Site en français

Alice (AlICe)

Faculty of Architecture (La Cambre-Horta) | Research Centers

(Code: ULB733)

Person in charge of the unit : DERYCKE Denis.
Campus : Campus Solbosch - Fl
Location : Faculté d'architecture la Cambre Horta site Flagey, Local Fl. 1.4
Address : CP248/01 - Place Flagey, 19 - 1050 Bruxelles
E-mail :
Web site :

Frascati domains:

 • 2.11 Other engineering and technologies

 • 5.8 Media and communications

 • 6.1 History and archaeology

Disciplines CRef :

 • Architecture and urban art

 • Drawing and graphic art

 • Photogrammetry - mapping

 • Town-planning and architecture (sociological aspect)