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Physiological chemistry of exercise

Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

Constitué dans l'année 1972, au sein du département Laboratoire des Sciences de la motricité de la Faculté Institut des Sciences de la Motricité (ISM), l'unité Unité de recherche en chimie physiologique est l'un des centres de recherche de la faculté qui a pour mission de mener des recherches sur les axes suivants : Métabolisme de la glutamine à l'exercice, Fonctionnement rénal et exercice, Effets de l'âge sur la fonction rénale, à l'exercice., Nutrition du sportif.

Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics

In an open space at the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the LNMB (Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics) embraces searchers with different backgrounds encouraging interactions under common propositions:

“Movement is inescapable in understanding the human essence of sensorimotor, cognition, emotion, and social communication processes. Oscillatory brain activity is their crucial mechanism.”

Links :
Fonds Leibu

ULB Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Sports

U-IRIS is intended to bring together research skills existing at ULB in the fields of sports and physical activity in order to stimulate collaboration and interdisciplinary research. The research carried out within U-IRIS could be the basis of evidence-based advice in various fields of sport and physical activity. ULB and each of U-IRIS partner groups, as well as their existing activities, platforms, infrastructures and collaborations, will gain in visibility, both internally and externally in a promising and rapidly evolving field.

The research carried out by U-IRIS is designed to be both fundamental and applied. It is developed around five major axes:
- clinics / sports medicine
- high level sports / performance
- rehabilitation / handicap and sports
- sports and society (including education through sports)
- prevention / public health / nutrition.

The groups participating in U-IRIS represent the Faculties of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Medicine, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Motor Sciences, the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, the School of Public Health, the Research Department, ULB-Sports and the Erasme Academic Hospital.


Brain EEG dynamics during spatial navigation

The goal is to investigate the EEG dynamical patterns during active locomotion (using the “Virtual City Locomotion Maze” test developed by Alain Berthoz and his team, Collège de France) and the related abilities such as planning, replanning, visuo-spatial working memory, and inhibition control and to explore the links between such EEG dynamical patterns and behavioral indices (Castilla et al., 2021). 

Collaboration : Prof. Alain Berthoz 

Exploring the oscillatory cerebral interactions between the motor and the attentional system under three conditions: action observation, attention deficit with/out hyperactivity and mindfulness

While both, motor and attention systems play fundamental role in high order cognitions, such as action understanding, imitation or motor imagery, this doctoral thesis aims to characterized brain EEG (electroencephalogram) oscillatory interactions between motor and attention controls. First, the role and the oscillatory contribution of visuo-motor neurons (mirror neurons in particular) in cognition is investigated. The second step is to study brain oscillation during motor inhibition in attention deficit with/out hyperactivity (ADHD). The large-scale networks activity related to attention control and non-reactivity stance underlying mindfulness practices (static and in movement) are also examined. In this context, this research also covers neural dissociations between perceptual and motor inhibitions.

Collaboration : Prof. Guy Cheron & Prof. Ana Bengoetxea

Neuroscience in Sport

Study of the neurophysiological markers of performance in high level sportsmen and sportswomen, by the combined analysis of 3D movements of the whole body, eye movements, muscle signals and brain waves during their specific gestures in both team, and individual sports as during previous collaborations with the Red Lions (Belgian national team of hockey) and the Tornados (relay team of the Belgian national athletics team). We are currently interested in Taekwondo martial art.

Collaboration : Fondation Cerveau & Société

Biological patterns recognition by Deep Learning models

In joint collaboration between the LNMB and the Machine Learning Group (Computer Science Department, ULB), this doctoral thesis focuses on improving myoelectric prosthesis control using camera-guided neuromuscular pattern recognition by Deep Learning models trained with synchronized EMG, EEG and 3D hand pose estimation during controlled activities in virtual reality. The project also encompasses brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and electrophysiological diagnostic tools (EDT). 

Collaboration : Prof Guy Cheron & Prof Gianluca Bontempi 

Brain function on astronauts on board the International Space Station.

The LNMB has previously shown that brain function and brain states of astronauts onboard the International Space Station can be non-invasively approached through EEG oscillations (Neurocog and Neurospat ESA missions). Microgravity offers an environment where cognitive-affective and sensorimotor functions are continuously challenged. Our purpose is to characterize the influence of weightlessness on the dynamic functional re-organization of the brain.