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REPI Recherche et Études en Politique Internationale

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | REPI

(Code: ULB704)

Skills of the unit :

 Avis d’initiative en préparation à la Conférence des Nations-Unies sur les changements climatiques
Romain Weikmans : audition par le Conseil Fédéral du Développement Durable dans le cadre de la rédaction d'un "Avis d’initiative en préparation à la Conférence des Nations-Unies sur les changements climatiques (COP29)", 2024
► Contribution by Edoardo Baldaro (FNRS postdoc Research fellow at REPI) on the military coup d'état in Niger and its consequences on regional stability, for the "Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale" (Observatory of International Politics) edited by the Italian Institute of International Politics (ISPI) for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2023.
► Christophe WASINSKI auditionné en Commission Défense nationale sur ''L'utilisation de drones dans les secteurs de la sécurité et de la Défense'', 14 mars 2018.
► Mission ARES-CCD : appui institutionnel à l'Université d'Haïti - Pilote d'atteinte de résultat (PAR), développement de la recherche - Janvier 2014 - décembre 2016. Chercheur : Barbara DELCOURT.
► National Model United Nations - Faculty Advisors - Training, academic support and supervision of the ULB Student delegation to the Model United Nations in New York. Financing: Miscellanious. External link Researchers: Anaïs CAMUS-CARLES (2013), Alexis CARLES (2010-2011); Vincent CHAPAUX (2012-2013); Eric FABRI (2013), Sidney LECLERCQ (2011-2012).
► Consultation on the preparation on Fourth High Level Conference on Aid Effectiveness in Busan. Expertise of the Grapax on the preparation on Fourth High Level Conference on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, planned to occur in December 2011. Researcher: Sidney LECLERCQ. 
► London International Model United Nations : train, follow and accompany the student delegation of ULB to the United Nations simulation in London.Financing organisation : Diverse. Period: October 2010 - February 2011. External Link: Researcher: Sidney LECLERCQ. 
► Mission to Rwanda and Burundi - Jan/feb 2011. In order to present a communication at the Regional Conference on the Reconstruction Process in Rwanda and to conduct a large number of interviews for his research on transitional justice, Sidney Leclercq traveled to Rwanda and Burundi in January and February 2011.Financing organisation: CUD. Period: 2 weeks. External Link: Researcher: Sidney LECLERCQ. 
► Session régionale du projet PIC de construction d'un réseau de chercheurs dans la région des grands lacs. Thème : reconstruction et gestion du passé après les conflits et le génocide : la politique de la mémoire du génocide au Rwanda.Financing organisation : CUD. Period : 7 jours. Chercheur : Barbara DELCOURT. 
► Consultation on EU Green paper on Development.Grapax expertise in the consultation organized by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of Belgium on the Green Paper on the future of European development cooperation. Researcher: Sidney LECLERCQ. 
► Mission to New York City and Washington DC.As part of its research for the GRAPAX (Research Group in Support of Peace Policies) , Sidney LECLERCQ traveled to New York City and Washington DC in April 2010 to conduct interviews with the Belgian mission to the UN, the Embassy of Belgium, the World Bank and the Institute for Conflict Analysis andResolution. The interviews focused particularly on the external coherence and coordination of Belgium in international organizations on the matters of state-building and Security Sector Reform (SSR). Sidney Leclercq also attended a debate at the Security Council UN on the theme of 'Post-Conflict Peacebuilding). Financing organisation: CUD.  Period: 8 days. 
► PRIO Project The Commercialization of Security: Consequences for Peace and ReconciliationChristian Olsson participates to this project the general idea of which is to shift the discussion on the role of commercial military services in conflict areas away from a focus on regulation of existing services to the question of how to think about what kind of services should be there in the first place (a version of the inherently public functions debate). However, the ambition is not to provide the ultimate answer to this question but to create awareness of the kinds of processes that should be salient when engaging it. Coordination: Prof. Anna Leander; Prof. Peter Burgess. Financing organisation: PRIO. Period: 1 year (December 2010-December 2011);
► Improving access to medicines in developing countries through technology transfer related to medical products and local production - November 2010. Financing organisation: UNCTAD - WHO - ICTSD - EU. Period: 3 days. Researcher: Jean-Frédéric MORIN. 
► Barbara DELCOURT a participé aux activités de formation doctorale organisées à Bujumbura autour de la question des enfants soldats. Elle s'est rendue ensuite à Bukavu pour soutenir les activités du partenaire congolais et a donné une conférence sur la sécurité humaine. Financing organisation : CUD. Period : 10 days.
► Basic Generate Training (BGT) in Civil Crisis Management.Sidney LECLERCQ received the certification from the Basic Generate Training (BGT) in Civil Crisis Management organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Egmont Institute, the Federal Police and the Ministry of Justice. Financing organisation: SPF Affaires étrangères. Period: 2 weeks. 
► Oct 2010. Financing organisation : Development Solutions, funded by the European Commission. External Link: Researcher: Jean-Frédéric MORIN.
► Contribution to the CBD COP 10 negotation guide - Sept 2010; Amandine BLED-ORSINI has participated to the elaboration of the CBD COP 10 negotiation guide published by the Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie (IEPF) and the Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société (Institut EDS), in particular to its article dealing with ABS : organisation: Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société (Institut EDS). Period: 2 days. External Link:
► Mission to Bujumbura, Burundi - January 2010.Sidney LECLERCQ has traveled to Burundi to conduct interviews as part of its research for the GRAPAX (Research Group in support of peace policies). These interviews focused on the forms of whole of government approaches to statebuilding by different actors in Burundi. He met personal from the French and Dutch embassies, the First Vice-Presidence of the Republic of Burundi, the CNCA (National Coordinating Committee for Aid), the CNDRR (National Committee for Demobilization Reintegration and Reinsertion), and the IDEC (Economic Development Institute). Financing organisation: CUD.  Period: 7 days. 
► Mission at the United Nations general assembly (oct. 2008). As a petitioner, Vincent Chapaux took part, for the second time, in the work of the United Nations General Assembly about the case of Western Sahara. Period : 2 days. Researcher: Vincent CHAPAUX. 
► Mission at the United Nations General Assembly (oct. 2007). As a petitioner, Vincent CHAPAUX took part, for the first time, in the work of the United Nations General Assembly about the case of Western Sahara.Period : 2 days.