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Unité de Recherche en Neurophysiologie et de Biomécanique du Mouvement

In an open space at the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the LNMB (Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics) embraces searchers with different backgrounds encouraging interactions under common propositions:

“Movement is inescapable in understanding the human essence of sensorimotor, cognition, emotion, and social communication processes. Oscillatory brain activity is their crucial mechanism.”

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Fonds Leibu


Determination of physiological transition factors and running speed variations associated with the perception of effort.

Based on emerging new paradigms to exceed human performance and personal bests in marathon (Variable speed vs. constant speed (1) physiological responses)/ Power vs. Endurance using acceleration training/ (2) Strategy for a better marathon performance using mathematics allowing to run more time below the average speed/ (3) Running by “perception” to finely adjust these speed variations and anticipate the "wall" on a marathon), the objective of this doctoral thesis is to optimize the running strategy by defining with precision the different stable or transitory states of the athlete in the field of human exercise physiology including electroencephalogram (EEG) brain signals. Also, to improve the conduct of the athlete on his path of optimal speed so that he can perform his race in the best conditions of performance and wellness. The methodology relies on (neuro) physiological, biomechanical, and mathematical concepts under ecological field conditions to provide a stable physiological state recognition algorithm.

Collaboration : Prof. Ana Maria Cebolla Alvarez, Prof. Véronique Billat, Prof. Guy Cheron