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CALABRESE Laura Marina


ReSIC: Research Center in Information and Communication

Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

ReSIC explores the vast and multidimensional field of Information and Communication sciences.  The research conducted at ReSIC investigates, on the one hand, the content, organization and evolutions of mass media, past and present and, on the other hand, organisational communication, public relations and marketing, and in particular the way new tools and technologies are impacting on network dynamics.  A third concern is the use of digital information, its organization and management in mechanisms of knowledge sharing, as well as data preservation, collection and transmission.  Furthermore, resarch is conducted in the field of semiotics of performing arts, with particular attention to drama reception and audiences.  Combining research and field work on cultural, media and technological issues, the ReSIC research team is working in close connection with civil society organizations, professional journalists, private and non-profit corporations and cultural bodies

Migration Asylum Multiculturalism

Créé en novembre 2004, le Centre de recherche transdisciplinaire ''Migrations, asile, multiculturalisme'' (MAM) de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles réunit des enseignants, des chercheurs et des doctorants de diverses disciplines des sciences humaines. Ainsi, font partie de ce centre de recherche transdisciplinaire des personnes provenant de quatre Facultés (Faculté de sciences sociales, politiques et économiques, Faculté de Droit, Faculté des Sciences psychologiques et de l'Education, Faculté de Philosophie et lettres) et de quatre Instituts (Institut de Sociologie, Institut d'Etudes Européennes, Institut du travail, l'Institut de Gestion de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire. Le MAM a pour objectif de promouvoir des recherches, des séminaires et des colloques dans une perspective interdisciplinaire.


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