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NEETS : Evaluation of the support schemes for workers in collective redundancies in Wallonia. NEETS project of Forem

Evaluation of support schemes for workers who have been the victims of collective redundancies in Wallonia.



L'évaluation du dispositif global de partenariat d'Actiris, compris comme l'ensemble des activités menées par les patenaires formels d'Actiris.

Study on good practices concerning the return to employment

Research to collect good practices regarding the return to work of people on sick leave for medical reasons

Popul'Art City: street art and urban renewal in the appointment of the integration of young people.

The project "Popul'Art Cité: street art and urban revitalization at the meeting point for the integration of young people in Charleroi" aims at setting up an integration path for young jobseekers through an integrated system vocational guidance, pre-qualification, qualification and support for employment and education. The implementation of collective projects of urban art and revitalization of neighborhoods, developed with young people, serves as a support for socio-professional integration initiatives. These projects involve the acquisition of skills related, in particular, to the trades of industrial painting, graphic and audiovisual arts and building. The course is declined in 10 specific actions realized, each year, with 40 young people coming from 2 distinct districts.

Musical trajectories and under-representation of women in the Belgian French-speaking music sector (2019-2020)

In order to understand the under-representation of women in the music sector and within its federation, the FACIR (Federation of Authors Composers and Interpreters Reunited) decided to organize a research (by questionnaire and interview) in order to collect information on the professional trajectories of musician members of the federation.

Evaluation de l'intervention FSE dans le cadre du programme opérationnel FSE Wallonie Bruxelles 2020.EU

Facilitating the transfer of research results in promotion and prevention of occupational health

In collaboration with V.U.B

Structuring of the "current music professions" sector (2021)


Evaluation of the ESF intervention as part of the Wallonia Brussels 2020 FSE operational program.


Evaluation of the gateway and transition synergies pole

The "Bridges and Transition" synergies center aims to strengthen the chances of sustainable integration of people far from employment by building bridges between integration and prequalification operators and players in qualifying training.

Sociological understanding of prevention approaches in occupational health. Trade union strategies and mobilization of collective knowledge to make occupational diseases visible in the non-market sector.

The main objective of the research is to study the social factors that contribute to make occupational and work-related diseases more visible. In particular, it will explore the ways in which the knowledge that workers in the non-profit sector have about their own working conditions can be mobilised to objectify risks and to improve the implementation of prevention measures in the workplace. The research will propose the analysis of health at work from a sociological perspective to address the issue of occupational risks as a socially constructed object.