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Quality and security of information systems (QualSec)

Faculty of Sciences | Computer Science

(Code: ULB516)

Person in charges of the unit : ROGGEMAN Yves, MARKOWITCH Olivier, GOOSSENS Joël.

The QualSec research group performs research in real-time scheduling theory and in cryptography and computer security.

Campus : Campus de la Plaine
Location : Campus de la Plaine, Bâtiment NO, niveau 8, couloir N
Address : CP212 - Boulevard du Triomphe, ACC.2 - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-650.59.14
Fax : +32-2-650.56.09
E-mail :
Web site :

Frascati domains:

 • 1.2 Computer and information sciences

Disciplines CRef :

 • Computer technology hardware

 • General informatics

 • Information and communication technologies (ict)

 • Mathematical informatics

 • Teaching of sciences

Spin-offs related of the unit :

 • HipperOS

 • NoLink

 • NoLink and Everyone