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Research Laboratory on Human Reproduction

Research work in close relation with reproductive science including Assisted Reproductive Technologies: fertility preservation program, genetic of infertility ; and cryobiology of gametes. The laboratory also develops different aspects of Bioethics and Epidemiology in the reproduction field.


Gonadotoxicity and pharmacological protection of the ovaries during chemotherapy

The laboratory has also developed an important clinical research activity in collaboration with oncological centers in Belgium and abroad. The objectives are to study the impact of new therapies on ovarian function and to develop innovative pharmaceutical approaches  in order to preserve fertility. The laboratory first investigated the protective effect of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRHa) administrated during chemotherapy in patients with lymphoma (POF trial- NCT01160315). This study gave the opportunity to the lab to develop a large network of international collaborations and to confirm his expertise in the evaluation of the gonadotoxicity of chemotherapies.
The laboratory currently conduct several academic studies at national and international levels as reference laboratory (POSITIVE  NCT02308085 ; AHL-2011 NCT01358747) or as promoter (BROVALE  NCT02661932 ; CHANCE NCT02595255 ; fAMHOPE). Many retrospective studies have also been carried out in our laboratory and permit somes publications or TFEs.

Recently, the laboratory developed new project to innovate in the pharmacological ovarian protection. As master regulators of genes transcription, microRNAs showed high potential by regulating transcription and post-transcription of targeted genes involved in fundamental cell functions including cell proliferation and apoptosis. Where miRNAs are used as genes modulators to increase the sensitivity of the neoplasic cells to chemotherapy, they might also be useful to reduce toxicity in healthy cells. By studying the role of miRNAs in follicular response to toxic agents, we aim to find a way to keep follicle healthy at the quiescent stage during chemotherapy.

In addition, the lab is studying the impact of new anticancer treatments on the gonads, and more particularly for patients with a genetic mutation predisposing to breast cancer (BRCA) thanks to the transgenic animal model and the use of the ovarian tissue donated for the research.