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2012-2017: Partnership in the creation of a «Center of excellence in planning and urban governance» and a «Master program in Urbanism» at the University of Lubumbashi (RDC)

Units : HABITER Study center in Development, Territory and Landscapes | ULB759

Description :

PIC-CUD Targeted Inter-university program, coordination: PHILIPPE BOUILLARD (Faculté des Sciences appliquées ' école
polytechnique, département BATir - AIA, ULB); belgian partners: JAN BOGAERT (Gembloux AGRO-BIOTECH, ULg), YVES HANIN (CREAT ' UCL);
PHILIPPE HANOCQ (ULg); local partners: DONATION BUKOME ITONGWA (UNILU), CÉSAR NKUKU KHONDE (UNILU). Total budget, all partners included:
439.970,37' (collaboration 2012-2014: YVES ROBERT, PHILIPPE LECOQ)