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HABITER Study center in Development, Territory and Landscapes (HABITER)

Faculty of Architecture (La Cambre-Horta) | Research Centers

(Code: ULB759)

Person in charge of the unit : BRUNFAUT Victor.

HABITER is the Study Center in Development, Territory and Landscape which, within the ULB's Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta, is engaged with the
study of landscape, urban and territorial transformation dynamics in the North as well as in the South of the world.   Its activities are focused on
cooperation and development issues at large, with an ecological and cultural approach to sustainability and context.   HABITER was created in June 2013, as a step
in the development of research activities within the Faculty of architecture; a process started with the creation of the Center of Associated Labs for
Research in Architecture CLARA in January 2011, and the unification of the two former superior institutes for architecture ISACF-La Cambre (founded 1927) and
ISAI-Victor Horta (founded 1711 as Royal Academy of Fine Arts) and their integration in the university in 2010.   HABITER develops its research activities
in close link to the two other pillars of the university's mission: teaching and service to society.   The members of HABITER explore the rationales of
spatial and societal transformations of urban and non urban spaces, trough the peculiar tools of architecture, urban and landscape design, supported by the
input of connected disciplines such as the Humanities, the Social, Natural and Engineering Sciences.   The works developed within HABITER target fields such
as cultural heritage, urban services, landscape, energy transition, local governance, sustainable neighbourhoods, etc. seen as the indicators and drivers of
the ongoing developments and changes within cities and territories nowadays. The approach developed within HABITER is context- and scale-specific ' from
the architectural object to the urban, landscape and territorial systems ' and turns its attention to the existing or required socio-political, technical,
and spatial devices able to guarantee innovative forms of development, in relation to the rising frames of reference in regional planning, governance,
landscape and ecological urbanism.

Campus : La Cambre-Horta
Location : ULB - SITE FLAGEY
Address : CP248 - Place Flagey, 19 - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-639.24.24
Fax : +32-2-640.96.96
E-mail :
Web site :

Frascati domains:

 • 6.5 Other humanities

Disciplines CRef :

 • Architecture and urban art

 • Building design and construction process

 • Cultural and social anthropology

 • Development cooperation

 • Ecology

 • Economic development and growth

 • Geographic information systems

 • History of european countries or populations

 • Material science

 • Rural geography

 • Rural sociology

 • Social development

 • Sociology of development

 • Territory development

 • Town-planning

 • Town-planning and architecture (sociological aspect)

 • Urban sociology

 • Waste treatment

 • Waste water treatment