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Integration of Standards, Ecodesing and Users in energy-using products

Units : Centre of Studies for Sustainable Development | ULB561

Description :

The ISEU (for Integration of Standards, Ecodesing and Users in energy-using products) project is conceived as an integrated
socio-technological study about the manufacturing and the using of household energy consuming appliances. It relies on the skills of
three partners in order to examine how standards and ecodesign could take into account the use phase and the different kinds of
users. This shall be done by studying three topics in the domain of EuP: -	User's dynamics: How do users appropriate appliances? What
do they expect from their appliances? Which role could play appliances in teaching more eco-efficient behaviours? -	Standard's
dynamics: How are standards elaborated? How do ecodesign schemes fit in the construction of standards? -	Producers' dynamics: how do
they take into account users' practices and needs in the design phase? Which options do they take/not take that have an impact on
energy use, and why? The project will have a particular focus on the interface between appliances and users. This interface will be
viewed from both points of view: -	users and their habits, practices and knowledge -	producers and the possibility to integrate
ecodesign standards. In other words, the project will examine what is the actual room for manoeuvre in the elaboration of standards
in order to ease energy demand side management in households. EuPs will be studied as an agency of constraints of different
kinds:  technological, economical, ergonomic, social and cultural, health and safety, environmental. The aim of the project is to
analyse how an eco-conception could reallocate these constraints. In which LCA phase should standardisation be carried out? Which norms
should be implemented? The project will evaluate the potential for technological improvements from the point of view of energy
consumption and will recommend policy measures making it possible to realize gradually this potential.

List of persons in charge :

  • WALLENBORN Grégoire

List of lessors :

  • PAI