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Research group on international actors and their discourses (GRAID)

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Institute of Sociology

(Code: ULB550)

Person in charge of the unit : GOBIN Corinne.

This project is focused first on the analysis of the socio-political representation of actors within the EU political system. These actors not only include
the European Authorities (European Council, Council of Ministers, European Commission or European Parliament) but also the main social actors such as
trade unions and employers' organizations. Our objective is to investigate the nature of this political system and its evolution by considering not only the EU
level but also its articulation with the national and international level. Our motivation is to study how Democracy is a collective production through
overall the declaration of social rights. A specific interest is aimed at the wage rights and the collective actors who support them. Secondly, we are also
interested by the lexical circulation at the international scale in the field of the fundamental social rights.In order to do so, lexicometric methods, as
well as other research tools linked at the critical discourse analysis, will be used to study discourses and institutional/official texts.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : Institut de Sociologie (Bât S), niveau 14, local S.14.127
Address : CP124
Phone number : +32-2-650.49.15
Fax : +32-2-650.35.21
E-mail :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Language sociology