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Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy

Units : Laboratory for Functional Anatomy | ULB390

Description :

Comparative anatomy of the Achilles tendon 
This project, carried out in collaboration between LAF, LABO, the Swedish School of Sports and the Histology Laboratory, aims to
study the macroscopic and microscopic morphology of the human and primate Achilles tendon to clarify contradictions in the
literature concerning the twisting of fibers, the existence of sub-tendons and the preferential location of overload lesions within the
tendon. To this end, this study combines several in vivo and in vitro techniques to answer these questions, including classical
dissection and morphometry, stereophotogrammetry, histology and medical imaging.

List of persons in charge :

  • FEIPEL Véronique

List of lessors :

  • Région bruxelloise

  • Autres fonds publics belges