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Global mapping of livestock and livestock production systems

Description :

The geographical distribution of livestock (cattle, sheep, goat, pig, chicken, duck, buffaloes, camels) is a key driver of the
distribution of diseases and has important environmental impacts at a global scale in terms of direct pollution through manure
managment, greenhouse gaz emissions and contribution to antimicrobial resistance. Our work aim to better map the distribution of
livestock production at a global scale, with some special emphasis on intensive livestock production and projections.

List of persons in charge :

  • GILBERT Marius

List of lessors :

  • F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA)

  • FRIA

  • PAI

  • Programme cadre de R&D (PCRD)

  • Gouvernements étrangers

  • Organisations internationales