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Kinome, gene expression and mutation profiling to predict response to new therapies in metastatic melanoma and to bring new insights in mechanism of resistance

Units : Laboratory of Oncology and Experimental Surgery | ULB305

Description :

Kinase profiling in melanoma metatstatic tissue allows to obtain a precise image of the global activity of signaling pathways and
to correlate it with the response to targeted cancer agents such as kinase inhibitors currently extensively studied. The first aim
is to establish kinase profiles that can first suggest the inhibitor to be used and to predict response. The second aim will be
to study the intrinsic and acquired mechanisms of resistance.

List of persons in charge :

  • GHANEM Ghanem Elias

  • JOURNE Fabrice

List of lessors :

  • Autres fonds publics belges

  • Entreprises privées