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NDIAYE Alassane Ballé



Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

Logistics and Transport Systems


AIMS - Advanced Impacts Evaluation Methodology for Innovative Freight Transport

The aim of this project was to design advanced impact assessment methodology for sustainable transport research applied to European R&D projects and programmes in order to maximize the success of public or private investments in freight transport RTD.
Qalinca Labs participated in this project as a leader for the intermodal transport mode and has evaluated research activities in the field of intermodal transport relevant to the FP5, FP6/ and FP7 programme. They have developed guidelines for increasing the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of current and future R&D programmes at EU level and produced recommendations for the definition of new research policy objectives.

Choud’Bruxelles - Chaîne logistique innovante pour l’alimentation durable

L’objectif de ce projet est le diagnostic des chaînes logistiques d’approvisionnement des produits locaux dans la région de Bruxelles Capitale et design des solutions innovantes et performantes (social, économique et environnemental) pour les parties prenantes

TEMPTRACK Temperature-Tracking solutions

The solution for the automatic traceability of temperature in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry using RFID technology
Qalinca Logictisc Labs was in charge of modeling the supply chain, evaluating the logistical and environmental performance of the solution, impact assessment

e-PAWATT Integrated platform for the performance assessment of waterborne transport and traffic operations

Diagnostic et évaluation du réseaux lagunaire dans la ville d’Abidjan et dimensionnement d’un réseau de transport par bateaux-bus .

UrbanWize - Plateforme de communication et gestion pour une logistique urbaine intelligente

L’objectif du projet URBANWISE est de concevoir, développer, valider et évaluer une plateforme informatique qui vise à connecter tous les acteurs de la logistique urbaine, quel que soit le type d’entreprises (transporteur, fournisseur, entrepreneur, ), quelle que soit la taille de l’entreprise (grande entreprise dotée des systèmes informatiques performants ou PME) et quel que soit son rôle au sein de la chaîne logistique, ceci afin d’optimaliser la gestion des transports de marchandises en milieu urbain.

FCCP - Fuel Cell Cargo Pedelecs

FREIGHTWISE - Management Framework for Intelligent Intermodal Transport

The aim of the FREIGHTWISE project was to support the modal shift of cargo flows from the road to intermodal transport using roads in combination with short sea shipping, inland waterways and rail by means of improved management and facilitation of information access and exchange between large and small, public and private stakeholders across all business sectors and transport modes. Qalinca Lab participated in the Evaluation and Validation of solutions developed within FREIGHTWISE project and developed a specific SWOT analysis approach for technico-economic assessment of the communication and management platform developed within

PULSE - Planning Urban Logistics for Sustainable Economy

The objective of this is to develop an innovative strategy for implementing sustainable logistics solutions for the urban freight transport in Brussels-Capital Region. The project develops several scenarios for the distribution of goods in the Brussels Capital Region, which are then assessed according
to several aspects (technical, economical, technological, environmental, social and political). The project team works in close co-operation with relevant stakeholders, such as regional authorities or the representatives of the private sector.

Selis - Planning Urban Logistics for Sustainable Economy. Prospective Research for Brussels

SELIS is aimed at delivering a ‘platform for pan- European logistics applications’ for all EU logistics stakeholders, offering focused interoperability, addressing adoption barriers and contributing to EU policy for growth and sustainability. Qalinca is in charge of design a framework which enables a transport collaboration system in urban area and the capacity building for this project.

TRASILUX - Tracability solution for luxury industries

Secure solution for traceability using RFID and NFC technology in order to support fight against counterfeiting and theft in the luxury industry
Qalinca Lab was in charge of identification and analysis of structural changes in the supply chain due to the tracebility solution and identification of application of the solution in other sectors