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Laboratoire Cognition, Langage et Développement

The research focus of the LCLD concerns the study of human cognition and language with a developmental and educational perspective, a field also known as developmental or educational neuroscience. Although a large part of the research is based on behavioral experimental techniques, with normally developing children, children with cognitive or sensory developmental impairments and adult participants, current projects also integrate computational modelling as well as neuroimaging techniques (ERP, fMRI, MEG).
The lab has a long tradition of research on visual word recognition processes, and on reading and spelling acquisition in typical and atypical development. Major themes of active investigation at the moment concern aspects of language processing and reading — language processing across modalities; spoken and printed word recognition processes; written language acquisition disorders (dyslexias/dysgraphias); language development in hearing-impaired persons; bilingualism and second language acquisition.
But also, more recently, we have started research on numerical and mathematical cognition: current projects include the analysis of the relationships between early preverbal numerical abilities and later skills; influence of conventional notation systems on quantity perception and estimation; numerical and arithmetic developmental disorders and their link with language ability.
LCLD is a member of CRCN ( and UNI (


Développement linguistique des enfants issus de l'immigration

Développement des habiletés de lecture et d'orthographe chez les enfants issus de l'immigration (principalement d'origine marocaine). Examen de facteurs qui déterminent cette évolution : compétence en langue française, compétence en langue marocaine, niveau socio-économique. Etude de l'influence de la compétence en langage oral sur l'apprentissage scolaire en Espagne chez les enfants immigrés bilingues Espagnol-Arabe