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Epidemiology, biostatistics and clinical research (CR2)

School of Public Health | Research Centers

(Code: ULB744)

Person in charge of the unit : COPPIETERST WALLANT Yves.

Quantitative Methods in Public Health include the statistical and epidemiological aspects. The research we do is essentially applied: methodological and
thematic approaches are closely related. The application areas are very large. The research concern both low, middle income countries and hight income
countriesThe team is specialized in the development of observational studies and intervention protocols at the community level as well as clinic level. It also
specializes in the research analysis of the most appropriate data and the use of statistical modeling methods.

Campus : Campus Hospitalo-Fac
Campus Erasme
Location : Bâtiment A 1er étage
Address : CP598 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-555.40.44 / 40.13
Fax : +32-2-555.40.49
E-mail :
Web site :

Frascati domains:

 • 3.5 Other medical sciences

Disciplines CRef :

 • Cardiology and circulation

 • Environmental health

 • Epidemiology

 • Pediatrics

 • Preventive medicine

 • Public health

 • Sanitary and medical statistics

 • Statistical analysis and applied statistics