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Research Unit in Rehabilitation Sciences

Person in charge of the Unit : Oui

Our research unit aims to study the physiological and physiopathological aspects of the lympho-venous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. At the heart of our interests are the evaluation of function, imaging, and the effects of physiotherapy prevention and rehabilitation.
Research in these 3 areas is the responsibility of:
JP Belgrado: Project Lymphology / Main subject: lypoedema
J Van Cant: Project Musculoskeletal physiotherapy / Main subject: The runner
G Deboeck: Project Cardiovascular and respiratory rehabilitation / Main subject: Vascular adaptation during aerobic training


Cardiovascular and Respiratory Rehabilitation

Evaluation of the effects and means of rehabilitation, including exercise, on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The main focus of this project concerns muscular vascular adaptation following aerobic training.
other lines of research are developed such as:
-The interest and safety of muscle strengthening in cardiac rehabilitation.
-Relation between cognition, breathing and balance in COPD patients
-The impact on cardiovascular and respiratory health in the charcoal production sector in Democratic Republic of Congo
-Urinary and faecal incontinence in COPD patients.