.
Architecture and citizen participation
The ''URBAN MA [R] KERS'' project consists of the creation of sustainable structures created in collaboration between the ULB students and the schools within the operational perimeter. The target audiences are therefore the young people, and more particularly the students in the neighborhood. We will rely mainly on existing networks such as SOS Jeunes - Quartier Libre AMO and the authors / actors of the JERM project to reach this audience.
The desire to stay at home when you are older is widespread. However, the current system in the Brussels Region is not resilient: home care provision is segmented sectorally and linguistically; current solutions do not meet the diversity of old life projects or the diversity of situations; older people suffer from isolation and the resources and skills available to them are no longer valued by society; the burden and skills of caregivers are insufficiently identified, supported and mobilized, working conditions in the sector are difficult. Our project aims to build resilience in terms of "Aging well at home", taking into account the realities of the Brussels Region (not less than 27% of older people in Brussels would come from cultural diversity according to Kenniscentrum Woonzorg Brussel ( 2014)), Our proposal is to develop a mobile third-party (tested during the assembly phase in the form of a "yellow bubble" in the public space): an interstitial device between the home and the various organizations and people likely to accompany the senior and his caregivers in their singular project to better age at home. Our project has an important technical dimension (a mobile, playful, modular structure) but it serves as a basis for the development of close relationships with the senior, anchored in the neighborhood, its rhythms (weekly market, school outing, office religious) and its actors. It is therefore necessary to move from a sectoral perspective to a territorial perspective, from static to mobile, from institutional to relational, from standardized to diversity. Five categories of actors (360 °) are concerned: seniors, carers, workers, managers of accompanying organizations, researchers. Our research question is: How can a 360 ° mobile third-party contribute to the sustainability of aging well at home in diversity? The issues of knowledge concern four domains: the mobile device as such; autonomous, family, voluntary and professional care combinations that allow seniors from diverse backgrounds to pursue their life plans; the conditions of a well-being at work and a coordination between business in a neighborhood logic; the socio-economic models of aging well.