
Site en anglais

Infrastructure de mobilité

Unité : LoUIsE - Laboratoire Urbanisme, Infrastructures, Ecologies et Paysage | ULB740

Description :

Mobility management in metropolitan areas become increasingly important in urban transformations and politics. LoUIsE analyses the historical development
of mobility infrastructure, their structuring function in the transformation of metropolitan areas and their contemporary uses. The works of Judith le Maire
on urban walking in the early 20th century, the thesis of Géry Leloutre on the urban modernist heritage of Brussels around infrastructure, the thesis of
Claire Pelgrims on the tension between imaginaries of fast and slow mobilities in the evolution of mobility infrastructure, and the thesis of Yannick
Vanhaelen on the entanglements between cultural institutions and mobility infrastructures are few examples. Those researches contribute to a deep understanding
of the dynamics that transforms Brussels metropolitan area during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Liste des responsables :

  • GRULOIS Geoffrey

Liste des bailleurs :

  • Autres fonds publics belges