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Medical psychology, alcohol and drug addiction

Faculty of Medicine | Brugmann Hospital

Interfaculty institutes | UNI, ULB Neuroscience Institute

(Code: ULB312)

Person in charge of the unit : KORNREICH Charles.

The Laboratory of Medical Psychology ensures the intendance of the lessons and clinics of Medical Psychology and Psychosomatic Medecine, as well as the
framing and coordination of the various research projetcs in this fields. The basic philosophy of Medical Psychology consists in the consideration of the
patient according to the bio-psycho-social model aiming at integrating the multiple physiological, environmental and psychological aspects which give an
account of its disorders of health. 

Campus : Hôpital Brugmann
Location : Service de Psychiatrie, Bâtiment A, 1er étage, local 1HA8
Address : CP403/21 - Place Van Gehuchten, 4 - 1020 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-477.27.01
Fax : +32-2-477.21.62 / 35.14
E-mail :
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