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Research Group in Sociology of Art and Culture (GRESAC)

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Institute of Sociology

(Code: ULB642)

Person in charge of the unit : VANDER GUCHT Daniel.

The GRESAC conducts surveys and PhD. thesis in the field of the sociology of art et culture. Founded and led by Daniel Vander Gucht, the GRESAC works
together with an international network of universities such as the Université de Genève (prof. André Ducret and Frédéric Varone), the Université du
Québec à Montréal (prof. Louis Jacob and Jean-Philippe Uzel), Opus, which covers over thirty services in the sociology of the arts in France, the R.C. 18
''Sociologie de l'art'' of the International French speaking Sociologists Association (AISLF) and the R.C. 37 ''Sociology of the Arts'' of the ISA.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : Institut de Sociologie, 10e étage, bureau 115
Address : CP124
Phone number : +32-2-650 33 64 / 34 32
Fax : +32-2-650 35 21
E-mail :
Web site :