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Center of Cultural Anthropology (CAC)

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Institute of Sociology

(Code: ULB415)

Person in charge of the unit : GOSSELAIN Olivier.

The Centre for Cultural Anthropology (CAC) of the ULB is specialised in the fields of religious anthropology, environmental anthropology, historical
anthropology, cultural technology, and the study of material cultures. Its fieldworks are mainly situated in Africa, Asia and South America, both in rural and
urban settings. 

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : Secrétariat : Bâtiment S, 13ème niveau -13123
Address : CP124 - Avenue Jeanne , 44 bte CP 124 - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-650.31.83
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Anthropology

 • Archaeology and technics of excavations

 • Cultural and social anthropology

 • General linguistics