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Laboratory of Physiology and Pharmacology (LAPP)

Faculty of Medicine | Erasme Campus

(Code: ULB230)

Person in charge of the unit : BAEYENS Nicolas.

Cardiac fibrosis (Prof. N. Baeyens) - Cardiovascular biomechanics and vascular remodeling (Prof. N. Baeyens) - Physiopathology of the cardiovascular system
and pulmonary circulation (Prof. K. Mc Entee, Dr. L. Dewachter) - Dental sciences and oral health (Prof. S. Cetik and Prof. N. Baeyens) - Bioelectricity
(Prof. A. Boom and Prof. R. Beauwens) - Cardiac surgery (Prof. Vanden Eynden)

Campus : Campus Hospitalo-Fac
Campus Erasme
Location : Bât. GE, Côté E2, niveau 4, porte 108
Address : CP604 - Route de Lennik, 808 - 1070 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-555.63.63 ou 61.61
Fax : +32-2-555.41.24
E-mail :

Frascati domains:

 • 2.6 Medical engineering

 • 3.1 Basic medicine

 • 3.2 Clinical medicine

 • 3.4 Health biotechnology

 • 3.5 Other medical sciences

Disciplines CRef :

 • Biomedical engineering

 • Biomedical sciences

 • Biophysics

 • Cardiology and circulation

 • General biomedical sciences

 • General physiology

 • General physiology (animal)

 • General physiology (biophysics)

 • Histology

 • Others biomedical sciences

 • Pathological physiology

 • Regulation physiology

 • Stomatology - odontology

 • Surgery