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Theoretical and mathematical physics

Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

The research unit is interested in the theoretical and mathematical description of the fundamental interactions. In particular we are interested in Einstein's theory of gravity (e.g. black holes and theoretical cosmology), in its possible extensions to dimensions different than four and, eventually, in the study of a consistent theory of quantum gravity. These efforts lead naturally to models such as string theory, where all interaction are unified. In this context, we use and develop novel techniques in quantum field theory (e.g. renormalization and anomalies) and in supersymmetry. Another problem is the one of non perturbative aspects of gauge theories (supersymmetric or not), which should explain the origin of mass and confinement in QCD.


Algebric Structure of Gauge theories, BRST symetry

Gauge symmetries play a crucial rôle in the formulation of models describing the fundamental interactions. It is planned to pursue the theoretical analysis of the algebraic structure of gauge symmetries through the powerful approach of BRST theory 

Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Quantum Gravity, String Theory

In spite of many attempts, there exists no mathematically consistent quantum theory of the gravitational field. String theory offers the best hope for solving this problem.  Work towards a better understanding of quantum gravity is being pursued.

Black holes

Black holes raise a number of issues whose resolution will probably shed important light on quantum gravity . These issues arise already in the simpler context of three- dimensional gravity. The third project pursues the analysis of black hole physics, both in three and four dimensions.